Smalltalk 的五个基本特征:
Booch 的表述:对象有状态、行为和身份。
对象包含接口 An object has an interface
对象提供服务 An object provides services
隐藏执行 The hidden implementation
重用执行 Reusing the implementation
继承 Inheritance
Is-a 和 is-like-a 的关系
纯替换也称为Is-a关系,例如A circle is a shape。
子类除继承父类外,也增加了自己的新方法,例如The heat pump is-like-an air conditioner。
当我们了解置换原则substitution principle的时候,我们知道纯继承是非常好的方式,但给子类增加自己的方法也是非常重要的。当我们设计的时候,要综合考虑这些方面。
利用多态实现可互换的对象 Interchangeable objects with polymorphism
单继承 The singly rooted hierarchy
容器 Containers
C++ 中有标准C++ 库,Java中也有List, Maps, Sets等。
泛型 Parameterized types (generics)
保证 Downcast 开销和安全,采用泛型来规定其类型。
ArrayList<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>();
对象创建和生命期 Object creation & lifetime
Java 使用动态内存分配
垃圾回收器,garbage collector
异常句柄:处理错误 Exception handling: dealing with errors
异常处理不是面向对象的特色,它比 object-oriented languages 出现的更早。
并发设计 Concurrent programming
Java 和 Internet
总结:oop 使我们对问题的描述更加直观。oop and java may not be for everyone.
在IT领域,面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)是一种广泛采用的软件开发范式,它基于“对象”这一核心概念。本章节深入探讨了对象、抽象数据类型(Abstract Data Types,ADTs)、信息隐藏...
1: Introduction to Objects 2: Making & Using Objects 3: The C in C++ 4: Data Abstraction 5: Hiding the Implementation 6: Initialization & Cleanup 7: Function Overloading & Default Arguments 8: ...
ChaptEr 1 an introduction to Programming 1 ChaptEr 2 Beginning the Problem-Solving Process 23 ChaptEr 3 Variables and Constants 51 ChaptEr 4 Completing the Problem-Solving Process 75 ChaptEr 5 The ...
Chapter 11, Introduction to Objects - 3 - Intermediate Perl Work with classes, method calls, inheritance, and overriding. Chapter 12, Objects with Data Add per-instance data, including ...
Introduction to Objects Object-relational features enhance the capabilities of the database: - **Object Types**: Defining object types to represent complex data structures. - **Object Tables**: ...
Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus introduces students to programming and computational problem-solving via a back-to-basics, step-by-step, objects-...
### Introduction to Python Programming Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for various applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial ...
3 edition (October 30, 2004) <br>Applying UML and Patterns is the world\'s #1 business and college introduction to \"thinking in objects\"and using that insight in real-world object-oriented ...
InfiniBand features Glossary Get familiar with IB HW/SW entities Get familiar with data path operations Get familiar with IB SW objects
A NEW INTRODUCTION TO MODAL LOGIC Preface ix Part One: Basic Modal Propositional Logic 1 The Basic Notions 3 The language of PC C) Interpretation D) Further operators F) Interpretation of A , D...
While most developers today use object-oriented languages, the full power of objects is available only to those with a deep understanding of the object paradigm. How to Use Objects will help you gain ...
ncRef.rebind(ncRef.to_name(name), hello); System.out.println("Server ready");; } } ``` ### 部署考虑 在实际应用中,部署分布式系统需要考虑以下几个方面: - **安全性**:确保远程对象访问...
Chapter 2 - Brief Introduction to Unity IDE Chapter 3 - Game Objects and Components Chapter 4 - Game Rules and Mechanics Chapter 5 - Creating the User Interface Chapter 6 - Creating Battleship Chapter...
Introduction to Visual Computing: Core Concepts in Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing covers the fundamental concepts of visual computing. Whereas past books have treated these concepts ...
Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focusintroduces students to programming and computational problem-solving via a back-to-basics, step-by-step, objects-...
第2章“Introduction to Objects”(面向对象导论)深入探讨了面向对象编程的概念,如类和对象的关系、接口和实现的分离、继承、多态和抽象类等。第3章“Hello, Objects”(你好,对象)介绍了对象的创建和引用,...
《对象的引入》(Introduction To Objects) 1.1 抽象的进步 所有编程语言都提供抽象机制,这使得我们能够解决复杂的问题。抽象的程度和质量直接影响到你能处理问题的能力。“种类”指的是“你在抽象什么?”汇编...