function add(str,count){
if(count && count>10){
count = 10;//count不可太大,否则浏览器会很容易崩溃
for(var i = 0;i < count;i++){
str = str+str;
return str;
var s = document.body.innerHTML;
s = add(s,10);
var start = (new Date()).getTime();
var match = s.match(/闲聊/gi); //去掉gi选项会快很多
console.log((new Date()).getTime()-start);
var start2 = (new Date()).getTime();
console.log((new Date()).getTime()-start2);
在chrome和firefox下indexOf 比match快很多。复杂模式下match应该会快一些。测试案例不完善,不能说明什么。不过平时代码中个人还是使用match多一些,因为语义上更清晰。这篇文章解说的不错,该作者推荐indexOf:
String matching
If you need to search a within one string to see if it contains another string, there are two basic ways to do it. The first is to use 'indexOf' to find the position of the substring within the string. The second is to use 'match' or an equivalent method to find if a regular expression pattern can be found in the string.
All string matching techniques are very fast, but they should be used carefully to avoid making them wasteful. In general, with very simple string matches in Opera, stringObject.indexOf is faster than stringObject.match. If searching for simple string matches, indexOf should be used instead of regular expression matching wherever possible.
You should avoid matching against very long strings (10KB+) unless you absolutely have to. If you are certain that the match will only occur in a specific portion of the string, take a substring, and compare against that, instead of the entire string.
Using regular expressions with large numbers of wildcards will make string matching noticably slower. Repeatedly replacing substrings is also costly, and if possible try to reduce the number of replace commands you use, and try to optimise into fewer, more efficient replace commands. In many cases, string replacement performed against the page's own scripts would be better done by using opera.defineMagicFunction or defineMagicVariable to override a variable. If possible, use these instead. There is no single rule to this, and each script will need to be dealt with on an indiviual basis.
### JavaScript的indexOf函数忽略大小写方法 在JavaScript中,`indexOf`函数被广泛用于字符串处理,主要用于查找一个字符串是否包含另一个子字符串,并返回该子字符串第一次出现的位置索引(如果未找到,则返回-1)...
`String`对象则是用于表示和操作字符串的一系列方法和属性的集合体。虽然字符串本身是不可变的,但可以通过创建`String`对象来使用更多的功能。 #### 二、`String`对象的构造 可以使用`new String()`来创建一个`...
在JavaScript中,常用的方法主要分为数组方法、String对象方法以及日期和数学相关的对象方法。 数组是JavaScript中一种非常重要的数据结构,它能够存储多种类型的值。数组对象提供的属性和方法使得数组的操作变得...
JavaScript中的String对象封装了多种用于操作字符串的方法,这些方法让我们可以轻松地进行诸如拼接、搜索、替换和比较等操作。接下来,我们就来详细了解一下JavaScript String对象的常用方法。 首先,要明白一个...
以上介绍的`charAt()`, `indexOf()`, `lastIndexOf()`, `substring()`, `toLowerCase()`和`toUpperCase()`方法,都是JavaScript String对象中非常实用且常用的字符串处理函数。掌握了这些方法,可以大大提高我们处理...
`indexOf()` 方法返回指定字符或子字符串首次出现的位置索引。如果没有找到,则返回 -1。可以指定一个可选的开始搜索的索引值。例如: ```javascript var a = "hello"; var index1 = a.indexOf("l"); // index1 = 2...
5. **字符串String**: `String`对象具有多种字符串操作方法,如`charAt`、`substring`、`indexOf`、`replace`、`trim`等。`模板字符串`(Template literals)是现代JavaScript引入的新特性,支持多行和内嵌表达式。 ...
10. **字符串函数**:JavaScript中的字符串是不可变的,但提供了大量处理字符串的方法,如substring、indexOf、trim、concat、split、join等,以及模板字符串(ES6引入)和字符串的replace方法支持正则表达式,提高...