The async thread pool has nothing with SMP todo. The asynch threads are only
used by the file driver and by user written drivers that specifically uses the thread pool. The file driver uses this to avoid locking of the whole Erlang VM for a longertime period in case of a lengthy file operation. The asynch threads was introduced long before the SMP support in the VM and works for the non SMP VM as well. In fact the asynch threads are even more important for a non SMP system because without it a lengthy file operation will block the whole VM.
研究者对TWT单元的结构进行了深入分析,提出了“MGCR模型”(Mobile Mechanism-Ground Constraint Relation model),这一模型是用来研究机器人如何在非结构化环境中移动的数学模型。MGCR模型的建立,能够帮助我们更...
Evaluation of the relation between emotional concepts and emotional parameters in speech Evaluation of the Relation between Emotional Concepts and Emotional Parameters in Speech Tsuyoshi Moriyama,...
Relation between object recognition and formation of hand shape: A computational approach to human grasping movements Relation between Object Recognition and Formation of Hand Shape: A ...
(b) the name of the table, the names of the table's attributes, the data types of the table's attributes, the formats of the table's attributes, and the maximum number of rows that the table can have...
### DSmT与经典Dempster-Shafer理论的关系 #### 概述 DSmT(Dezert-Smarandache理论)与经典的Dempster-Shafer理论(DST)之间的关系是本文探讨的核心。DSmT由Dezert和Smarandache在2002年提出,作为对证据理论的...
Prototypes are computed that give information about the relation between the variables and the classification. It computes proximities between pairs of cases that can be used in clustering, locating ...
Pure Mathematics is the class of all propositions of the form “p implies q,” where p and q are propositions containing one or more variables, the same in the two propositions, and neither p nor q ...
Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the input data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised ...
微观几何和宏观几何,肖建华,,The elastoplastic deformation is taken as the typical deformation to explain the relation between micro geometry and macro geometry. The macro geometry is defined by the ...
This is an introduction to the basic tools of mathematics needed to understand the relation between knot theory and quantum gravity. The book begins with a rapid course on manifolds and differential ...
Matlab code for explain the relation between BER and SNR for different Modulation
This code is for solving the Kepler equation for elliptical orbit. This code gives the relation between the eccentric anomaly and mean anomaly for different eccentricities of the elliptical orbit.