
eatj上申请免费freejsp空间 以及使用


3,制作.war包:你用cmd先进入你的网页所在的文件夹下,然后输入 jar cvf XXX.war .(不要忘了最后这个".")






1. Register an account at Click here.

2. You need to select your user name and specify your email (preferably a gmail or a yahoo mail address). The user name is also your application ID (appID) and your MySQL database name. Your subdomain name will be <appID>.s43.eatj.com, <appID>.s42.eatj.com or <appID>.s41.eatj.com. For example, if your user name is john: your appID is john, your MySQL database name is john and your subdomain is john.s43.eatj.com or john.s41.eatj.com.

3. You will recieve a confirmation e-mail. Once you click the link in your email, your account will be created. If you didn't recieve the e-mail, please e-mail us support@eatj.com.

4. Login to your account. Click Start to start your Tomcat server.

5. In your browser, type http://<appID>.s43.eatj.com, http://<appID>.s42.eatj.com or http://<appID>.s41.eatj.com (for example, http://john.s43.eatj.com). You will see your Tomcat home page.

6. Download the sample war file, ROOT.war.

7. From 'My Account,' upload the WAR file (ROOT.war) you just downloaded. Make sure it has ".war" file extension. If it has ".war.zip", remove ".zip".

8. Wait till the upload finishes, then type http://<appID>.s43.eatj.com, http://<appID>.s42.eatj.com or http://<appID>.s41.eatj.com in your brower, and you will see the sample home page. If you cannot see sample page, restart your Tomcat server.

9. To make your first JSP page work, you download sample.zip.

10. Unzip the sample file to a temporary location, like "C:\temp\mysample"

11. In "C:\temp\mysample", rename "hello.jsp.bak" to "hello.jsp".

12. If you did not install J2SE, download it from http://java.sun.com/j2se/index.jsp (you must use J2SE 5.0).

13. In the command line prompt, and while in "C:\temp\mysample", type "jar cvf ROOT.war ." to create a ROOT.war file.

14. Upload the ROOT.war file (ROOT.war is case-sensitive; it must be upper-case).

15. Type http://<appID>.s43.eatj.com




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