  • 浏览: 198749 次
  • 来自: 南京


Argo UML Tigris Free - Open Source For Modelling UML Diagrams - but not for the faint-hearted.
Azzurri Clay Azzuri (Japan) Free !!! From Japan -Open Source Plug-In for Eclipe - Reverse Engineering and generates SQL.
Pro version costs 35,000 Japanese Yen (about $150) !!
Case Studio 2 CharonWare Free Download, then $175(Lite) or $369(Full) Looks impressive - supports an unusally wide range of Databases, including Firebird, MaxDB,Postgres - if you try it, please me have your comments.
Here's a "5-Star" Review from Dan Horn.
CASEWise CASEWise   Aimed at Business Process Modelling, but has links to DataArchitect.
ConceptDraw CS Odessa $179 (50% off) For ERD, UML, ORM, FlowCharts, etc. - Free Download Trial is available. I like the appearance of the diagrams this Product produces and this is an important consideration for me.
DataArchitect Sybase $2,000 If you are buying for the company, buy this one.
DataArchitect is part of Power Designer, which is described below.
DataArchitect TheKompany $39.99 Highly recommended by Andy Brown and an unbeatable price. Comments and experiences please.
Database Design Tool (DDT) Open Source   THANKS VERY MUCH to Josh Bosh, Milwaukee's most beloved Web specialist, for providing this link. <!---->
Database Design Studio Chilli Source $39 - $200 Comes in two versions - Lite at $79 ($39 Educational), which supports ERD Modeling and Forward Engineering and Professional at $299, which adds support for Reverse Engineering.
DBDesigner 4 FabForce.net Free
(Donations welcome)
Open Source and highly recommended if you work with MySQL.
DB Diagram Designer PrimeLogics Offers a free evaluation download or $130 to buy. Looks very interesting - modeller plus data editor using ODBC connections. If you try it please let me know your opinion.
Dezign Datanamic Offers a free download or $139 to buy. If you are buying for yourself, buy this one - now offers a free Tutorial.
Dia Gnome Office Free - Open Source Designed to be like Visio
Druid From SourceForge   Generates SQL Scripts and Java classes.
Thanks again to Josh Bosh.
Enterprise Architect Sparx Systems $99 UML Analysis & Design Tool and very affordable.
ER Creator Model Creator About $100 Includes a Tutorial and a Trial version.
ER Diagrammer KeepTool $240 Free download is available and a User Forum is supported.
ER/Studio Embarcadero Trial Version available A comparative Study of Database Design Tools is available (requires registration).
ERWin Computer Associates   One of the Market Leaders
Happy Fish Polderij NV. (in Dutch) $89 A great name and a new Product so please tell us if you have any experience with it.
ImportER MySQL Datanamic Excellent value at $55 Reverse Engineering for MySQL
MagicDraw No Magic   Award-winning UML Modeller and very popular with Java enthusiasts.
OR-Compass Logic Works POA Object-Relational Modelling.
I saw this mentioned in a User Group somewhere, but the only reference I found is in this 1998 article in DBMS magazine.
Logic Works was taken over by Platinum, which was taken over by CA, and the CA Product Listing does not include OR-Compass.
If anyone can give me a URL, I'd be very grateful.
Oracle Designer Oracle $200 Available from the Oracle Technology Network (free to join).
Oracle says "Oracle Designer is our model-driven development tool based on the principles of Information Engineering."
Oracle J-Developer
Thanks to Irwin Coskey for helping me keep this up-to-date.
Oracle $200 UML diagramming is part of J-Developer.
Also available from the Oracle Technology Network.
Oracle says "Oracle JDeveloper is an integrated development environment with end-to-end support for modeling, developing, debugging, optimizing, and deploying Java applications and Web services."
PG Designer From John.   Open Source - for PostgreSQL.
Thanks again to Josh Bosh.
Platinum Repository Computer Associates   This is a Repository, rather than a Modelling Tool, with a 'Where-used' facility, and it lets you add entity types,such as Business Function, Business Role and Script.
Poseidon GentleWare   Comes highly recommended, good for UML, and has an open-source FREE version.
Power Designer Sybase $2,000 If you are buying for the company, buy this one.
The Data Modelling Tool in this composite product is called "DataArchitect".
Unfortunately, the design of the web site has changed recently and information about Data Architect is difficult to find. But the product is excellent, and I have found its powerful Reverse Engineering facilities to be very useful.
ProVision WorkBench Proforma Corporation. Prices on Application !!! "A Repository-based integrated business process and object modeling toolset."
An interesting range of Data Model Exchange facilities.
QDesigner Quest. Pricing difficult to find on the Quest Web Site From the 'Toad Company' - looks good and is well-recommended by at least one satisfied user - a downloadable Trial is available(rather substantial at at 63MB).
Silwood Technology
$14,000 is an indicative price Saphir is more than a Modelling Tool. It sits between an ERP like SAP and a Modelling Tool like ERWin.
It provides a very useful and powerful Metadata manipulation package which allows you to extract metadata from ERPs such as SAP, J.D. Edwards and PeopleSoft, which can then be 'reverse engineered' into a Modelling Tool like ERwin, to see the Data Model.
SmartDraw SmartDraw $50 !!! Recommended - Promoted as a UML Drawing Tool with impressive support.
System Architect 2001 Popkin $3,000-5,000 per seat. A well respected Product, with Downloads available for Evaluation.
TogetherSoft Solo Borland Downloadable Supports UML
Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM) University of Twente, Holland Free and Downloadable Very interesting combination of Tools, including UML.
Thanks to Tony Adams for suggesting a better link here.
Visio Microsoft Trial CD available Many Versions- Standard($199),Technical($399),Professional($399) and Enterprise($999)
Visual Thought CERN (Godfathers of the Internet)   Give it a try for UML.
THANKS AGAIN to Josh Bosh, Milwaukee's most beloved Web specialist, for providing this link.
Win A&D Excel Software No price information on the Web Site Unusually offers products for MAC as well as Windows - UML Modelling as well as ERD.
xCase Resolution Software $800 (Download Trial available) "xCase is a complete database design and maintenance tool including archiving and model compare and merge across different DBMSs".
3 楼 chktsang 2018-01-05  
不错, 谢谢你的文章

上面提到的UML工具有很多種選擇。我個人認為Visual Paradigm 一个真正不错的工具 - 绘制图形方便,升级速度很快!

借此机会推荐我最喜欢的UML工具和部落格的朋友分享, 一套我使用多年的免费UML工具, 称为Visual Paradigm Community Edition完全免费的!

免费Visual Paradigm UML工具:



2 楼 huangqinqin 2009-01-01  
1 楼 meetrice 2007-07-19  
Toad Data Modeler 不行,原因就不说了.



    4. **常见的ER图工具**: - **Visio**:微软的办公软件,提供了绘制ER图的模板,适合初学者使用。 - **Lucidchart**:在线协作绘图工具,支持实时共享和团队合作。 - **Draw.io**:免费的在线绘图工具,具有丰富...


    10. **兼容性**:优秀的ER图工具通常能与数据库管理系统(如MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server)或其他建模工具(如UML工具)无缝对接,方便后续的数据库设计和实现。 在使用"画ER图工具"时,用户可以根据需求选择合适的...


    在提供的压缩包文件“画ER图工具”中,可能包含了一款这样的专业绘图工具。使用这款工具,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的专业人士,都能够高效地绘制出美观且清晰的ER图和流程图,显著提升工作效率。 总之,熟练掌握ER...

    Datablau DDM 5.5 数据建模工具

    Datablau DDM是新一代数据模型管理工具,由ERwin数据建模研发骨干开发团队荣誉出品。传统建模工具主要面向设计,而DDM创新的融合了数据治理理念,把数据治理推进到开发流程中,进行开发态的源头治理,解决了标准落地...


    在众多的建模工具中,“数据库建模画ER图工具”是一款轻量级且便于携带的解决方案,它专注于绘制实体关系(ER)图,帮助用户清晰地描绘出数据库中的实体、属性以及它们之间的关系。 ER图(Entity-Relationship ...

    数据库系统原理课件:作业讲评 电影厂的ER图设计.ppt

    在数据库系统原理中,ER图(Entity-Relationship Diagram)是一种重要的数据建模工具。ER图用于描述实体之间的关系,它是一种直观的表示方法,能够帮助我们更好地理解和设计数据库结构。 在电影厂的ER图设计中,...


    通过查看这个大全,你可以学习到如何根据实际需求调整和优化ER图,以达到最佳的数据建模效果。 设计ER图时,我们还需要考虑实体的键(Key)、约束(Constraints)以及函数依赖(Functional Dependencies)。键是...


    ER 图是数据库设计的重要组成部分,Visio 是一种功能强大且流行的绘制 ER 图的工具。本教程将介绍如何使用 Visio 绘制 ER 图,并详细介绍 Visio 中 ER 图的 3 个要素:实体、属性和关系。 一、ER 图的 3 个要素 在...

    er图设计工具 powerdesigner



    在IT行业中,ER图设计工具是数据库设计师、软件开发者和数据模型员的重要辅助工具,帮助他们清晰地表达数据模型的概念。本文将详细讨论ER图设计工具及其在SI Object Browser中的应用。 首先,让我们理解什么是ER图...


    9. **文件列表解析**:“画ER图工具”可能是一个包含多种ER图工具教程、模板或者实际示例的压缩包,用于帮助用户快速上手和提高效率。 综上所述,选择合适的ER图工具并熟练使用,可以极大地提升数据库设计的效率和...


    ER图(Entity-Relationship Diagram),即实体-关系图,是一种用于描述数据模型的概念图,主要用于数据库设计和建模阶段。...ER图不仅用于数据库设计,还可以用于数据建模。通过ER图,可以建立数据模型,描述数据


    Enterprise Architect提供了多种数据建模工具,如ER图(实体关系图)用于描绘数据库结构,类图和对象图用于表示面向对象的设计,以及数据流图和状态图等,帮助用户全面理解系统的数据处理过程。它支持多种标准,如...


    4. **数据建模工具**:如MySQL Workbench、Navicat、Toad Data Modeler等,这些工具提供了直观的界面,可以输入SQL脚本或手动构建ER模型,然后自动生成相应的数据库结构。 5. **源码实现**:有时候,开发者可能会...


    PowerDesigner 是一款功能强大且流行的数据建模工具,广泛应用于数据仓库、数据挖掘、商业智能等领域。本教程旨在指导用户使用 PowerDesigner 设计 ER 图,详细介绍概念数据模型、实体、属性、标识符的定义和表达,...


    ER图是一种数据建模工具,它用于描绘数据库中的实体、属性以及实体之间的关系,对于网上订餐平台来说,这包括餐厅、用户、菜品、订单、订单明细以及推出菜品等核心概念。 首先,我们来看餐厅实体。餐厅有三个基本...

    使用PowerDesigner画ER图详细教程 .docx

    本教程将指导您使用 PowerDesigner 画 ER 图,详细介绍概念数据模型、实体、属性、标识符的定义和表达,并指导您创建概念数据模型、实体、属性和标识符。 概念数据模型概述 ----------------- 数据模型是现实世界...

    PowerDesigner oracle 生成的ER图

    PowerDesigner 是一款功能强大的数据建模工具,能够帮助用户快速生成ER图(实体关系图)。在本文中,我们将学习如何使用 PowerDesigner 生成 Oracle 数据库的ER图。 ER图是数据建模的基础,是数据库设计的重要组成...



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