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borlanzy 发表于 2007-11-27 10:14
DB2 Migration WorkshopLAB 1 – Working with Instances and Databases (Solution)
Expected duration: 45 mins
This lab will help you solidify concepts of instances and databases. It is to be completed BEFORE the presentation “DB2 Instances and Databases”.
The following commands are demonstrated:
db2admin start DROP DATABASE
db2admin stop DESCRIBE TABLE
· DB2 Version 8 Server has been installed
Highly Recommended: Before each step in this lab, locate the demonstrated command in the CLP quick reference and mark it with an asterix (*). This will help you get familiar with the DB2 CLP cheat sheet.
Note: On Linux/UNIX, you can switch users (su) without logging out by using:
su – .. to switch to root user (dash is important!)
su – [userid] .. to switch to non-root user (dash is important!)
exit .. to exit switch back
1. Windows: Launch the DB2 Command Window.
Start > Programs > IBM DB2 > Command Line Tools > Command Window
(or simply, db2cmd)
Linux: Login to the operating system as user db2inst1
2. When DB2 is installed, no database exists. Create the SAMPLE database provided by DB2.
3. Verify that a database now exists. Show the contents of the database directory:
db2 list db directory
Fill in the following information from the database directory:
Database alias SAMPLE
Directory entry type Indirect
4. DB2 does not have database users. Instead, DB2 uses userIDs and passwords defined at the operating system (or network authentication facilities) to authenticate users. Connect to the SAMPLE database using the userID logged into the operating system.
db2 connect to sample
5. See all connections that currently exist for the current instance
db2 list applications
Fill in the following information:
Application name: db2bp.exe
Application handle: 2 (your answer may vary)
Database name: SAMPLE
6. Disconnect from the database:
db2 connect reset
7. Connect to the SAMPLE database using a specific userID and password.
db2 connect to sample user <userid> using <password>
8. View the tables that currently exist in the SAMPLE database
db2 list tables
db2 list tables for all
9. From the output of list tables, you should see that a table called EMPLOYEE exists. Find out the structure of EMPLOYEE
db2 describe table employee
What is the maximum length of JOB column? 8 characters
What is the data type for the Salary Column? DECIMAL(9,2)
The above two questions are indented to show how data type lengths from the output of DESCRIBE TABLE are interpreted differently for numeric and character types.
10. Attempt to stop the instance. You should get an error because connections still exist.
What is the SQLCODE associated with the error message? SQL1025N
11. To stop the instance, we have to get rid of the current connections. In this step, forcibly disconnect all applications.
db2 force applications all
note: you can also force applications by application handle using:
force application (<handle>)
12. By using FORCE APPLICATION, you have terminated your own connection. Attempt to SELECT from the employee table.
db2 “select * from employee”
You should get the error code SQL1224N. Check your connection state.
db2 get connection state
13. To solidify the concept of instances and databases, we’ll create a second instance and create a database in it. Create a new instance:
Windows: You need to be a user with administrative privileges
db2icrt db2inst2 –u db2admin,<db2admin’s password>
Note: There is no space after the comma
Linux: Switch to root user (su - ). You’ll also need to create a user to “own” the instance
useradd db2inst2
passwd db2inst2
/opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2icrt –u db2fenc1 db2inst2
14. Verify that the new instance exists
15. Your current instance is DB2 (on windows) or db2inst1 (on Linux). Change your context to the new instance.
Windows: set the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to db2inst2
set DB2INSTANCE=db2inst2
Linux: Switch to user db2inst2.
su – db2inst2
16. Verify that your current instance is db2inst2
db2 get instance
17. By default, a newly created instance will not be started. Start the new instance
18. The default database configuration is not optimal for any significant use. Use DB2’s AUTOCONFIGURE feature to tune the database:
db2 connect to test
db2 autoconfigure using mem_percent 25 workload_type simple tpm 10 is_populated no num_local_apps 10 num_remote_apps 10 apply db and dbm > autoconfig.txt
Use a text editor to review output in autoconfig.txt
Stop and restart the instance for all changes to take effect:
db2 terminate
19. Create a new database called TEST in the db2inst2 instance
db2 create database TEST
Note: you can also use “db” in place of “database”
Take a look at the database directory again. How many entries do you see? one
What happened to the SAMPLE database we created earlier?
After creating a second instance and switching to it in step 16, we changed to a totally distinct database server context. The SAMPLE database exists in the first instance only. Therefore, after creating the TEST database, there still only the TEST database is listed in the database directory
20. Once a database created, database global memory (most of which is buffer pool memory) is not allocated until the first connection or an explicit activation. If a database is not explicitly activated, the first connection incurs the full cost of resource allocation for the database and all resources are released when the last application disconnects. To prevent this, for production databases, we recommend that you explicitly activate the database. In this step, practice database activation and deactivation.
Optional: launch windows task manager (or vmstat on Linux) to watch global memory allocation in action.
db2 activate db test
db2 deactivate db test
21. To clean up, drop the TEST database and stop the instance.
db2 drop database test
Note: you can use “db” in place of “database”
22. Drop the instance
Windows: You must a local administrator user
db2idrop db2inst2
Linux: switch to root user
/opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2idrop db2inst2
userdel –r db2inst2
23. The DB2 Admin server is a background process the facilitates remote database and instance administration and automatic task scheduling. Just for fun, stop and start the admin server.
Linux: You may have to source the db2admin user’s dasprofile file first:
. /home/dasusr1/das/dasprofile
db2admin stop
db2admin start
(1)IBM Websphere application Server 企业版(可以支持集群和多CPU) ver:5.1 /v6.0
for Windows2000、2003,AIX,HP-UX and Solaris 等各个操作系统
(2)IBM Websphere application Server - Express (不支持集群、支持2CPU) ver:6.0
for Windows2000、2003,AIX,HP-UX and Solaris 等各个操作系统
(3) DB2通用数据库企业服务器版 ver:8.2/v9.0(可以支持集群和多CPU)
for Windows2000、2003,AIX,HP-UX and Solaris 等各个操作系统
weili163 发表于 2007-12-5 15:12
多谢老大共享!!!!bajie2004 发表于 2008-3-20 23:03
回复 #2 weili163 的帖子
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### 知识点详解 #### 1. DB2数据库与z/OS系统环境 在同济大学提供的DB2实验手册中,首先...通过手册中的实验步骤和描述,学习者可以系统地学习DB2数据库管理的知识,并且通过动手实践,培养解决实际问题的综合技能。
**二、实验内容与步骤** 1. **客户端连接`sample`数据库** - 首先,进入DB2CMD环境。 - 使用`db2 get instance`命令检查当前实例,如果需要切换实例,可执行`set db2instance=db2`。 - 通过`DB2SET DB2COMM=...
### DB2日志分析方法——db2diag.log文件内容解析 #### 一、db2diag.log文件概述 在IBM DB2 UDB(Universal Database)环境中,`db2diag.log` 文件是一个非常重要的诊断日志文件,它记录了数据库运行过程中产生的...
### DB2经典讲解:快速入门DB2 #### 连接数据与数据库操作 DB2(Database 2)是由IBM开发的一款关系型数据库管理系统。对于初学者来说,掌握基本的数据库操作是十分重要的。本篇文章将从创建数据库、连接数据库、...
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- 第 2 章、第 6 章、第 9 章:这部分内容可能会深入探讨 DB2 的内部工作机制,如数据存储结构、事务处理机制以及诊断工具的使用。 4. **通过改善锁提高应用程序并发性**:这个主题直接关乎数据库系统的并发性能,...
根据提供的文件信息,这里将为大家总结并推荐几本学习IBM DB2数据库的书籍。这些书籍在互联网上可以找到相应的电子版资源,对于想要深入学习DB2数据库管理与应用的读者来说,是非常有价值的参考资料。 ### 1. 《DB2...
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2. **Common.jar**:这个文件包含了DB2 JDBC驱动所需的通用类和库,是驱动程序正常运行的基础。 3. **db2qgjava.jar**:此文件可能包含了DB2 Query Governor的Java实现,Query Governor是一种性能管理工具,可以...
2、《DB2数据库实战手册》除了实战内容以外,还包括了DB2的发展历史,DB2的体系结构,DB2 在不同操作系统下的安装与初步配置,读者能根据教程建立数据库、表空间和表等数据库对象并掌握相关知识和技能。 3、《DB2...