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Profiling with JProfiler

  • IDE
Install JProfiler
Install the JProfiler GUI. It works on either Windows or Linux. The GUI need not be run on the same host as the application you will be profiling, however you will need the agent libs and jar available on the host to be profiled, so you may wish to install JProfiler in both places.

Profiling the Engine
Copy agent.jar to the engine JRE
Make sure JProfiler's agent.jar is available in the classpath. The easiest way to do this is to copy agent.jar from {JPROFILER_HOME}/bin to {ENGINE_HOME}/jre/lib/ext

Make the native JProfiler libraries available to the engine JRE
On Linux, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately before starting the engine. Set it as follows in the same terminal as you will use to start the engine:

On Windows, it's easiest just to copy the needed dlls to the engine directory. Copy all dlls (jprofiler.dll, jprofilerti.dll, libexpat.dll, and mingwm10.dll) from {JPROFILER_HOME}/bin/windows to the root of {ENGINE_HOME}.

Update engine JVM parameters
In the Fabric UI, go to Engine->Engine Configuration, and choose the configuration for the engine you want to profile. In the Engine JVM section, set Command-line Arguments to:
if JVM <=1.4.2

-Xrunjprofiler:port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:{ENGINE_HOME}/jre/lib/ext/agent.jar
if JVM >=1.5.0

-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:{ENGINE_HOME}/jre/lib/ext/agent.jar
(Make sure you specify the full path to the agent.jar in the engine jre dir as above, not the path to the one in the JProfiler install directory, as the JProfiler GUI might recommend.)

Start (or restart) the engine
First, be sure the daemon is configured to start exactly one engine. You cannot run more than one engine as multiple JVMs would both try to bind to the profiling port.

On Linux, be sure to do this from an environment where LD_LIBRARY_PATH is updated as above.

On Windows, start it the normal way.

The engine daemon log should show:

JProfiler> Listening on port: 8849.
JProfiler> Native library initialized
JProfiler> If output stops here, please remove -Xdebug from the command line
JProfiler> Waiting for a connection from the JProfiler GUI ...
Connect JProfiler
Start JProfiler GUI, and create a Remote Application session using the wizard. The default values should be fine, just be sure to set the appropriate hostname if it is not local.

In General Settings for the session, add the engine JVM ({ENGINE_HOME}/jre) under the Java VMs tab. Make this the default JVM.

You can now connect the session.

Start profiling


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    例如,你可以通过JProfiler的CPU Profiling模块查看哪些方法占用了最多的执行时间,从而找出性能瓶颈。内存分析则可以帮助你检测和定位内存泄漏,确保程序的高效运行。 【JProfiler】是Java开发中的一个关键工具,...


    1. **启动会话**:启动JProfiler,选择“Start Profiling Session”,然后根据应用类型选择合适的连接模式(如 Attach to Process 或者 Remote)。 2. **连接应用**:输入目标应用程序的进程ID,或者配置远程连接...


    首先,JProfiler的核心功能包括内存分析、CPU profiling、线程分析、Garbage Collection监控、方法调用统计以及JVM配置参数调整等。这些功能可以帮助我们定位并解决各种性能问题,例如内存泄漏、过度的对象创建、...


    5. **选择启动类型**: 选择适合你的Tomcat启动方式,如"Start with profiling"或"Attach to running process"。 6. **定位Tomcat**: 指定Tomcat的Java进程ID或可执行文件路径。 7. **选择虚拟机类型**: 根据你的JVM...

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    2. **CPU剖析(CPU Profiling)**:JProfiler能够详细记录应用程序的CPU使用情况,包括方法调用时间、调用频率等,帮助定位消耗CPU资源的热点代码,进行性能优化。 3. **线程剖析(Thread Profiling)**:在多线程...

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    此外,JProfiler还包含了CPU Profiling、Garbage Collection Monitoring、Native Memory Tracking等多个模块,全方位覆盖了性能优化的各种需求。CPU Profiling可以显示哪些方法消耗了最多的CPU时间,而Garbage ...


    1. **安装与启动**:下载并安装JProfiler,启动后选择“Start profiling session”选项。 2. **连接应用**:可以选择本地或远程连接,输入目标应用的JVM参数,并启动或连接到已运行的应用。 3. **性能会话设置**:...

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    - **CPU分析**:通过CPU Profiling功能,可以精确地找出消耗CPU资源最多的代码段,并对其进行优化。 - **线程分析**:提供详细的线程跟踪信息,帮助开发者识别并解决死锁等问题。 - **自定义规则与报警**:支持用户...


    首先,JProfiler的核心技术基于Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JVMTI),这是一个由Oracle提供的API,允许开发者在运行时对Java虚拟机进行监控和调试。通过JVMTI,JProfiler能够实时捕获和分析虚拟机的...


    4. **开始分析**:点击“Start Profiling Session”,JProfiler开始收集数据。 5. **查看结果**:在各个面板中查看分析结果,例如内存分配图、CPU调用树等。 6. **优化与调整**:根据分析结果,优化代码或调整应用...

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    **3.2 Profiling Settings** - **3.2.1 Adjusting Call Tree Collection Options**:调整调用树收集选项,如是否收集方法参数、返回值等。 - **3.2.2 JAVA 子系统**:配置JVM的子系统监控选项,如内存、垃圾回收等...

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