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A tool to aid in tuning queries Summary: The Tags for this article: copy, create, db2look, optimizer-1, statistics, udb Date: 04 Aug 2005 Working as a DB2 UDB Support Analyst, I frequently hear the following question from customers who are dealing with an optimizer or query planning problem: Many times, there is a need to replicate a production environment to a test environment, including recreating the same access plan for query analysis purposes. For example, in production, you could experience performance problems caused by a query that is using a poor access plan and want to replicate the access plan on a test system in order try some different strategies, such as manipulating the statistics, changing the optimization level, trying different settings for DB2 registry variables, and so on, in order to improve performance. In an ideal world, you would want to have the test environment as closely matched to production as possible. That is, you would want to use exactly the same hardware, operating system maintenance level and configuration, DB2 level, and configuration in both environments, as well as using the same data in test as in production. However, this ideal cannot always be achieved. If the production environment has a very large amount of data, you may simply not have the capacity to keep a test copy of the production system. The This article will explain how you can mimic a production system on a test system without the need for actual data in order to recreate a query planning problem. This ability will help you to debug queries and understand access plan issues without interrupting work in the production environment. Note, however, that if you want to test the execution of the resulting access plan, you will still need to load data from production onto test (as much data as possible). And there is always the possibility that the differences between the test and production systems are still enough that the execution characteristics on test do not match those on production. This part of analysis (performance tuning) is as much an art as science. Other problems in the optimizer or query compiler area, such as SQL0901N errors or instance crashes, can also be recreated using the methods explained in this article. You can try various strategies, such as testing the most recent fix pack (if the system is at an older fix level), different optimization levels, different registry variables, and so on, in order to see if these changes will correct the problem. Let's look at the options to use with The Here are the commands you use to capture the needed information from your production system: Now let's look at these Generate buffer pool, tablespace, and database partition group information Here is a description of the options used in the The It is not always possible to have the same tablespaces set up in test that you have in production. For example, you may have devices set up with large sizes, and you may not have the flexibility to create the same device sizes in test. Or, you may not have a separate tablespace device available at all in the test environment. In addition, you might not have the same paths set up in test that you have in production. You would need to alter the paths, devices, and files appropriately to fit your test environment. The important information used by the optimizer for a tablespace is the following. This is what you would want to make sure are the same on both test and production. (Note: The numbers shown here are an example. You should use the same settings on test as you do on production.) If a tablespace is "managed by database" on production, it should also be "managed by database" on test. If it is "managed by system" on production, it should also be that way on test. Note: If this is a system with multiple physical partitions (MPP), the number of partitions in the database partition group must be the same on test. However, the number of physical machines does not have to be the same. The number of logical partitions in the whole MPP environment must be the same on both test and production. Generate configuration parameters and registry variables Here, I've used the following parameters: The output of the command looks like this: The The db2fopt command tells the optimizer to use the specified value for "Buffer pool size," rather than adding up the pages of the buffer pools available. (Buffer pool size in the It works the same way for sort heap, as we'll see in the sort heap section below. Here is the usage for the If you would like to set the values for opt_buffpage and opt_sortheap, issue: For example: Make sure to terminate and reconnect to the database. If you would like to view the values, issue: And if you would like to reset the values so that we do not use these two parameters, and go back to using syscat.bufferpools for bufferpool pages estimate, and database configuration for sortheap size, issue: Make sure to terminate and reconnect to the database. To make sure that they are reset, use the get option in If you're a DBA, you will probably be using the DB2 SQL Explain Tool ( If you go a bit further down in the Note: Again, unfortunately not all the relevant registry variables are listed by Create data definition language (DDL) The following Here we've used the following parameters: Gather statistics and DDL for a database subset To gather statistics and ddl for only certain tables and related objects, use the following command: Here, I've used the following additional parameter: Note: The In addition, if you do not use the Database manager level configuration parameters Note: Use the command Parallelism: CPU Speed (cpuspeed): Communications speed: (comm_bandwidth) Database level configuration parameters Note: Use the command Buffer pool size: The db2exfmt output would show the total size as the sum of the number of pages in all the bufferpools. In our example above, it is 10,000. Note: Pagesize does not matter, just the number of pages. You could use the In MPP, the Sort heap size (SORTHEAP) You should set this to the same value as in production. Again, using the This will override the sortheap configuration parameter, and this is what the optimizer will use as the sortheap value. Again, in reality, the actual sortheap allocated at runtime will be determined by the sortheap setting in the database configuration. As with Database heap size: (DBHEAP) Lock list size: (LOCKLIST) Maximum lock list: (MAXLOCKS) The locklist and maxlocks would help determine the type of locks that will be held during a certain scan (index scan or table scan), along with the isolation level. For example, in the plan you will notice, say, an index scan operation: Note: Do not be concerned if Locks Available differs in your Average applications: (AVG_APPLS) Optimization Level: (DFT_QUERYOPT) Query Degree: (DFT_DEGREE) In addition to the above changes, there are some others that you must make sure are the same. Number of frequent values retained: (NUM_FREQVALUES) Number of quantiles retained: (NUM_QUANTILES) The above two, SQL statement heap (4KB): (STMTHEAP) http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0508kapoor/
Recreate optimizer access plans using db2look
tool gives you a way to recreate the same access plan for your test environment that DB2® Universal Database™ (DB2 UDB) is using for your production environment. Here are all the details for setting it up.
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utility can be used to achieve your goal, even though you can't replicate all the details of production.db2look
in order to achieve this goal.db2look
command and its options
Listing 1. Commands to recreate an optimizer problem
db2look -d <dbname> -l -o storage.out
db2look -d <dbname> -f -fd -o config.out
db2look -d <dbname> -e -a -m -o db2look.out
db2look -d <dbname> -e -a -m -t table1 table2 .... tableX -o table.ddl
command options in more detail.
db2look -d <dbname> -l -o storage.out
command above:
: Database name -- This must be specified.-l
: Generates database layout. This is the layout for database partition groups, buffer pools and tablespaces.-o
: Redirects the output to the given file name. If the -o
option is not specified, then output goes to standard output (stdout), generally the screen.-l
option is important to mimicking your production environment. Ideally, you want to have the same buffer pools, database partition groups (if you're in a multi-partition environment), and tablespace information (including temporary tablespaces). However, if you are constrained by memory and cannot allocate the large buffer pools that you have in production, then use thedb2fopt
command. I'll discuss this command in more detail later in this section.
OVERHEAD 12.670000
db2look -d <dbname> -f -fd -o config.out
: Extracts configuration parameters and registry variables. If this option is specified, -wrapper
and -server
options will be ignored.-fd
: Generates db2fopt statements for opt_buffpage
and opt_sortheap
, along with other configuration and registry settings.
Listing 2. Sample output from db2look command
$ db2look -d sample -f -fd
-- No userid was specified, db2look tries to use Environment variable USER
-- This CLP file was created using DB2LOOK Version 8.2
-- Timestamp: Sat Mar 26 00:13:36 EST 2005
-- Database Name: SAMPLE
-- Database Manager Version: DB2/6000 Version 8.2.2
-- Database Codepage: 819
-- Database Collating Sequence is: UNIQUE
-- Database and Database Manager configuration parameters
UPDATE DBM CFG USING cpuspeed 6.523521e-07;
UPDATE DBM CFG USING intra_parallel NO;
!db2fopt SAMPLE update opt_buffpage 50000;
!db2fopt SAMPLE update opt_sortheap 10000;
-- Environment Variables settings
!db2set DB2_ANTIJOIN=yes;
!db2set DB2_INLIST_TO_NLJN=yes;
and -fd
options are key options to use in order to extract configuration parameter and environment variables, which the optimizer uses during access plan phase. In Listing 2, above, note the following output that resulted from the -fd
!db2fopt SAMPLE update opt_buffpage 50000;
!db2fopt SAMPLE update opt_sortheap 10000;
output is discussed further in the buffer pool size section below.). For example, say that you cannot afford to have large buffer pools due to memory constraints on the test system and would like to configure the size the same without actually having them in reality. Use the -fd
option, which would generate the db2fopt
commands required to tell the optimizer to use the specified size rather than calculating based on the buffer pools available for this database.db2fopt
command. Note, that the -fd option with db2look
picks the values for you but you should be aware of the usage and as well aware of how to reset the values so that we go back to using syscat.bufferpools for bufferpool pages and sortheap in the database configuration.
Usage: db2fopt <database-alias> update [opt_buffpage <value>] [opt_sortheap <value>f]
or db2fopt <database-alias> get [opt_buffpage] [opt_sortheap]]
db2fopt <dbname> update opt_buffpage <value> opt_sortheap <value>
C:\>db2fopt sample update opt_buffpage 50000 opt_sortheap 10000
Update succeeded
C:\>db2fopt sample get opt_buffpage opt_sortheap opt_buffpage value is 50000 opt_sortheap value is 10000
C:\>db2fopt sample update opt_buffpage -1 opt_sortheap -1
Update succeeded
C:\>db2fopt sample get opt_buffpage opt_sortheap
opt_buffpage value is -1
opt_sortheap value is -1
) to gain an understanding of your SQL access plan. The db2exfmt
tool is used to format the contents of the explain tables. If you look at the output of one of the access plans using db2exfmt
from production, you will notice the following at the top of the plan. (Note: For the most part, these parameters are picked up by the -f
and -fd
option in the db2look
output, with the exception of the dbheap
Listing 3. Sample output from db2exfmt
Database Context:
Parallelism: None
CPU Speed: 6.523521e-07
Comm Speed: 100
Buffer Pool size: 50000
Sort Heap size: 10000
Database Heap size: 5120
Lock List size: 1000
Maximum Lock List: 10
Average Applications: 1
Locks Available: 7849
Package Context:
SQL Type: Dynamic
Optimization Level: 5
Blocking: Block All Cursors
Isolation Level: Cursor Stability
---------------- STATEMENT 1 SECTION 201 ----------------
Statement Type: Select
Updatable: No
Deletable: No
Query Degree: 1
output, right after the access plan, you will see if you have any registry settings that affect the optimizer plan.db2look -f
. You will need to add the ones that are missing. In general, your registry variable settings on the test system should be identical, or as close as possible, to the settings on production.
Listing 4. Registry settings that affect access plan
1) RETURN: (Return Result)
Cumulative Total Cost: 57.6764
Cumulative CPU Cost: 191909
Cumulative I/O Cost: 2
Cumulative Re-Total Cost: 5.37264
Cumulative Re-CPU Cost: 134316
Cumulative Re-I/O Cost: 0
Cumulative First Row Cost: 26.9726
Estimated Buffer pool Buffers: 2
BLDLEVEL: (Build level)
DB2 v8.1.0.80 : s041221
ENVVAR : (Environment Variable)
STMTHEAP: (Statement heap size)
command creates the DDL to duplicate all database objects, along with the configuration and statistical information.
db2look -d <dbname> -e -a -m -o db2look.out
: Generate statistics for all creators. If this option is specified, then the -u
option will be ignored.-e
: Extract DDL file needed to duplicate database. This option generates a script containing DDL statements. The script can be run against another database to recreate database objects.-m
: Run the db2look
utility in mimic mode. This option generates a script containing SQL UPDATE statements. These SQL UPDATE
statements capture all the statistics. This script can be run against another database to replicate the original one. When the -m
option is specified, the -p
, -g
, and -s
options are ignored .
db2look -d <dbname> -e -a -m -t <table1> <table2> .. <tableX> -o table.ddl
option is very important. This option will collect all the statistics from the system tables. The statistics must be the same in test as they are in production and are key to your being able to mimic the production environment in your test environment.
: Generate statistics for the specified tables. The maximum number of tables that can be specified is 30.-a
option, you could use the -z
: Schema name. If -z
and -a
are both specified, then -z
will be ignored. Schema name is ignored for the federated section.db2 "get dbm cfg"
, in order to look at these parameters and db2 "update dbm cfg using <parameter> <value>"
to update a database manager configuration parameter.
This parameter indicates whether inter- or intra-partition parallelism is enabled. If this is DPF with multiple partitions, then you will see Inter Partition Parallelism. If this is just SMP (intra_parallel enabled) single node environment, then you will see Intra Partition Parallelism. If both intra_parallel enabled and multiple partition environment, you will see both Inter and Intra partitions parallelismfor this parameter. And finally, if there is no inter- or intra-parallelism, this parameter will show NONE.
The CPU speed (in milliseconds per instruction) is used by the SQL optimizer to estimate the cost of performing certain operations.
The value specified for the communications bandwidth (in megabytes per second) is used by the SQL optimizer to estimate the cost of performing certain operations between partition servers of a partitioned database system.db2 "get db cfg for <dbname>"
in order to look at these parameters and db2 "update db cfg for <dbname> using <parameter> <value>")
to update a database configuration parameter.
The buffer pool size shown in db2exfmt output is determined by the buffpage parameter, if using buffpage as default for one buffer pool, or a calculation based on the contents of syscat.bufferpools. The number shown is the total number of buffer pool pages that are allocated for the database. For example, let's say we have the following buffer pools:
Table 1. Buffer pool setup
option in db2look
to use the db2fopt
alternative if you cannot afford to have the same amount of buffer pool allocated in test as in production.opt_buffpage
is calculated per node, as the optimizer uses the total buffer pool information for the node on which the query is running. Hence, this change will only apply to the node on which this tool is being run.
This parameter defines the maximum number of private memory pages to be used for private sorts or the maximum number of shared memory pages to be used for shared sorts.-fd
option in db2look
, you will notice the following:
!db2fopt SAMPLE update opt_sortheap 256;
, you can use opt_sortheap
if you cannot afford to allocate the same size of sortheap on your test system as you can on production.
There is one database heap per database, and the database manager uses it on behalf of all applications connected to the database. It contains control block information for tables, indexes, table spaces, and buffer pools.
This parameter indicates the amount of storage that is allocated to the lock list.
This parameter defines a percentage of the lock list held by an application that must be filled before the database manager performs escalation.
IXSCAN: (Index Scan)
TABLOCK : (Table Lock intent)
output from your test system, compared to production -- the difference has no effect on query planning.
This parameter is used by the SQL optimizer to help estimate how much buffer pool will be available at run-time for the access plan chosen (since the buffer pool is shared by all active applications connected to the database).
The query optimization class is used to direct the optimizer to use different degrees of optimization when compiling SQL queries
The degree of intra-partition parallelism for an SQL statement. if set to ANY
, the optimizer is sensitive to the actual number of cpus that are online. if you use ANY
, then the number of cpus on test and production should be configured the same, unless intra_parallel is disabled.
This parameter allows you to specify the number of "most frequent values" that will be collected when the WITH DISTRIBUTION
option is specified on the RUNSTATS
This parameter controls the number of quantiles that will be collected when the WITH DISTRIBUTION
option is specified on theRUNSTATS
must be the same on the test system as in production in order to make sure you collect the same number of frequent and quantile values on test system as in production.
The statement heap is used as a workspace for the SQL compiler during compilation of an SQL statement. This parameter specifies the size of this workspace. If this parameter is smaller on test than that in production, you may start seeing SQL0101N message due to lack of space in statement heap needed to compile the query. As well, you may see SQL0437W RC=1 , dropping down to greedy join enumeration if there is not enough statement heap for dynamic join enumeration.
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