Getting Started with PhoneGap-BlackBerry with the Latest EnvironmentPage history last edited by Michael Brooks 1 hour ago
Getting Started with PhoneGap-BlackBerry (Latest Environment)
This article explains how to setup the latest BlackBerry development environment. If you have trouble with this article, you may want to setup the legacy environment.
The BlackBerry developer environment is an Eclipse Plugin that includes a BlackBerry simulator and tools for application packaging / deployment.
•This guide is intended for Windows. It has been tested on Windows XP x86 and x64.
•OS X partially works, but Eclipse cannot detect installed versions of JDE.
•Currently, PhoneGap does not run on JDE 5.0.
1.Download the latest version of the Java Developer Kit (JDK).
◦At the time of writing this article, the latest version is JDK 6 Update 20.
◦You must install a 32-bit version of the JDK.
◦The BlackBerry Plugin can only recognize a 32-bit JDK and Eclipse IDE.
2.Install the JDK.
◦During the installation, you will be asked to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - please do this.
Eclipse IDE
1.Download the latest version of the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (or Eclipse IDE Classic).
◦At the time writing of this article, the latest version is Eclipse 3.5.2 (Galileo).
2.Install the Eclipse IDE.
◦Install by extracting the ZIP archive to a desired installation directory.
◦e.g. C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse-3.5.2 3.Run the Eclipse IDE for the first time.
◦To ensure there are no problems with the installation.
4.Close the Eclipse IDE.
BlackBerry Plugin for Eclipse
1.Download the latest BlackBerry Plugin for Eclipse.
◦You will need a BlackBerry Developer Zone account (free).
◦The Plugin's name is misleading. BlackBerry Java Plugin for Eclipse v1.1 means the Plugin version is 1.1 (not Eclipse).
2.Install the Plugin to the Eclipse directory.
◦Make sure Eclipse is closed.
◦The Plugin must be installed into the root of your Eclipse directory.
◦e.g. C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse-3.5.2\
BlackBerry JDE Component Packs
The JDE component packs allow you to build your Blackberry application for a specific Blackberry platform. By default, the BlackBerry Plugin includes JDE 5.0.
1.Open the Eclipse IDE
2.Select Help > Install Software
3.Click the button Add..
◦Name: <Leave blank>
4.Select the JDE component packs.
◦Select version 4.7.
◦Select other version that you want.
5.Click OK
6.Select Next > Next > Finish
◦There is a legal agreement on the last window
7.When the Authentication prompt appears
◦Username & Password is your BlackBerry Developer Zone account.
◦If multiple login prompts appear, then enter your credentials into each.
■Cancelling any login prompt will cancel the installation.
8.Restart Eclipse when prompted.
◦Do it. Restarting Eclipse is important.
PhoneGap Application Setup
Create a BlackBerry Project
1.Open the Eclipse IDE.
2.Select File > New > Project...
3.Select BlackBerry Project
4.Press Next
5.On the Create a BlackBerry Project screen
◦Project Name: Enter a name for your application
◦Use Project Specific JRE: Select JRE 4.7 or under
■JRE 5.0 does not currently work with PhoneGap
6.Press Finish.
Import the PhoneGap-BlackBerry Project
1.Download the PhoneGap-BlackBerry source.
◦Click the Download Source button in the top-right.
2.Extract the PhoneGap-BlackBerry source.
◦e.g. C:\PhoneGap-BlackBerry\3.Copy & paste the following directories:
◦C:\PhoneGap-BlackBerry\framework\example => C:\<Your Eclipse Project Path>\src\example◦C:\PhoneGap-BlackBerry\framework\src\com => C:\<Your Eclipse Project Path>\src\com4.Rename \example to \www
◦C:\<Your Eclipse Project Path>\src\example => C:\<Your Eclipse Project Path>\src\www5.Open the Eclipse IDE
i.Right-click on your BlackBerry-PhoneGap project
ii.Select Refresh
■You should now see \com and \www packages under the \src tree
Run the PhoneGap-BlackBerry Project in the Simulator
1.Open the Eclipse IDE
2.Right-click on your PhoneGap-BlackBerry Project
◦Select Run As > BlackBerry Simulator
3.The simulator will open and run your application.
◦The application can be found in the simulator's Downloads directory.
Eclipse Getting Started All you need to do is ensure that ./libs/phonegap.jar. Simply right click on ./libs and select Build Path > Configure Build Path. Choose Java Build Path and select the ...
PhoneGap的核心思想是将Web应用包装在原生的移动应用壳中,使得这些Web应用能够访问设备的功能,如摄像头、GPS、加速度计等,而无需编写原生代码。这个框架由Adobe公司维护,并且遵循Apache许可证。 在"phoneGAP...
1. "深入浅出 phonegap 代码.zip" - 这个文件可能是关于PhoneGap的教程或者示例代码,包含了深入讲解PhoneGap使用方法的代码示例,可以帮助初学者理解PhoneGap的工作原理和实践应用。 2. "" - 这是...
这个"phonegap完整例子!"是针对Android平台的一个示例项目,特别适合在pad设备上运行,并且包含了自定义插件的实现,这对于深入理解和使用PhoneGap技术尤其有帮助。 1. **PhoneGap基础概念** - PhoneGap基于Apache...
这个资源包含PhoneGap的源代码,版本为Cordova2.9,以及相关的示例程序,这为我们深入理解PhoneGap的工作原理和开发流程提供了宝贵的材料。 Cordova2.9是PhoneGap的一个重要版本,它在那时提供了对多种移动操作系统...
PhoneGap实例是一个深入实践的项目,它展示了如何利用PhoneGap框架结合jQuery Mobile或jqMobi来构建跨平台的移动应用程序。PhoneGap是一个开源框架,它允许开发者使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript来开发原生的移动应用,...
PhoneGap环境搭建是开发跨平台移动应用的第一步,这里我们将详细讲解如何进行PhoneGap的配置和安装。 1. **系统需求**:首先,你需要一个支持PhoneGap开发的计算机系统,通常要求是Windows、Mac OS或Linux。确保...
PhoneGap的核心理念是通过Web技术来桥接移动设备的原生功能,如摄像头、地理位置、存储等,让Web开发者也能开发出具有原生体验的移动应用。 在"PhoneGap拍照,图片保存应用"这个主题中,我们将探讨如何利用PhoneGap...
PhoneGap的核心理念是通过WebView技术将Web应用程序与原生设备的功能相结合,使开发者无需掌握多种原生编程语言即可实现多平台的移动应用开发。 PhoneGap的主要特点包括: 1. **跨平台开发**:PhoneGap支持Android...
PhoneGap的核心理念是通过Web技术来桥接移动设备的原生功能,使得开发者无需深入学习各种平台的原生代码,就能创建功能丰富的应用。 在这个"PhoneGAP实例源码"压缩包中,包含了三个有趣的实例:汇率换算器、万圣节...
3. **PhoneGap Camera Plugin**:PhoneGap的相机插件提供了一种更简单的方式来访问设备的摄像头。开发者可以通过调用``方法,选择拍照或从相册选取图片,并获取图片的Base64编码或文件...
### PhoneGap介绍与原理 #### 背景与挑战 随着移动互联网的快速发展,各种平台如雨后春笋般涌现,其中包括移动设备、桌面应用、Web应用及Flash应用等。这种多平台的趋势为企业和个人开发者带来了前所未有的机遇,...
这个“PhoneGap demo”是一个展示如何利用PhoneGap技术来开发Android图书商城应用的实例。它展现了PhoneGap的强大功能,将网页技术与移动设备的特性相结合,创建出具有动态效果的应用程序。 首先,我们要理解...
这个“”文件是PhoneGap的一个早期版本,版本号为1.0.0 Release Candidate 2,这表明它是一个在正式版本发布前的候选版本,可能包含了对早期版本的改进和修复。 PhoneGap的核心理念在于利用...
### PhoneGap Build的使用 #### 一、简介与背景 PhoneGap是一款开源框架,它允许开发者使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript等Web技术来构建跨平台的移动应用。PhoneGap Build则是Adobe提供的一项云端服务,用于帮助开发者更...
这个"phonegap-2.7.0源码"是PhoneGap在2.7.0版本的完整源代码,它包括了开发移动应用所需的核心组件。这个版本发布于2013年,虽然相对较老,但对于学习PhoneGap的历史和工作原理非常有帮助。 PhoneGap的核心理念是...
PhoneGap 2.0 版本是一个较早的版本,但仍然包含了许多基础功能,使得开发者能够利用Web技术进行混合应用开发。在本实例中,我们关注的是如何在Android平台上实现视频播放功能。 首先,PhoneGap提供了访问设备API的...