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import java.util.*; import java.nio.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.nio.channels.*; import com.sun.net.httpserver.*; import com.sun.net.httpserver.spi.*; /** */ class Request { final static int BUF_LEN = 2048; final static byte CR = 13; final static byte LF = 10; private String startLine; private SocketChannel chan; private InputStream is; private OutputStream os; Request (InputStream rawInputStream, OutputStream rawout) throws IOException { this.chan = chan; is = rawInputStream; os = rawout; do { startLine = readLine(); if (startLine == null) { return; } /* skip blank lines */ } while (startLine == null ? false : startLine.equals ("")); } char[] buf = new char [BUF_LEN]; int pos; StringBuffer lineBuf; public InputStream inputStream () { return is; } public OutputStream outputStream () { return os; } /** * read a line from the stream returning as a String. * Not used for reading headers. */ public String readLine () throws IOException { boolean gotCR = false, gotLF = false; pos = 0; lineBuf = new StringBuffer(); while (!gotLF) { int c = is.read(); if (c == -1) { return null; } if (gotCR) { if (c == LF) { gotLF = true; } else { gotCR = false; consume (CR); consume (c); } } else { if (c == CR) { gotCR = true; } else { consume (c); } } } lineBuf.append (buf, 0, pos); return new String (lineBuf); } private void consume (int c) { if (pos == BUF_LEN) { lineBuf.append (buf); pos = 0; } buf[pos++] = (char)c; } /** * returns the request line (first line of a request) */ public String requestLine () { return startLine; } Headers hdrs = null; Headers headers () throws IOException { if (hdrs != null) { return hdrs; } hdrs = new Headers(); char s[] = new char[10]; int len = 0; int firstc = is.read(); // check for empty headers if (firstc == CR || firstc == LF) { int c = is.read(); if (c == CR || c == LF) { return hdrs; } s[0] = (char)firstc; len = 1; firstc = c; } while (firstc != LF && firstc != CR && firstc >= 0) { int keyend = -1; int c; boolean inKey = firstc > ' '; s[len++] = (char) firstc; parseloop:{ while ((c = is.read()) >= 0) { switch (c) { case ':': if (inKey && len > 0) keyend = len; inKey = false; break; case '\t': c = ' '; case ' ': inKey = false; break; case CR: case LF: firstc = is.read(); if (c == CR && firstc == LF) { firstc = is.read(); if (firstc == CR) firstc = is.read(); } if (firstc == LF || firstc == CR || firstc > ' ') break parseloop; /* continuation */ c = ' '; break; } if (len >= s.length) { char ns[] = new char[s.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(s, 0, ns, 0, len); s = ns; } s[len++] = (char) c; } firstc = -1; } while (len > 0 && s[len - 1] <= ' ') len--; String k; if (keyend <= 0) { k = null; keyend = 0; } else { k = String.copyValueOf(s, 0, keyend); if (keyend < len && s[keyend] == ':') keyend++; while (keyend < len && s[keyend] <= ' ') keyend++; } String v; if (keyend >= len) v = new String(); else v = String.copyValueOf(s, keyend, len - keyend); hdrs.add (k,v); len = 0; } return hdrs; } /** * Implements blocking reading semantics on top of a non-blocking channel */ static class ReadStream extends InputStream { SocketChannel channel; ByteBuffer chanbuf; byte[] one; private boolean closed = false, eof = false; ByteBuffer markBuf; /* reads may be satisifed from this buffer */ boolean marked; boolean reset; int readlimit; static long readTimeout; ServerImpl server; final static int BUFSIZE = 8 * 1024; public ReadStream (ServerImpl server, SocketChannel chan) throws IOException { this.channel = chan; this.server = server; chanbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate (BUFSIZE); chanbuf.clear(); one = new byte[1]; closed = marked = reset = false; } public synchronized int read (byte[] b) throws IOException { return read (b, 0, b.length); } public synchronized int read () throws IOException { int result = read (one, 0, 1); if (result == 1) { return one[0] & 0xFF; } else { return -1; } } public synchronized int read (byte[] b, int off, int srclen) throws IOException { int canreturn, willreturn; if (closed) throw new IOException ("Stream closed"); if (eof) { return -1; } assert channel.isBlocking(); if (off < 0 || srclen < 0|| srclen > (b.length-off)) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException (); } if (reset) { /* satisfy from markBuf */ canreturn = markBuf.remaining (); willreturn = canreturn>srclen ? srclen : canreturn; markBuf.get(b, off, willreturn); if (canreturn == willreturn) { reset = false; } } else { /* satisfy from channel */ chanbuf.clear (); if (srclen < BUFSIZE) { chanbuf.limit (srclen); } do { willreturn = channel.read (chanbuf); } while (willreturn == 0); if (willreturn == -1) { eof = true; return -1; } chanbuf.flip (); chanbuf.get(b, off, willreturn); if (marked) { /* copy into markBuf */ try { markBuf.put (b, off, willreturn); } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { marked = false; } } } return willreturn; } public boolean markSupported () { return true; } /* Does not query the OS socket */ public synchronized int available () throws IOException { if (closed) throw new IOException ("Stream is closed"); if (eof) return -1; if (reset) return markBuf.remaining(); return chanbuf.remaining(); } public void close () throws IOException { if (closed) { return; } channel.close (); closed = true; } public synchronized void mark (int readlimit) { if (closed) return; this.readlimit = readlimit; markBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate (readlimit); marked = true; reset = false; } public synchronized void reset () throws IOException { if (closed ) return; if (!marked) throw new IOException ("Stream not marked"); marked = false; reset = true; markBuf.flip (); } } static class WriteStream extends java.io.OutputStream { SocketChannel channel; ByteBuffer buf; SelectionKey key; boolean closed; byte[] one; ServerImpl server; public WriteStream (ServerImpl server, SocketChannel channel) throws IOException { this.channel = channel; this.server = server; assert channel.isBlocking(); closed = false; one = new byte [1]; buf = ByteBuffer.allocate (4096); } public synchronized void write (int b) throws IOException { one[0] = (byte)b; write (one, 0, 1); } public synchronized void write (byte[] b) throws IOException { write (b, 0, b.length); } public synchronized void write (byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int l = len; if (closed) throw new IOException ("stream is closed"); int cap = buf.capacity(); if (cap < len) { int diff = len - cap; buf = ByteBuffer.allocate (2*(cap+diff)); } buf.clear(); buf.put (b, off, len); buf.flip (); int n; while ((n = channel.write (buf)) < l) { l -= n; if (l == 0) return; } } public void close () throws IOException { if (closed) return; //server.logStackTrace ("Request.OS.close: isOpen="+channel.isOpen()); channel.close (); closed = true; } } }
Request 对象提供了多种方式来获取请求参数,本文将详细介绍 Request.Params、Request、Request.QueryString、Request.Form 和 Request.Cookies 等对象的用法和区别。 一、Request.Params Request.Params 是所有 ...
Django 中request.get和request.post的区别 POST和GET差异: POST和GET是HTTP协议定义的与服务器交互的方法。GET一般用于获取/查询资源信息,而POST一般用于更新资源信息。另外,还有PUT和DELETE方法。 POST和GET都...
在IT行业中,尤其是在分布式系统开发中,跟踪请求的唯一标识符(Request ID)是非常重要的。Request ID可以帮助我们追踪和诊断跨服务的请求流程,提高问题定位的效率。本篇文章将详细探讨如何使用PHP来生成这样的...
request.getcontextPath()详解 request.getcontextPath()是Java Web开发中常用的方法,用于获取当前Web应用程序的Context Path。Context Path是指Web应用程序的根目录,例如,一个名为“myapp”的Web应用程序,...
《详解Yapi的Cross-request离线插件:打造顺畅的API接口测试体验》 在现代软件开发中,API接口测试是不可或缺的一环。为了确保系统的稳定性和数据交互的正确性,开发者需要对API进行详尽的测试。Yapi,一个优秀的...
了解 JSP 中 request 属性的用法 JSP 中 request 属性是最基本也是最重要的对象之一,它提供了大量的方法来获取客户端的请求信息和设置服务器端的响应信息。了解 request 属性的用法是 JSP 开发中最基本的要求。 ...
`Request.Url`与`Request.RawUrl` - **`Request.Url`**:该属性返回一个`Uri`对象,表示客户端请求的完整URL。 - **示例**:如果用户请求的是`http://localhost:29161/article/detail/6.html`,那么`Request.Url`...
### Request.ServerVariables参数集详解 在Web开发领域中,服务器端脚本经常需要获取与当前请求相关的各种环境变量,以实现更加智能、安全且高效的功能处理。`Request.ServerVariables`正是一个非常重要的对象,它...
在本篇文章中,我们将深入探讨`@RequestBody`的工作原理以及与之相关的依赖包,特别是Jackson库在其中的作用。 首先,`@RequestBody`是Spring MVC框架的一部分,它遵循Model-View-Controller(MVC)设计模式。在MVC...
### Request.QueryString 乱码问题解析及解决方案 在Web开发中,经常会遇到通过URL传递参数的情况。其中,`Request.QueryString`是ASP.NET中用于获取URL查询字符串(即URL中问号后的部分)的一种常用方法。然而,在...
$request->setBody(array( 'phone' => '+861234567890', 'code' => '1234' )); $response = $request->send(); ``` 3. **验证验证码**:用户输入验证码后,服务器端需要验证输入的验证码是否与之前生成并发送...
C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2023.1\plugins\Restful Fast Request\lib 注意! IDEA安装后需要激活码,关闭,会自动推出,不用管也不用重新打开,执行下面操作。 下载该资源后,先备份原版...
ASP.NET Core 读取 Request.Body 的正确方法 ASP.NET Core 读取 Request.Body 的正确方法是 ASP.NET Core 开发中一个常见的问题。许多开发者在读取 Request.Body 时都会遇到一些问题,本文将详细介绍读取 Request....
Request对象在Web应用中的主要作用有以下几点: 1. **参数获取**:Request对象可以用来获取HTTP请求中携带的参数,包括URL参数和POST数据。通过`getParameter()`和`getParameterValues()`方法,开发者可以获取单个...
### ASP对象—Request详解 #### 一、概述 在ASP(Active Server Pages)环境中,`Request`对象主要用于从客户端获取信息。这些信息包括通过HTTP请求发送的数据,例如表单提交的信息、URL中的查询字符串等。此外,`...
frida虽然确实调试起来相当方便,但是Xposed由于能够安装在用户手机上实现持久化的hook,至今受到很多人的青睐,对于微信小程序的wx.request API,本文将以该API作为用例,介绍如何使用Xposed来对微信小程序的js ...
见到wx.request的第一眼,就让我想起了$.ajax这东西,使用起来确实有很多不方便,不能忍,幸好小程序是支持ES6语法的,所以可以使用promise稍加改造。 先来说说wx.request为什么不能忍。 铺垫:“看得见却抓不住“的...