String Literals:enclose the characters of the string within a matched pair of single of double quotes.
ECMAScript3,string literals must be written on a single line.In ECMAScript 5,however you can break a string literal across multiple lines by ending each line with a backslash.Neither the backslash nor the line terminator that follow it are part of the string literal.
var aa = 'one\ two\ at the same line!' //one two at the smame line!
Note that when you use single quote to delimit your strings, you must be carefull with English contractions and possessives.Since apostrophe is the same as the single-quote character,you must use the backslash character to escape any apostrophes.
When combining JS and HTML, it is a good idea to use one style of quotes for JS and the other style for HTML.
Escape Sequences:the backslash character has a special purpose in JS.
if the backslash character precedes any character other than those shown above,the backslash is simply ignored.For example, \# is the same as #.
Working with Strings:
Remember that strings are immutable in JS.Methods like replace() and toUpperCase() return new strings:they do not modify the string on which they are invoked.
In ECMAScript 5, strings can be treated like read-only arrays, and you can access individual characters from a string using square brackets instead of the charAt() method.
s = 'hello' a = s[1] console.log('a:' +a)
Pattern Match:RegExps are not one of the fundamental types of JS,like Dates,they are simply a specialized kind of object,with a useful API.Text between a pair of slashes constitutes a regular expression literal.The second slash in the pair can also be followed by one or more letters,which modify the meaning of the pattern.
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【免费题库】华为OD机试 - 字符串变换最小字符串(Java & JS & Python & C & C++).html
随着ECMAScript标准的不断发展,ES6及之后版本引入了许多新的字符串处理方法,进一步增强了JavaScript字符串操作的能力: 1. **检查字符串开头或结尾** - `startsWith(searchString[, position])` 和 `endsWith...
本文实例讲述了javascript实现的字符串与十六进制表示字符串相互转换方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: 之所以写这个,是因为发现SQL注入和XSS中经常利用十六进制表示的字符串,比如 SELECT CONCAT(0x68656c6...
在JavaScript(JS)中,将字符串转换为变量是一项常见的任务,尤其在动态编程或处理用户输入时。在JavaScript中,有几种方法可以实现这个目标,主要涉及到`eval()`函数、`window[]`对象以及`new Function()`构造函数...
"js版字符串快速检索"这个主题聚焦于如何高效地在JavaScript环境中查找字符串中的特定子串。以下是一些相关的知识点,涵盖了基础概念、常见方法以及优化策略。 1. **字符串基本操作**:在JavaScript中,字符串是不...
1.1 字符串创建 1.2 字符串换行处理 1.3 字符串长度 3.1 字符串拼接 3.2 常用方法列表
indexOf() 方法可返回某个指定的字符串值在字符串中首次出现的位置。如果要检索的字符串值没有出现,则该方法返回 -1。 方法二:match() var str = "123" var reg = RegExp(/3/); if(str.match(reg)){ //包含; } ...
华为OD机试 - 字符串拼接(Java & JS & Python & C & C++).html付费专栏内容,免费下载,多种语言解法
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