

  • java
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;

import java.awt.*;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;

 * <p>Title: com.gwtt.tools.export.ExportXlsUtil</p>
 * <p>Description: ��JTable��ݵ�����excel�ļ��С�</p>
 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
 * <p>Company: GWTT</p>
 * @author Laura
 * @version 1.0
public class ExportXlsUtil {
  private HSSFWorkbook workbook = null;
  private HSSFSheet sheet = null;

  public ExportXlsUtil () {
    workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
    sheet = workbook.createSheet("sheet1");


   * ��table����ݵ�����ָ��excel�ļ�
   * @param data��JTable����

   * @param columnNames��JTable����
   * @param filename��excel�ļ���ȫ·����
  public void exportTableToXls (Object [][] data,
                                Object [] columnNames,
                                String filename)
                         throws IOException {
    JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames);
    exportTableToSheet(table, sheet);
    FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(filename);
    fout.close() ;

   * ��JTable��ݵ�����HSSFSheet��
   * @param table ��������JTable��
   * @param sheet ��Ŀ��HSSFSheet
  private void exportTableToSheet (JTable table,
                                   HSSFSheet sheet) {
    int rowCount = table.getRowCount();
    int colCount = table.getColumnCount();
    createAndFormatHeader(table, sheet);
    int currentSheetRow = 1;
    for (int tableRowIndex = 0; tableRowIndex < rowCount; tableRowIndex++) {
      for (int tableColIndex = 0; tableColIndex < colCount; tableColIndex++) {
        // create and format the cell in the spreadsheet
        createAndFormatCell(table, tableRowIndex, tableColIndex, sheet,
      currentSheetRow++;  //换行

   * ��������ʽ��Excel�ĵ�Ԫ��
  private void createAndFormatCell (JTable table,
                                    int tableRowIndex,
                                    int tableColIndex,
                                    HSSFSheet sheet,
                                    int currentSheetRow) {
    // get the cell value from the table
    Object cellValue = table.getValueAt(tableRowIndex, tableColIndex);

    // create the cell
    HSSFCell cell = createHSSFCell(sheet, cellValue, currentSheetRow,

    // get the renderer component that renders the cell
    TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getCellRenderer(tableRowIndex,
    Component rendererComponent = renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table,

    if (rendererComponent instanceof JLabel) {
      // if it is a JLabel, get the label text which is the actual formatted displayed text
      // and not the raw cell value
      JLabel label = (JLabel)rendererComponent;
      cellValue = label.getText();


    formatCell(cell, rendererComponent);

   * ��������ʽ����ͷ
  private void createAndFormatHeader (JTable table,
                                      HSSFSheet sheet) {
    for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < table.getColumnCount(); colIndex++) {
      // get the cell value from the table
      Object cellValue = table.getColumnName(colIndex); //得到表的列名

      // create the cell
      HSSFCell cell = createHSSFCell(sheet, cellValue, 0, colIndex);

      // get the renderer component that renders the cell
      TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getDefaultRenderer(table
      Component rendererComponent = renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table,

      if (rendererComponent instanceof JLabel) {
        // if it is a JLabel, get the label text which is the actual formatted displayed text
        // and not the raw cell value
        JLabel label = (JLabel)rendererComponent;
        cellValue = label.getText();

      formatCell(cell, rendererComponent);


  private HSSFCell createHSSFCell (HSSFSheet sheet,
                                   Object value,
                                   int row,
                                   int col) {
    // create row if not yet created
    HSSFRow hssfRow = sheet.getRow(row);           //一行
    hssfRow = (hssfRow == null)
              ? sheet.createRow(row)
              : hssfRow;

    // create cell if not yet created
    HSSFCell cell = hssfRow.getCell((short)col);   //一个单元格
    cell = (cell == null)
           ? hssfRow.createCell((short)col)
           : cell;

    // set the cell value
    String cellValue = (value == null)
                       ? ""
                       : value.toString();

    cell.setEncoding(HSSFCell.ENCODING_UTF_16 );

    return cell;

  private void formatCell (HSSFCell cell,
                           Component rendererComponent) {

      // create a style
    HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();

    // set the cell color

    Color color = rendererComponent.getBackground();

    //HSSFPalette palette = workbook.getCustomPalette();
    // maintain(increment after each use) unused color index as an instance variable
    short someUnusedColorIndex = 10;

    // palette.setColorAtIndex(someUnusedColorIndex, (byte)color.getRed(),
    //                       (byte)color.getGreen(), (byte)color.getBlue());
    cellStyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.WHITE.index);  //.setFillForegroundColor(someUnusedColorIndex);

    // set the font
    Font font = rendererComponent.getFont();

    HSSFFont hssfFont = createHSSFFont(font);
    System.err.println("xxxxxxxx  " + font.toString()) ;
    System.err.println(hssfFont.FONT_ARIAL  ) ;
   // cellStyle.setFont(hssfFont);

    // set the border

    // don't forget to set the cell style!
    cell.setEncoding(HSSFCell.ENCODING_UTF_16) ;

  private HSSFFont createHSSFFont (Font font) {
    HSSFFont hssfFont = workbook.createFont();
                           ? HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD
                           : HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL);

    return hssfFont;

  public static void main (String [] args) {
    Object [][] data = new Object[120][5];
    data[0] = new Object [] { "��δdz", "Red", "A", new Integer(1), new Double(1.1) };
    data[1] = new Object [] { "Two", "Red", "A", new Integer(2), new Double(2.2) };
    data[2] = new Object [] { "Three", "Red", "A", new Integer(3), new Double(3.3) };
    data[3] = new Object [] {
                "Four", "Green", "A", new Integer(4), new Double(4.4)
    data[4] = new Object [] {
                "Five", "Green", "A", new Integer(5), new Double(5.5)
    data[5] = new Object [] { "Six", "Green", "A", new Integer(6), new Double(6.6) };
    data[6] = new Object [] {
                "Seven", "Green", "A", new Integer(7), new Double(7.7)
    data[7] = new Object [] {
                "Eight", "Green", "A", new Integer(8), new Double(8.8)
    data[8] = new Object [] { "Nine", "Blue", "A", new Integer(9), new Double(9.9) };
    data[9] = new Object [] {
                "Ten", "Blue", "A", new Integer(10), new Double(10.10)
    data[10] = new Object [] {
                 "Eleven", "Blue", "A", new Integer(11), new Double(11.11)
    data[11] = new Object [] {
                 "Twelve", "Blue", "A", new Integer(12), new Double(12.12)
    data[12] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirteen", "Blue", "A", new Integer(13), new Double(13.13)
    data[13] = new Object [] {
                 "Fourteen", "Blue", "A", new Integer(14), new Double(14.14)
    data[14] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifteen", "Blue", "A", new Integer(15), new Double(15.15)
    data[15] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixteen", "Blue", "A", new Integer(16), new Double(16.16)
    data[16] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventeen", "Blue", "A", new Integer(17), new Double(17.17)
    data[17] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighteen", "Blue", "A", new Integer(18), new Double(18.18)
    data[18] = new Object [] {
                 "Nineteen", "Green", "B", new Integer(19), new Double(19.19)
    data[19] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty", "Green", "B", new Integer(20), new Double(20.20)
    data[20] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty One", "Green", "B", new Integer(21), new Double(21.21)
    data[21] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Two", "Green", "B", new Integer(22), new Double(22.22)
    data[22] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Three", "Green", "B", new Integer(23),
                 new Double(23.23)
    data[23] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Four", "Green", "B", new Integer(24), new Double(24.24)
    data[24] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Five", "Green", "B", new Integer(25), new Double(25.25)
    data[25] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Six", "Green", "B", new Integer(26), new Double(26.26)
    data[26] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Seven", "Green", "B", new Integer(27),
                 new Double(27.27)
    data[27] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Eight", "Green", "B", new Integer(28),
                 new Double(28.28)
    data[28] = new Object [] {
                 "Twenty Nine", "Red", "C", new Integer(29), new Double(29.29)
    data[29] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty", "Red", "C", new Integer(30), new Double(30.30)
    data[30] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty One", "Red", "C", new Integer(31), new Double(31.31)
    data[31] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Two", "Red", "C", new Integer(32), new Double(32.32)
    data[32] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Three", "Red", "C", new Integer(33), new Double(33.33)
    data[33] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Four", "Red", "C", new Integer(34), new Double(34.34)
    data[34] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Five", "Red", "C", new Integer(35), new Double(35.35)
    data[35] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Six", "Red", "C", new Integer(36), new Double(36.36)
    data[36] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Seven", "Blue", "C", new Integer(37), new Double(37.37)
    data[37] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Eight", "Blue", "C", new Integer(38), new Double(38.38)
    data[38] = new Object [] {
                 "Thirty Nine", "Blue", "C", new Integer(39), new Double(39.39)
    data[39] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty", "Blue", "C", new Integer(40), new Double(40.40)
    data[40] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty One", "Blue", "C", new Integer(41), new Double(41.41)
    data[41] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Two", "Blue", "C", new Integer(42), new Double(42.42)
    data[42] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(43), new Double(43.43)
    data[43] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(44), new Double(44.44)
    data[44] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(45), new Double(45.45)
    data[45] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(46), new Double(46.46)
    data[46] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(47), new Double(47.47)
    data[47] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(48), new Double(48.48)
    data[48] = new Object [] {
                 "Forty Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(49), new Double(49.49)
    data[49] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty", "Blue", "D", new Integer(50), new Double(50.50)
    data[50] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty One", "Blue", "D", new Integer(51), new Double(51.51)
    data[51] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Two", "Blue", "D", new Integer(52), new Double(52.52)
    data[52] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(53), new Double(53.53)
    data[53] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(54), new Double(54.54)
    data[54] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(55), new Double(55.55)
    data[55] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(56), new Double(56.56)
    data[56] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(57), new Double(57.57)
    data[57] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(58), new Double(58.58)
    data[58] = new Object [] {
                 "Fifty Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(59), new Double(59.59)
    data[59] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty", "Blue", "D", new Integer(60), new Double(60.60)
    data[60] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty One", "Blue", "D", new Integer(61), new Double(61.60)
    data[61] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Two", "Blue", "D", new Integer(62), new Double(62.60)
    data[62] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(63), new Double(63.60)
    data[63] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(64), new Double(64.60)
    data[64] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(65), new Double(65.60)
    data[65] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(66), new Double(66.60)
    data[66] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(67), new Double(67.60)
    data[67] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(68), new Double(68.60)
    data[68] = new Object [] {
                 "Sixty Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(69), new Double(69.60)
    data[69] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy", "Blue", "D", new Integer(70), new Double(70.60)
    data[70] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy One", "Blue", "D", new Integer(71), new Double(71.60)
    data[71] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Two", "Blue", "D", new Integer(72), new Double(72.60)
    data[72] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(73),
                 new Double(73.60)
    data[73] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(74), new Double(74.60)
    data[74] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(75), new Double(75.60)
    data[75] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(76), new Double(76.60)
    data[76] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(77),
                 new Double(77.60)
    data[77] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(78),
                 new Double(78.60)
    data[78] = new Object [] {
                 "Seventy Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(79), new Double(79.60)
    data[79] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty", "Blue", "D", new Integer(80), new Double(80.60)
    data[80] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty One", "Blue", "D", new Integer(81), new Double(81.60)
    data[81] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Two", "Blue", "D", new Integer(82), new Double(82.60)
    data[82] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(83), new Double(83.60)
    data[83] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(84), new Double(84.60)
    data[84] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(85), new Double(85.60)
    data[85] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(86), new Double(86.60)
    data[86] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(87), new Double(87.60)
    data[87] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(88), new Double(88.60)
    data[88] = new Object [] {
                 "Eighty Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(89), new Double(89.60)
    data[89] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety", "Blue", "D", new Integer(90), new Double(90.60)
    data[90] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety One", "Blue", "D", new Integer(91), new Double(91.60)
    data[91] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Two", "Blue", "D", new Integer(92), new Double(92.60)
    data[92] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(93), new Double(93.60)
    data[93] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(94), new Double(94.60)
    data[94] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(95), new Double(95.60)
    data[95] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(96), new Double(96.60)
    data[96] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(97), new Double(97.60)
    data[97] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(98), new Double(98.60)
    data[98] = new Object [] {
                 "Ninety Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(99), new Double(99.60)
    data[99] = new Object [] {
                 "One Hundred", "Blue", "D", new Integer(100),
                 new Double(100.60)
    data[100] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and One", "Blue", "D", new Integer(101),
                  new Double(101.60)
    data[101] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Two", "Blue", "D", new Integer(102),
                  new Double(102.60)
    data[102] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Three", "Blue", "D", new Integer(103),
                  new Double(103.60)
    data[103] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Four", "Blue", "D", new Integer(104),
                  new Double(104.60)
    data[104] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Five", "Blue", "D", new Integer(105),
                  new Double(105.60)
    data[105] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Six", "Blue", "D", new Integer(106),
                  new Double(106.60)
    data[106] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Seven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(107),
                  new Double(107.60)
    data[107] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Eight", "Blue", "D", new Integer(108),
                  new Double(108.60)
    data[108] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Nine", "Blue", "D", new Integer(109),
                  new Double(109.60)
    data[109] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Ten", "Blue", "D", new Integer(110),
                  new Double(110.60)
    data[110] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Eleven", "Blue", "D", new Integer(111),
                  new Double(111.60)
    data[111] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Twelve", "Blue", "D", new Integer(112),
                  new Double(112.60)
    data[112] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Thirteen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(113),
                  new Double(113.60)
    data[113] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Fourteen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(114),
                  new Double(114.60)
    data[114] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Fifteen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(115),
                  new Double(115.60)
    data[115] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Sixteen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(116),
                  new Double(116.60)
    data[116] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Seventeen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(117),
                  new Double(117.60)
    data[117] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Eighteen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(118),
                  new Double(118.60)
    data[118] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Nineteen", "Blue", "D", new Integer(119),
                  new Double(119.60)
    data[119] = new Object [] {
                  "One Hundred and Twenty", "Blue", "D", new Integer(120),
                  new Double(120.60)

    Object [] names = { "���", "COLOR", "LETTER", "INTEGER", "DOUBLE" };

    String filename = "f:\\exporttest.xls";
    ExportXlsUtil test = new ExportXlsUtil();
      test.exportTableToXls(data, names, filename);
    }catch(IOException e) {





    4. **保存Excel文件**:完成数据写入后,保存Excel文件到指定的硬盘位置。用户可以选择保存为XLS或XLSX格式,根据实际需求选择兼容性或文件大小。 5. **用户交互**:在程序运行过程中,可能会需要提示用户选择保存...


    在Java、JSP和JavaScript中实现将统计表格保存为Excel文件是一个常见的需求,尤其是在数据分析和报表展示场景下。以下是一个详细的步骤和示例代码来帮助理解这个过程。 1. **前端JavaScript部分**: JavaScript...


    在Java、JSP和JavaScript中实现将统计表格保存为Excel文件的过程涉及到多个步骤,主要分为前端数据处理和后端文件生成。以下是一个详细的解释: **前端处理:** 1. **JavaScript部分**: - `AutomateExcel` 函数...


    例如,如果我们需要从PDF文件中提取某些数据或信息,就需要将其转换成可编辑的格式,excel表格就是一个非常适合的选择。 接下来,让我们来了解一下如何使用迅捷PDF转换器将PDF文件转换成excel表格。首先,我们需要...


    7. 文件共享和版本控制:Excel文件可以轻松通过电子邮件、云存储服务(如OneDrive或Google Drive)进行共享。为了防止版本混乱,可以使用版本控制工具或Excel内置的协同编辑功能。 总之,"完整版高级表格到Excel"的...



    C# 将Excel表格转成图片并保存源码



    本知识点主要探讨如何利用JavaScript实现从网页表格到Excel文件的转换,以便用户可以方便地保存和处理数据。 首先,我们需要理解HTML表格的基本结构,它由`&lt;table&gt;`标签定义,包含`&lt;tr&gt;`(行)和`&lt;td&gt;`(单元格)等...








    在IT行业中,经常需要将数据库中的数据转换成便于分析和分享的格式,Excel表格就是一种常用的工具。本示例展示了如何使用Node.js实现这一功能,特别是针对MySQL数据库。以下是关于这个主题的详细知识: 首先,我们...


    接着,指定你希望保存Excel文件的位置,并输入文件名。 5. **设置导出选项**:在导出向导中,你可以选择是否将Access的表结构(字段名、数据类型等)一同导出,以及是否将数据转换为Excel格式。通常,你会希望保留...




    5. 保存/关闭工作簿:完成数据写入后,保存Excel文件并关闭工作簿,以确保所有更改都被保存。 6. 错误处理:在导出过程中,可能遇到各种错误,如文件不存在、权限问题或数据格式不匹配等。因此,良好的错误处理机制...

    C++ 保存数据到excel文件

    当我们需要在C++程序中将数据保存到Excel文件时,通常会涉及到文件I/O操作以及对Excel文件格式的理解。 在C++中实现数据保存到Excel文件,主要有两种方法:一是使用Microsoft的COM接口(Component Object Model),...

    qt 界面数据保存到Word文件和Excel文件

    4. 保存Excel文件。 在实际开发中,确保正确处理异常情况和用户交互是非常重要的,例如,提供错误提示信息,处理文件不存在或权限不足的情况。同时,为了提高效率,可以考虑批量处理数据,避免频繁的磁盘读写操作。...


    最后,保存Excel文件: ```cpp xlsx.saveAs("output.xlsx"); ``` 在这个过程中,我们使用了Qt的JSON解析功能以及QXlsx库来生成Excel文件。这个小项目展示了如何在Qt中处理嵌套的JSON数据结构,并将这些数据导出到...

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