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容我来补一刀~1,function(){ ...
执行JS匿名函数的N种方式 -
根本就不能用,试了好多天,一次都没发送成功,发了根本就没有任何 ...
邮件发新浪微博 -
终于搞定了,我郁闷啊……我是用JAVA写的,在登录成功后使用g ...
基于web飞信接口的飞信应答机器人 -
之前也有搞了一下,只实现了登录,因为一直找不到webim_se ...
基于web飞信接口的飞信应答机器人 -
Dijkstra 在《ACM通讯》上发表了一篇题为“Go To Statement Considered Harmful”的文章,这篇文章引起了程序设计界长达数十年的争论。Dijkstra 认为 goto 语句是一种导致程序结构混乱的根源,并提出了结构化编程的...
朗道-齐纳隧穿(Landau-Zener tunneling,简称LZT)是一种量子力学现象,其基本原理是描述粒子在外部场作用下,通过一个势垒时能级跳跃的概率。该现象最初在半导体中被预测,并被认为是一种重要的量子现象。...
Now, with E. J. Weldon, Jr., as his coauthor, Professor Peterson has extensively rewritten his material. The book contains essentially all of the material of the first edition; however, the authors ...
### Amdahl定律与Gustafson定律在多核系统预测中的应用及争议 #### 摘要 本文探讨了Amdahl定律在预测多核系统未来趋势或识别可扩展性瓶颈时存在的问题,并提出了使用Gustafson定律作为替代方案的可能性。...
Albeit systematic approaches to categorize, detect, and avoid data quality problems exist, the special characteristics of time-oriented data are hardly considered. However, time is an important data ...
Floating-point arithmetic is considered an esoteric subject by many people. This is rather surprising because floating-point is ubiquitous in computer systems. Almost every language has a floating-...
Deploying Docker into production is considered to be one of the major pain points of developing large-scale infrastructure and the documentation that you can find online leaves a lot to be desired....
As of the writing of this README (2-19-2003) SuniantERP is considered BETA software. If you are reading this and using a > 1.0 release of ARIA then I have forgotten to remove this disclaimer. Please ...
### Off-Path TCP Exploits: Global Rate Limit Considered Dangerous #### 概述 本文讨论了一种被称作Off-Path TCP Exploits的安全漏洞(CVE-2016-5696),该漏洞源自最新的TCP规范。该规范自2012年起在Linux内核...
energy harvesting (EH)-cooperation-transmission is considered that operates in time switching mode. The relays also help (cooperation phase) in data transmission between the primary transmitter and ...
Work with a technology that is widely considered to be the industry standard in audio middleware In Detail Audio plays a fundamental role in video games. From music to sound effects or dialogue, it ...
2. 如果存在可能的利益冲突,作者则需要详细列出,例如:"☐ The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:" 后面会...
long without maintenance it is no longer as popular or considered as usable as it once was. It has been rewritten by Thomas Wood and now provides a more modern style featuring the Tango colors. ...
in-depth on any one topic, and touch upon the surface of every topic I considered necessary for Computational Finance. This style of learning is reflected in the book, where the emphasis is on methods...
non-uniform surfaces may be considered,as well as bidirectional reflectances as boundary conditions . the following input parameters are needed geometrical conditions,atmospheric model for gaseous ...
- **iPhone 4S, 5, 6, 7, 8, SE (Landscape)**: In landscape orientation, iPhones are considered Compact horizontally and Regular vertically. - **iPhone 6 Plus, 7 Plus, 8 Plus (Landscape)**: Similarly, ...