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his is an easy to use any helpers that rails provides in any other place besides views and view helpers
Plain TextExpand
# create a new file inside lib/ and call it helpers.rb # paste the following: def help Helper.instance end class Helper include Singleton # look inside ActionView::Helpers to include any other helpers that you might need include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper end # then in any model or controller: require 'lib/helpers' # to use: # help.name_of_helper # EX: help.pluralize 10, "person"
Google App Engine and others
2010-09-15 11:27 840有用的技术文章 先记载 有空 研究下 さくっとRails ... -
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ruby gem相关命令使用
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深入理解alias, alias_method和alias_method_chain
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Rails 3 特点
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Fix N+1 Queries
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query-reviewer sql explain and review in the page
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request-log-analyzer log分析工具
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IE7 Bug导致Rails Session保存失败
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how to generate qrcode on ror
2010-02-04 16:27 8801. In your rails project, in ... -
rmagick ror 上 安装
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Update Rails to 2.2.2 (Rails 2.2.2)
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2008-11-07 14:07 2445http://pullmonkey.com/2008/7/23 ... -
rake db:migrate
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rss maker
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rails で model の変更を監視するプラグイン
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2008-11-07 11:03 12251 applicattion.rb 配置 incl ...
10.1 Use SOAP or Take a REST Instead? 10.2 Creating a Web Service 10.3 Publishing to Blogger IV Security and Deployment 11 Security, Error Handling, and Logging 11.1 Applying Additional Security ...
每个模块目录下应包含与 MVC 结构相关的子目录,如 `controllers`、`models`、`views` 等。例如,创建一个名为 `admin` 的模块,目录结构如下: ``` application/ modules/ admin/ controllers/ models/ ...
- **Controllers and Actions:** These components handle user requests and manage the business logic of the application. - **Views:** Responsible for displaying data to the user. - **Models:** Contain ...
4. **辅助函数 (Helpers)**: - 辅助函数提供了一组预定义的功能,比如 URL 辅助函数、HTML 辅助函数等。 - 例如:URL 重写、表单生成等。 5. **库 (Libraries)**: - 库包含一组预定义的类和方法,用于执行特定...
<use>core_setup</use> <use>core_write</use> <use>core_read</use> <use>standard</use> <module>Vendor_HelloWorld_Adminhtml <frontName>helloworld ``` 这段...
use frontend\models\Uploadm; use yii\web\UploadedFile; class FormController extends Controller { public function actionMyfiles() { $model = new Uploadm(); return $this->renderPartial('myfiles', ['...
- **Controllers/Interactors**:Clean Architecture中的Use Cases,定义应用的核心功能。 - **Repositories**:数据源管理,可以是本地数据库、网络API或其他数据源。 - **DataSources**:具体的数据操作,例如...
- **controllers**: 控制器文件。 - **application.rb**: 主配置文件。 - **helpers**: 辅助方法文件。 - **application_helper.rb**: 全局辅助方法。 - **models**: 模型文件。 - **views**: 视图文件。 - *...