The road for me as a long time dot net programmer to switch ‘code’ to PHP was undoubtedly a very bumpy one. Some of the things we took for granted in ASP.Net development can turn out to be struggles for other languages.
I was using Eclipse PDT with xDebug as the debugger(I have never been successful in setting up Zend debugger for Eclipse.), after a few debug sessions, I suddenly got an error when Eclipse reached the first breakpoint: Unexpected termination of script, debugging ended. I searched around, could not find any cure, it looked pretty much a dead end for my php project.
My experience working with open source tools is you do not give up easily. Even though at time I was just getting used to working in Eclipse and started enjoying it, I thought I better to give a try of another famous php IDE, Netbeans, everything was setup quickly, load the project and started debugging again. Unfortunate the luck was not long enough, the same issue comes back for Netbeans too. But it is the useful error message in Netbeans that pointed me to the solution of this problem, it was saying that this error might be caused by some of watches left in Expression panel from last debug session, and it turns out to be exactly the reason for both Netbeans and Eclipse.
Here is a screenshot of Eclipse
The solution is, close the error message box, and go to Expression view, right click, remove all watches, end this session, and start to debug again.

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### 使用Eclipse构建与调试Pentaho 2.0 #### 概述 本文档将详细介绍如何在Eclipse集成开发环境中设置开发环境,包括如何连接到Pentaho Subversion仓库、检出Pentaho项目、构建这些项目以及使用独立的Java应用...
然而,根据标题和描述,我们可以推断出这本书的内容涵盖使用GDB、DDD和Eclipse进行程序开发调试的方法。GDB(GNU Debugger)是一个由GNU开源组织提供的强大的命令行调试工具,DDD(Data Display Debugger)是基于GDB...
"eclipse之PHP插件"标题指的是在Eclipse中安装和使用PHP开发的扩展插件。这些插件为PHP开发者提供了强大的功能,包括代码编辑、调试、项目管理、版本控制集成以及对PHP框架的支持。 1. **Eclipse PHP Development ...
### 《调试的艺术:使用GDB、DDD及Eclipse》 #### 书籍概述 《调试的艺术:使用GDB、DDD及Eclipse》是一本由Norman Matloff与Peter Jay Salzman合著的专业书籍,旨在帮助程序员掌握高效调试技巧。本书不仅深入介绍...
the art of debugging
### 调试的艺术:利用GDB、DDD和Eclipse #### 一、书籍简介 《调试的艺术》是由诺曼·马特洛夫(Norman Matloff)和彼得·杰伊·萨尔兹曼(Peter Jay Salzman)共同编著的一本专业书籍。该书由No Starch Press出版,并...
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering, Second Edition ISBN: Learn the powerful secrets of Apple’s software debugger, LLDB, that can get more information out of any program than you ever ...
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering, Second Edition ISBN: Learn the powerful secrets of Apple’s software debugger, LLDB, that can get more information out of any program than you ever ...
在“Debug Configurations”中创建一个新的PHP Remote Debugging配置,连接到运行着XDebug的PHP服务器,然后在代码中设置断点开始调试。 在实际开发中,你可能会遇到一些问题,比如输出的调试信息过多,这时可以...
It allows you to display all the Java sources during your debugging process, even if you do not have them all. Installation Download JD-Eclipse ZIP file, Launch Eclipse, Click on "Help > Install New ...
In addition, it should print out the information about all of the corrupted blocks, using the macro #define PRINTERROR(int errorcode, char *filename, int linenumber), with errorcode equal to the ...
10. **Debugging**: Eclipse的调试工具不仅支持单步执行、设置断点,还支持多线程调试和远程调试,使得问题排查更加高效。 11. **Plugins and Extensions**: Eclipse的开放架构允许开发者根据需求自定义和扩展IDE...
《The Art of Debugging》(调试的艺术)这本书旨在引导读者提高调试过程的效率和效果。 书中首先介绍了三种在Linux/Unix平台上最受欢迎的调试工具:GDB、DDD和Eclipse。GDB(GNU调试器)是一个基于文本的命令行...
Debugging Tools for Windows 是一套强大的开发和调试工具,主要用于对Windows操作系统进行深入的故障排查和性能分析。这个工具集包含了多种实用程序,如WinDbg、KD、CDB、NTSD等,它们都是针对不同场景的专业调试器...
### 关于《调试的艺术:使用GDB、DDD与Eclipse》 #### 一、书籍概述 本书《调试的艺术:使用GDB、DDD与Eclipse》由诺曼·马特洛夫(Norman Matloff)与彼得·杰伊·萨尔兹曼(Peter Jay Salzman)共同撰写,旨在为...
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering, Second Edition ISBN: Learn the powerful secrets of Apple's software debugger, LLDB, that can get more information out of any program than you ever ...
本书《Inside Windows Debugging》由Tarik Soulami撰写,得到了微软公司的授权,由O’Reilly Media, Inc.出版。该书结合最佳实践和常见的调试与编程技巧,很多技巧在其他书籍中尚未被记录下来。在本书的整个阅读过程...
12. **调试(Debugging)**:Eclipse提供了强大的调试工具,可以设置断点、查看变量值、单步执行代码等,帮助找出并修复程序错误。 13. **快捷键(Shortcuts)**:Eclipse支持自定义快捷键,熟练掌握常用快捷键能...
Inside Windows Debugging - Practical Debugging and Tracing Strategies 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 ...