When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.
All is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett
Try not. Do or do not.
The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see.
--Winston Churchill
The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
--Joseph Conrad
A book that talks about the recent days anxiety and gives solutions based on the eastern philosophy to overcome it.
Learn how AI experts create intelligent game objects and characters with this first volume in the AI Game Programming Wisdom series. This unique collection of articles gives programmers and developers...
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Game AI Pro 3 Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
AI Game Programming Wisdom 英文清晰扫描版 by Steve Rabin
good book for anyone interested in game ai programming! great, a must have part 1
Game AI Pro 2 Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals.pdf
great book, a must have for anyone doing game ai
There’s a great deal of wisdom in a crowd, but how do you listen to a thousand people talking at once? Identifying the wants, needs, and knowledge of internet users can be like listening to a mob.In ...
1. **全屏截图**:ScreenHunter 5 Free 支持全屏捕获,一键即可获取整个显示器的图像,适用于快速保存屏幕快照。 2. **窗口截图**:能够精确地捕获特定的窗口或对话框,包括最小化窗口,确保用户能够捕获到所需的...
Steve Rabin编写。。。被认为是AI编程中的精髓之作。。。 由于上传大小的限制。。。共分了3卷。。。
Steve Rabin编写。。。被认为是AI编程中的精髓之作。。。 由于上传大小的限制。。。共分了3卷。。。
而"wisdom-api-0.5.zip"这个压缩包,就是对GitHub API的一种纯功能Scala实现,名为"ghscala",它为开发者提供了一个便捷的工具来与GitHub平台进行互动。 "ghscala"是一个开源项目,这意味着它的源代码是公开的,...
Writing better software: 30 years of UNIX development wisdom In this book, five years in the making, the author encapsulates three decades of unwritten, hard-won software engineering wisdom....
1. **领域模型**:在智慧少年项目中,领域模型是教育业务的核心,可能包括学生、教师、课程、班级等实体(Entity)以及它们之间的关系。这些实体包含了业务规则和行为,如学生的选课、教师的教学等。 2. **值对象**...
Part of the Drugs in series, this book provides an easily accessible pocket-sized guide to the use of medications when treating patients with neurological ailments. Drugs in Neurology covers the ...