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Oracle's alert.log 错误 日志

Oracle's alert.log
  Oracle's alert.log chronologically records messages and errors arising from the daily database operation. Also, there are pointers to trace files and dump files. These messages include
startups and shutdowns of the instance
Messages to the operator console
Errors causing trace files.
Create, alter and drop SQL statements on databases, tablespaces and rollback segments.
Errors when a materialized view is refreshed.
ORA-00600 (internal) errors.
ORA-01578 errors (block corruption)
ORA-00060 errors (deadlocks)
alert.log is a text file that can be opened with any text editor. The directory where it is found can be determined by the background_dump_dest initialization parameter:

select value from v$parameter where name = 'background_dump_dest';

If the background_dump_dest parameter is not specified, Oracle will write the alert.log into the $ORACLE_HOME/RDBMS/trace directory. Here's a shell/awk script to analyze alert logs.
Common messages in the alert log
ARCx: Media recovery disabled
This message will be written into the alert.log if the arch process is started with the database being in noarchive log mode. It's unfortunately possible for ARCH to be sitting around doing nothing apart from just taking up memory when the database is in noarchive log mode. The archiver can be stopped dynamically: alter system archive log stop.
Such a message is written into the alert log when a process that waited for a semaphore gets the semaphore shortly befor the timeout expires and doesn't have the time to switch the timeout mechanism off.
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 1558 Checkpoint not complete
This error message is written into the alert.log if a checkpoint cannot write all dirty db blocks to the online redo log. Usually, this message is a sign that the size of the redo logs is to small or that there should be more of them.
Rotating the alert logs
Within Oracle, it is perfectly possible to delete, or rename, the alert.log, if desired (for example, if it reaches a certain size). Oracle simply recreates a new alert.log the next time it writes to it. Linux (and other Unixes?) has an utility called logrotate to automate that task.
Writing own messages into the alert log
The undocumented procedure kdswrt in dbms_system allows to write own messages in the alert log.
  sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2, 'My own message');
Reading the alert log through an external table
Here is a procedure which creates an external table that can be used to read the alert.log. There is also a script to read the alert log which doesn't require a procedure such as the previous link.
Thanks go to Sharif Siouri who notified me of an error on this page. 



    0 0 * * * /u01/scripts/alertlog_byday.sh > /u01/scripts/alertlog_byday.log 2>&1 ``` 该命令表示每天凌晨0点执行脚本,并将标准输出和错误输出重定向到指定的日志文件中。 #### 脚本优化建议 1. **增强日志...


    Oracle 日志分析工具 LogMiner 使用 Oracle 日志分析工具 LogMiner 是 Oracle 数据库中的一种功能强大且灵活的日志分析工具,它可以帮助数据库管理员、开发人员和用户快速地对数据库进行日志分析和问题诊断。下面是...


    Alert日志文件包含有关数据库实例运行时的重要信息,例如错误消息、警告和其他重要事件,对于诊断问题和维护数据库健康状态非常有用。本文将详细介绍如何在Oracle 11g环境下查找和定位Alert日志文件。 ### 核心概念...


    通过此命令可以获得Alert日志的位置,通常是`$ORACLE_BASE/admin/SID_name/bdump/alert_SID_name.log`。其中,`SID_name`是数据库实例的名称。如果发现Alert日志过大或需要清理旧日志,可以使用如下方法: 1. 使用`...


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    其中,一个关键的日志文件是`$ORACLE_BASE/admin/orasid/bdump/alert_orasid.log`。这个文件包含了关于重做日志转换、数据库启动与关闭、数据库结构更改、回滚段修改、死锁以及内部错误等信息。 **1.2 日志文件的...


    3. **Alert log files (告警日志)**: 这是Oracle数据库系统的一个重要诊断工具,记录了数据库的启动、关闭、警告和错误信息。管理员可以通过查看alert.log来了解数据库的运行状态和可能的问题。 4. **Trace files ...


    - **位置**:通常情况下,Alert 日志文件位于 `$ORACLE_BASE/admin/orasid/bdump/alert_orasid.log` 目录下。 - **格式**:Alert 日志文件主要记录了数据库实例运行过程中的重要事件,如启动、关闭、异常情况等。...


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    在Oracle数据库管理中,报警日志(Alert Log)是一个至关重要的工具,它记录了数据库运行时的事件、警告和错误信息。这篇指南将教你如何方便地查看和管理Oracle的报警日志,包括备份、清除以及通过外部表进行查询。 ...


    这些脚本可以帮助 DBA 快速地检查 Oracle 数据库的可用性、监听器的可用性、日志文件中的错误信息、表空间的使用情况、无效的对象等。 一、检查 Oracle 实例的可用性 检查 Oracle 实例的可用性是 DBA 的日常工作之...


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    - 错误诊断:学习使用SQL*Plus、alert.log和trace文件来定位和解决问题。 - 数据库恢复:包括RMAN(恢复管理器)的使用,以及如何执行crash recovery、instance recovery和redo应用。 - 故障预防:通过定期备份、...


    7. 监控与日志:Oracle还提供了一系列的日志文件,如alert.log记录数据库的异常和事件,trace文件记录详细的错误信息,这些都有助于排查问题和优化数据库性能。 总的来说,"Oracle配置文件.zip"对于理解和管理...

    提取oralce当天的alert log的shell脚本代码

    代码如下:#/bin/sh#get alert of everyday#then name of file is everyday_alert.shdir=”/oracle/admin/bbdz/bdump”num=$(cat -n ${dir}/alert_bbdz.log | grep “`date|cut -c 1-10`”|head -n 1 |awk ‘{print ...

    oracle_rac.rar_oracle_oracle RAC_oracle 集群

    3. **故障排查**:分析crs.log、alert.log等日志文件,定位和解决问题。 **安全与备份恢复:** 1. **数据库安全**:实施用户权限控制,定期更新安全补丁。 2. **备份策略**:选择合适的备份方案,如RMAN(Recovery ...


    - **操作系统日志文件**:检查系统日志(如 `/var/log/messages` 或 `syslog`)以发现与Oracle用户或服务相关的任何错误或警告信息,这可以帮助识别潜在的系统层面问题。 - **Oracle日志文件**:Oracle的日志文件...

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