<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
package cn.neilone;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
import ognl.OgnlRuntime;
public class OgnlListener implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
<constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="false" />
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" />
<package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
<default-action-ref name="index"></default-action-ref>
<action name="index">
<action name="hello" class="cn.neilone.struts2.HelloAction" method="sayHello">
package freemarker.core;
import java.io.IOException;
public class TextBlock extends TemplateElement {
private static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0];
static final TextBlock EMPTY_BLOCK = new TextBlock(EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY, false);
// We're using char[] instead of String for storing the text block because
// Writer.write(String) involves copying the String contents to a char[]
// using String.getChars(), and then calling Writer.write(char[]).By
// using Writer.write(char[]) directly, we avoid array copying on each
// write.
private char[] text;
private final boolean unparsed;
public TextBlock(String text) {
this(text, false);
public TextBlock(String text, boolean unparsed) {
this(text.toCharArray(), unparsed);
private TextBlock(char[] text, boolean unparsed) {
this.text = text;
this.unparsed = unparsed;
* Simply outputs the text.
public void accept(Environment env) throws IOException {
public String getCanonicalForm() {
String text = new String(this.text);
if (unparsed) {
return "<#noparse>" + text + "</#noparse>";
return text;
public String getDescription() {
String s = new String(text).trim();
if (s.length() == 0) {
return "whitespace";
if (s.length() > 20) {
s = s.substring(0, 20) + "...";
s = s.replace('\n', ' ');
s = s.replace('\r', ' ');
return "text block (" + s + ")";
TemplateElement postParseCleanup(boolean stripWhitespace) {
if (text.length == 0)
return this;
int openingCharsToStrip = 0, trailingCharsToStrip = 0;
boolean deliberateLeftTrim = deliberateLeftTrim();
boolean deliberateRightTrim = deliberateRightTrim();
if (!stripWhitespace || text.length == 0) {
return this;
if (parent.parent == null && previousSibling() == null)
return this;
if (!deliberateLeftTrim) {
trailingCharsToStrip = trailingCharsToStrip();
if (!deliberateRightTrim) {
openingCharsToStrip = openingCharsToStrip();
if (openingCharsToStrip == 0 && trailingCharsToStrip == 0) {
return this;
this.text = substring(text, openingCharsToStrip, text.length
- trailingCharsToStrip);
if (openingCharsToStrip > 0) {
this.beginColumn = 1;
if (trailingCharsToStrip > 0) {
this.endColumn = 0;
return this;
* Scans forward the nodes on the same line to see whether there is a
* deliberate left trim in effect. Returns true if the left trim was
* present.
private boolean deliberateLeftTrim() {
boolean result = false;
for (TemplateElement elem = this.nextTerminalNode(); elem != null
&& elem.beginLine == this.endLine; elem = elem
.nextTerminalNode()) {
if (elem instanceof TrimInstruction) {
TrimInstruction ti = (TrimInstruction) elem;
if (!ti.left && !ti.right) {
result = true;
if (ti.left) {
result = true;
int lastNewLineIndex = lastNewLineIndex();
if (lastNewLineIndex >= 0 || beginColumn == 1) {
char[] firstPart = substring(text, 0,
lastNewLineIndex + 1);
char[] lastLine = substring(text, 1 + lastNewLineIndex);
if (trim(lastLine).length == 0) {
this.text = firstPart;
this.endColumn = 0;
} else {
int i = 0;
while (Character.isWhitespace(lastLine[i])) {
char[] printablePart = substring(lastLine, i);
this.text = concat(firstPart, printablePart);
if (result) {
return result;
* Checks for the presence of a t or rt directive on the same line. Returns
* true if the right trim directive was present.
private boolean deliberateRightTrim() {
boolean result = false;
for (TemplateElement elem = this.prevTerminalNode(); elem != null
&& elem.endLine == this.beginLine; elem = elem
.prevTerminalNode()) {
if (elem instanceof TrimInstruction) {
TrimInstruction ti = (TrimInstruction) elem;
if (!ti.left && !ti.right) {
result = true;
if (ti.right) {
result = true;
int firstLineIndex = firstNewLineIndex() + 1;
if (firstLineIndex == 0) {
return false;
if (text.length > firstLineIndex
&& text[firstLineIndex - 1] == '\r'
&& text[firstLineIndex] == '\n') {
char[] trailingPart = substring(text, firstLineIndex);
char[] openingPart = substring(text, 0, firstLineIndex);
if (trim(openingPart).length == 0) {
this.text = trailingPart;
this.beginColumn = 1;
} else {
int lastNonWS = openingPart.length - 1;
while (Character.isWhitespace(text[lastNonWS])) {
char[] printablePart = substring(text, 0, lastNonWS + 1);
if (trim(trailingPart).length == 0) {
boolean trimTrailingPart = true;
for (TemplateElement te = this.nextTerminalNode(); te != null
&& te.beginLine == this.endLine; te = te
.nextTerminalNode()) {
if (te.heedsOpeningWhitespace()) {
trimTrailingPart = false;
if (te instanceof TrimInstruction
&& ((TrimInstruction) te).left) {
trimTrailingPart = true;
if (trimTrailingPart)
trailingPart = EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY;
this.text = concat(printablePart, trailingPart);
return result;
* private String leftTrim(String s) { int i =0; while (i<s.length()) { if
* (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))) break; ++i; } return
* s.substring(i); }
private int firstNewLineIndex() {
String content = new String(text);
int newlineIndex1 = content.indexOf('\n');
int newlineIndex2 = content.indexOf('\r');
int result = newlineIndex1 >= 0 ? newlineIndex1 : newlineIndex2;
if (newlineIndex1 >= 0 && newlineIndex2 >= 0) {
result = Math.min(newlineIndex1, newlineIndex2);
return result;
private int lastNewLineIndex() {
String content = new String(text);
return Math.max(content.lastIndexOf('\r'), content.lastIndexOf('\n'));
* figures out how many opening whitespace characters to strip in the
* post-parse cleanup phase.
private int openingCharsToStrip() {
int newlineIndex = firstNewLineIndex();
if (newlineIndex == -1 && beginColumn != 1) {
return 0;
if (text.length > newlineIndex) {
if (newlineIndex > 0 && text[newlineIndex - 1] == '\r'
&& text[newlineIndex] == '\n') {
if (new String(text).substring(0, newlineIndex).trim().length() > 0) {
return 0;
// We look at the preceding elements on the line to see if we should
// strip the opening newline and any whitespace preceding it.
for (TemplateElement elem = this.prevTerminalNode(); elem != null
&& elem.endLine == this.beginLine; elem = elem
.prevTerminalNode()) {
if (elem.heedsOpeningWhitespace()) {
return 0;
return newlineIndex;
* figures out how many trailing whitespace characters to strip in the
* post-parse cleanup phase.
private int trailingCharsToStrip() {
String content = new String(text);
int lastNewlineIndex = lastNewLineIndex();
if (lastNewlineIndex == -1 && beginColumn != 1) {
return 0;
String substring = content.substring(lastNewlineIndex + 1);
if (substring.trim().length() > 0) {
return 0;
// We look at the elements afterward on the same line to see if we
// should strip any whitespace after the last newline
for (TemplateElement elem = this.nextTerminalNode(); elem != null
&& elem.beginLine == this.endLine; elem = elem
.nextTerminalNode()) {
if (elem.heedsTrailingWhitespace()) {
return 0;
return substring.length();
boolean heedsTrailingWhitespace() {
if (isIgnorable()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
char c = text[i];
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
return false;
if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
return true;
return true;
boolean heedsOpeningWhitespace() {
if (isIgnorable()) {
return false;
for (int i = text.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
char c = text[i];
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
return false;
if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
return true;
return true;
boolean isIgnorable() {
if (text == null || text.length == 0) {
return true;
if (!isWhitespace()) {
return false;
// trick here
boolean atTopLevel = true;
TemplateElement prevSibling = previousSibling();
TemplateElement nextSibling = nextSibling();
return ((prevSibling == null && atTopLevel) || nonOutputtingType(prevSibling))
&& ((nextSibling == null && atTopLevel) || nonOutputtingType(nextSibling));
private boolean nonOutputtingType(TemplateElement element) {
return (element instanceof Macro || element instanceof Assignment
|| element instanceof AssignmentInstruction
|| element instanceof PropertySetting
|| element instanceof LibraryLoad || element instanceof Comment);
private static char[] substring(char[] c, int from, int to) {
char[] c2 = new char[to - from];
System.arraycopy(c, from, c2, 0, c2.length);
return c2;
private static char[] substring(char[] c, int from) {
return substring(c, from, c.length);
private static char[] trim(char[] c) {
if (c.length == 0) {
return c;
return new String(c).trim().toCharArray();
private static char[] concat(char[] c1, char[] c2) {
char[] c = new char[c1.length + c2.length];
System.arraycopy(c1, 0, c, 0, c1.length);
System.arraycopy(c2, 0, c, c1.length, c2.length);
return c;
boolean isWhitespace() {
return text == null || trim(text).length == 0;
2010-09-16 08:35 1149The class "The class " ... -
2010-09-15 09:31 851准备在GAE中用spring管理JDO,无奈搞了n久仍然没有搞 ... -
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.security.AccessControlException
2010-09-14 15:24 1333今天开始将spring整合到GAE上,竟然出现了问题。根据网络 ... -
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.swing.tree.TreeNode is a restricted class
2010-09-13 20:32 1838今天在GAE中配置Struts中出现了不少问题,以下是其中一个 ... -
Provider org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl not found
2010-09-13 19:20 1978javax.xml.transform.Transformer ... -
GAE原来有Eclipse 3.5的插件
2010-09-13 13:53 1435一直在看Google官方GAE的教程,也就傻傻地认为Googl ...
标题中的“GAE Struts2配置”指的是在Google App Engine (GAE) 上配置Struts2框架的过程。GAE是一个基于Java的云平台,允许开发者部署Web应用,而Struts2是一个流行的MVC(模型-视图-控制器)框架,用于构建Java Web...
Struts2、Spring、JDO(Java Data Objects)和AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)是四个在Web应用开发中非常关键的技术。这篇博客“Struts2,Spring,JDO,AJAX on GAE”可能探讨了如何在Google App Engine (GAE)...
在【gae-struts2-spring-tiles-starter】这个压缩包中,我们可以预见到包含以下几个部分: 1. 项目配置:如pom.xml(Maven配置文件),包含了项目的依赖信息,如GAE SDK、Struts2、Spring和Tiles的版本。 2. 源代码...
标题中的“GAE中整合SSH2的空项目备份”指的是在Google App Engine (GAE) 平台上集成Secure Shell (SSH) v2协议的一个空白项目,可能是为了实现远程管理和调试应用的功能。GAE是一个托管服务,它允许开发者部署Java...
标题"让gae支持php的方法"所指的就是如何在GAE环境中运行PHP应用程序。描述中提到的"基于java的Quercus"是一个关键的解决方案,它是一个兼容PHP的Java实现,可以让我们在不直接支持PHP的GAE上运行PHP代码。 Quercus...
在本实例中,我们将探讨如何将Google App Engine (GAE) 与三个强大的Java框架——Struts2、JPA(Java Persistence API)以及Spring进行整合,以构建一个高效的Web应用程序。GAE是一个由Google提供的云平台,允许...
**图形自动编码器(GAE)在PyTorch中的实现** **一、GAE概述** 图形自动编码器(Graph Autoencoder, GAE)是一种应用于图数据的深度学习模型,它结合了自动编码器(Autoencoder)的思想与图神经网络(Graph Neural...
在【标签】中,"pytorch"、"pytorchgae"、"GAE"、"自编码器" 和 "gaepytorchmaster" 是关键点。"pytorch" 是一个广泛使用的深度学习框架,提供了灵活的计算图机制,适合构建复杂的神经网络模型,如自编码器。...
2. **数据存储**:Spring与GAE的数据存储API(如JDO或JPA)结合,可以提供一个统一的数据访问层,简化对Google Datastore的操作。 3. **调度任务**:Spring的TaskExecution和TaskScheduler模块可以与GAE的后台任务...
- **BAE**则支持MySQL数据库,这为开发者带来了便利,但由于不支持ORM工具和JDBC连接池,因此在实际操作中可能会遇到一定的不便。 4. **部署与调试** - **GAE**提供了SDK和Eclipse插件,允许开发者在本地进行开发...
GAE支持多种编程语言,包括Python、Java、Go、Node.js等,提供了完整的基础设施,如数据库服务、存储系统、身份验证以及负载均衡。 在学习和使用GAE进行建站的过程中,以下几个关键知识点是必须掌握的: 1. **开发...
pass之GAE入门教程, 学习GAE
4. 由于GAE不支持传统的SQLite数据库,你需要在开发环境中使用如MySQL或PostgreSQL等其他数据库,然后在生产环境中切换到Datastore。 5. 设置`urls.py`文件,确保URL路由正常工作。 6. 在`app.yaml`文件中定义你的...