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OTP R14A今天发布了

以下是这次发布的亮点,没有太大的性能改进, 主要是修理了很多BUG!

--- HIGHLIGHTS ----------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-8217  == erts stdlib compiler ==

      The module binary from EEP31 (and EEP9) is implemented.

    OTP-8485  == common_test ==

      It is now possible for the user to provide specific callback
      modules that handle test configuration data, so that data on
      arbitray form can be accessed (e.g. by reading files or by
      communicating with a configuration server process). Two
      default callback modules have been introduced in Common Test:
      ct_config_plain and ct_config_xml. The former is used to
      handle the traditional Common Test configuration files (with
      terms on key-value tuple form) and the latter to handle
      configuration data on XML representation.

    OTP-8555  == erts ==

      New NIF features:

      Send messages from a NIF, or from thread created by NIF, to
      any local process (enif_send)

      Store terms between NIF calls (enif_alloc_env,

      Create binary terms with user defined memory management

      And some incompatible changes made to the API. For more
      information see the warning text in erl_nif(3).

    OTP-8623  == compiler erts hipe stdlib ==

      Receive statements that can only read out a newly created
      reference are now specially optimized so that it will execute
      in constant time regardless of the number of messages in the
      receive queue for the process. That optimization will benefit
      calls to gen_server:call(). (See gen:do_call/4 for an example
      of a receive statement that will be optimized.)

    OTP-8650  == common_test ==

      The run_test script has been replaced by a program (with the
      same name) which can be executed without explicit
      installation. The start flags are the same as for the legacy
      start script.

    OTP-8706  == erts hipe tools ==

      eprof has been reimplemented with support in the Erlang
      virtual machine and is now both faster (i.e. slows down the
      code being measured less) and scales much better. In
      measurements we saw speed-ups compared to the old eprof
      ranging from 6 times (for sequential code that only uses one
      scheduler/core) up to 84 times (for parallel code that uses 8

      Note: The API for the eprof has been cleaned up and extended.
      See the documentation.

3 楼 dxm1986 2011-04-06  


2 楼 dxm1986 2011-04-06  
I'm starting up a long-running app with (stripping out a few options):

> erl -boot start_sasl -detached -sname NODENAME

And with configs to do rotating logs:

          {errlog_type, error},

I'd like to return to that machine, attach to the node, and read the  
logs with rb().  I'm trying that via:

> erl -sname test -remsh NODENAME@HOST

And then running rb:start() / rb:list() from the erlang prompt.

But no matter what I do, rb doesn't show any log activity (even though  
I know there's plenty there, and can see it in the filesystem).

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?  (Or, any ideas on better ways to  
start up long-running erlang apps and monitor their logs -- is the  
above The Right Way?)

can you show me the answer.
1 楼 mryufeng 2010-09-16  
昨天R14B发布了,修正了不少BUG, 特别是引入了读锁的优化!



    标题中的"otp_src_R14B04.tar.gz"是一个典型的源代码压缩包文件名,常见于开源软件项目。在IT行业中,OTP通常指的是“Open Telecom Platform”(开放电信平台),这是一个由Ericsson公司开发的 Erlang/OTP 开源库。...


    3).erlang ... >tar zxvf ncurses-5.6.tar.gz ... >tar -xzf otp_src_R14A.tar.gz >cd otp_src_R14A >./configure >make >sudo make install (3).拷贝 crypto-2.0.tar 并解压到 erlang的lib目录下。

    Erlang-OTP-API 离线查询英文全手册

    这份离线手册的R14B03版本可能相对较旧,但依然具有很高的参考价值,尤其是对于初学者和在旧系统上工作的开发者。尽管新版本的Erlang OTP引入了更多功能和改进,但基本原理和设计思想保持一致,因此,熟悉这些基本...


    {require_otp_vsn, "R13B04|R14"}. ``` 这里定义了需要编译的子目录和Erlang版本要求。 ### 四、项目开发 1. **添加应用**:在`apps`目录下添加你的Erlang应用,如`nitrogen_2.0.4`。 2. **依赖管理**:在`...


    {require_otp_vsn, "R13B04|R14"}. %% 要求当前机器的 Erlang 版本为 R13B04|R14 {cover_enabled, true}. %% 如果 ebin 目录下存在 beam 文件,允许覆盖 {erl_opts, [debug_info, fail_on_warning]}. %% 编译时检查...


    驱动器的版本是V05,发布日期为2008年12月。 3. 功能描述 - 接口控制模式:包括寄存器内容接口模式、并行总线系统接口、串行总线系统接口和RGB接口。 - 地址计数器(AC):涉及MCU到内存的读写方向。 - 源驱动...


    Erlang / OTP R14(适用于Ubuntu的erlang-base,erlang-eunit和erlang-dev软件包)GNU Make 快速开始 将机架依赖项添加到rebar.conf: { deps , [ { rack , " .* " , { git , " git://github....

    Tentative new functions in R13B

    R13B版本之前计划了一个Beta版本R13A,计划于2009年3月发布。服务更新大约每两个月发布一次。在这个更新中,引入了许多新功能和改进,以下是一些重要的知识点: 1. 新的正则表达式实现:在R13B中,正式支持了新的...


    tar xvf otp_src_R14B03.tar.gz ``` 3. **进入安装目录**: ```bash cd otp_src_R14B03 ``` 4. **配置编译**: ```bash ./configure ``` 注意:在编译过程中可能会遇到错误,如“configure:error:No curses...


    tar -xvf otp_src_R14B02.tar.gz cd otp_src_R14B02 ``` 2. **编译并安装Erlang**: ```bash sudo ./configure --prefix=/otp/erlang sudo make sudo make install ``` 3. **配置环境变量**:在`/etc/...

    sasl_syslog:syslogUDP 错误记录器报告处理程序

    它需要 Erlang R14B03 或更高版本。处理程序配置您可以通过在其 OTP 应用程序环境中设置参数来配置 syslog 处理程序。 ========================================================================================...


    - 解压 Erlang 安装包:`#tar -zxvf otp_src_R14B04.tar.gz` - 进入解压后的目录:`#cd otp_src_R14B04` - 配置安装路径:`#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/erlang` - 编译并安装:`#make && #make install` ...


    它包含OTP-ROM、RAM、I/O口、定时器/计数器、PWM模块、模数转换器以及中断源,可广泛应用于各种控制与测量应用。在移动电源中,微控制器检测USB连接状态,控制充电和放电过程,监测电压、电流并执行保护功能。 在...

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