Android's camera Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) connects the higher level camera framework APIs in android.hardware to your underlying camera driver and hardware. The camera subsystem includes implementations for camera pipeline components while the camera HAL provides interfaces for use in implementing your version of these components.
For the most up-to-date information, refer to the following resources:
- camera.h source file
- camera3.h source file
- camera_common.h source file
- CameraMetadata developer reference
The following figure and list describe the HAL components:
Figure 1. Camera architecture
. This code calls the lower level native code to obtain access to the physical camera and returns data that is used to create the android.hardware.Cameraobject at the framework level.frameworks/av/camera/Camera.cpp
provides a native equivalent to theandroid.hardware.Camera class. This class calls the IPC binder proxies to obtain access to the camera service.frameworks/av/camera
directory that calls into camera service. ICameraService is the interface to the camera service, ICamera is the interface to a specific opened camera device, and ICameraClient is the device's interface back to the application framework.frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.cpp
, is the actual code that interacts with the HAL.Implementing the HAL
The HAL sits between the camera driver and the higher level Android framework and defines an interface you must implement so apps can correctly operate the camera hardware. The HAL interface is defined in thehardware/libhardware/include/hardware/camera.h
and hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/camera_common.h
header files.
defines camera_module
, a standard structure to obtain general information about the camera, such as the camera ID and properties common to all cameras (i.e., whether it is a front- or back-facing camera).
contains code that corresponds to android.hardware.Camera. This header file declares a camera_device
struct that in turn contains a camera_device_ops
struct with pointers to functions that implement the HAL interface. For documentation on the camera parameters developers can set, refer toframeworks/av/include/camera/CameraParameters.h
. These parameters are set with the function pointed to by int (*set_parameters)(struct camera_device *, const char *parms)
in the HAL.
For an example of a HAL implementation, refer to the implementation for the Galaxy Nexus HAL inhardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera
Configuring the shared library
Set up the Android build system to correctly package the HAL implementation into a shared library and copy it to the appropriate location by creating an
- Create a
directory to contain your library's source files. - Create an
file to build the shared library. Ensure the Makefile contains the following lines:LOCAL_MODULE := camera.<device_name> LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH := hw
Your library must be named
is appended automatically), so Android can correctly load the library. For an example, see the Makefile for the Galaxy Nexus camera located inhardware/ti/omap4xxx/
. - Specify your device has camera features by copying the necessary feature XML files in the
directory with your device's Makefile. For example, to specify your device has a camera flash and can autofocus, add the following lines in your device's<device>/<company_name>/<device_name>/
Makefile:PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := \ ... PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/native/data/etc/ \
For an example of a device Makefile, see
. - Declare your camera’s media codec, format, and resolution capabilities in
XML files. For details, see Exposing codecs to the framework. - Add the following lines in your device's
Makefile to copy themedia_profiles.xml
files to the appropriate location:# media config xml file PRODUCT_COPY_FILES +=\ <device>/<company>/<device>/media_profiles.xml:system/etc/media_profiles.xml # media codec config xml file PRODUCT_COPY_FILES +=\ <device>/<company>/<device>/media_codecs.xml:system/etc/media_codecs.xml
- To include the Camera app in your device's system image, specify it in the
variable in your device'sdevice/<company>/<device>/
Makefile:PRODUCT_PACKAGES :=\ Gallery2\ ...
### Android Framework Camera模块详解 #### 一、Android Camera模块概述 Android系统中的Camera模块是一个重要的组成部分,主要用于处理视频输入功能。该模块被设计为一个框架层(framework),旨在支持多种不同...
在深入解析三星方案Android Camera Framework之前,我们需要先了解Android Camera Framework整体的概念,再针对三星的特定实现进行详细探讨。Android Camera Framework是Android操作系统中用于管理相机硬件的一个...
其中,Camera Framework 是 Android 操作系统中负责处理 CAMERA 相关功能的框架,Camera HAL 是 CAMERA 硬件抽象层,Camera Client 是应用程序与 Camera Framework 之间的接口。 Camera Architecture(Binder 机制...
RTSP camera aims to establish an Android platform as a streaming server for the device's camera output. In order to register for receiving the camera stream, the Real-Time streaming protocol (RTSP) is...
承担着于用户直接进行交互的责任,承接来自用户直接或者间接的比如预览/拍照/录像等一系列具体需求,一旦接收到用户相关UI操作,便会通过Camera Api v2标准接口将需求发送至Camera Framework部分,并且等待Camera ...
android camera framework结构图
Android Framework的复杂性与精妙设计是其成为全球最广泛使用的移动操作系统之一的关键。通过对框架核心组件的深入分析,我们不仅能更好地理解Android系统的运作机制,还能在开发过程中做出更优化的设计决策,提升...
### Android Camera Framework Stream详解 #### 一、概述 在深入探讨`android_camera_framework_stream`之前,我们先简要了解一下此主题的基本概念与重要性。在Android系统中,摄像头功能是移动设备的重要组成部分...
在 Android 环境下,Camera Framework 是一个非常重要的组成部分,它为开发者提供了与摄像头硬件交互的接口。本文将深入探讨 Camera Framework 的架构、工作原理以及如何实现 Camera Framework 来支持不同的硬件驱动...
4. **Camera Framework**:这部分是Android系统的一部分,为应用程序提供API接口。它位于Camera Service之上,提供了诸如捕获图片、录制视频等功能的调用方法。主要分为Camera1和Camera2两个API版本。 - **Camera1...
Android Camera 模块作为移动设备上的核心功能之一,在系统架构设计上显得尤为重要。为了更好地理解其内部工作原理,我们首先需要对它的整体架构有一个清晰的认识。 **Android Camera 模块**主要由两大部分组成:...
自己总结的Android Camera系统架构及源码分析,以framework和hal为主。
Android Framework 是 Android 操作系统的核心组件之一,负责提供基本的系统服务和功能。下面将对 Android Framework 进行深入分析,涵盖其目录树、camera HAL 接口库、cmds 命令、runtime 环境等多方面的知识点。 ...
(精品)Android Camera分析(整理).pdf Android 的Camera架构介绍.pdf Camera模块解析驱动.pdf ...学习camera framework 总结.pdf Android框架下Camera的设计与实现.pdf android_Camera框架分析.pdf
Android框架揭秘 金泰延 宋亨周 朴知勋 李白 林起永 著 武传海译 《Android框架揭秘》通过对Android...Android服务框架的结构与理解,通过Camera Service、Activity Manager Service等服务分析实际的Android服务等。
"android_Camera.7z"这个压缩包包含的资源,主要是对Android相机框架的深入分析,特别是聚焦于framework层面的重点流程。让我们详细探讨一下Android相机系统的关键知识点。 1. **Android相机框架概述**:Android...
在安卓(Android)平台上,相机(Camera)是操作系统与硬件之间的重要接口,使得开发者能够创建丰富的拍照和视频录制应用。这份“安卓Android源码——camera,修改过可以在4.0系统上运行”的压缩包,提供了Android ...