Opera Turbo runs on a person's PC, fetching data not just from the
original Web site but also from an Opera server that compresses that
site's text and images on the fly, Opera's Roberto Mateu said in a
Friday blog post about Opera Turbo.
That's useful when grappling with overtaxed wireless networks, slower
broadband wireless cards, or Net connections through a mobile phone, the
Norwegian company said, recommending that people test Opera Turbo with
connections in the range of networks transferring data at about 100Kbps.
The compression can shrink the data by up to 80 percent, according to
Opera's video explanation, in part because it modifies image files.
"Web sites' layout and text will look exactly the same, but image
resolution may appear considerably lower, as a result of the
compression," Mateu said in the post.
More elaborate Web sites that use advanced JavaScript techniques and
Adobe's Flash technology, however, might require manual intervention to
work via Opera Turbo. "Dynamic Web technologies such as Ajax and Flash
are supported, but some plug-in content will load only after clicking on
the empty element," he said. Encrypted sites aren't accelerated or sent
through the Opera servers.
The Turbo software is available from the Opera Labs download site but
will be included in "future desktop versions" of Opera, Mateu said.
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Faster R-CNN(Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network)是一种流行的目标检测框架,由Shaoqing Ren、Kaiming He、Ross Girshick和Jian Sun在2015年提出。Faster R-CNN在目标检测领域具有里程碑意义,...
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