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亦论一次OutOfMemoryError的定位与解错 -
引用[color=red][/color]百度推广中运用的技术 ...
Spring 3 mvc中返回pdf,json,xml等不同的view -
Mybatis中的like查询 -
有理想的程序员必须知道的15件事 -
15 个必须知道的 Java 面试问题(2年工作经验)
If you get the following error message with maven shade plugin:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes
You need to add the following to pom.xml:
The above configuration filters all files in META-INF ending with .SF, .DSA, and .RSA for all artifacts (*:*) when creating uber-jar file.
The reason java.lang.SecurityException is raised is because some dependency jar files are signed jar files. A jar file is signed by using jarsigner, which creates 2 additional files and places them in META-INF:
a signature file, with a .SF extension, and
a signature block file, with a .DSA, .RSA, or .EC extension.
Since the uber-jar file is created, the signatures and integrity of signed JAR files are no longer valid. When the uber-jar file is executed, java.lang.SecurityException is thrown.
See jarsigner for detailed explanation of JAR Signing and Verification Tool.
If you get the following error message with maven shade plugin:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes
You need to add the following to pom.xml:
The above configuration filters all files in META-INF ending with .SF, .DSA, and .RSA for all artifacts (*:*) when creating uber-jar file.
The reason java.lang.SecurityException is raised is because some dependency jar files are signed jar files. A jar file is signed by using jarsigner, which creates 2 additional files and places them in META-INF:
a signature file, with a .SF extension, and
a signature block file, with a .DSA, .RSA, or .EC extension.
Since the uber-jar file is created, the signatures and integrity of signed JAR files are no longer valid. When the uber-jar file is executed, java.lang.SecurityException is thrown.
See jarsigner for detailed explanation of JAR Signing and Verification Tool.
Maven Sonatype Nexus return 401
2015-10-23 17:18 731源:http://www.trinea.cn/dev-tool ... -
Maven Release Plugin Prepare a Release and create new branch
2015-09-17 15:22 828源:http://maven.apache.org/maven ... -
maven 手动把本地jar安装到本地仓库
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2015-07-08 21:12 549源:http://stackoverflow.com/ques ... -
maven 自动部署Tomcat错误排除
2015-05-14 12:00 606源:http://my.oschina.net/jerryhu ... -
2015-04-24 10:14 395源:http://bglmmz.iteye.com/blog/ ... -
2015-02-07 21:12 429源:http://suhuanzheng7784877 ... -
2015-02-07 19:19 320源:http://www.cnblogs.com/luotao ... -
Nexus启动失败The nexus-webapp service was launched, but failed to start.
2015-02-07 18:55 487源:http://niweiwei.iteye.com/blo ... -
修改maven3项目的默认的编译级别(compile level)
2014-11-03 11:09 1058源:http://hi.baidu.com/hi_hi/ite ... -
2014-04-27 19:39 667源:http://www.cnblogs.com/xiaona ... -
添加 oracle 驱动到maven 或其他 非maven仓库 jar 到 maven
2013-12-05 11:27 751源:http://stackoverflow.com/ques ... -
各数据库连接maven配置 各种数据库Hibernate链接配置
2013-11-25 09:23 944源:http://www.cnblogs.com/luowe ...
<artifactId>maven-shade-plugin <version>3.1.0 <phase>package <goal>shade implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer"> <resource>META-INF/spring....
Maven 使用 tomcat8-maven-plugin 插件 Maven 是一个流行的构建自动化工具,它可以帮助开发者自动完成项目的编译、测试、打包、部署等任务。 Tomcat 是一个流行的 Web 服务器,Maven 提供了一个插件 tomcat8-maven-...
《深入解析修改版tomcat7-maven-plugin-2.2.jar》 在Java开发领域,Maven作为项目管理和构建工具,极大地简化了依赖管理和构建流程。而Tomcat,作为广泛使用的开源Servlet容器,是Java Web应用部署的首选平台。当...
**yuicompressor-maven-plugin详解** `yuicompressor-maven-plugin`是一款强大的Maven插件,主要用于优化前端资源,特别是JavaScript和CSS文件。这个插件是基于YUI Compressor,一个由Yahoo开发的开源工具,它能...
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XJar-Maven-Plugin XJar-Maven-Plugin是对的一个Maven插件封装,实现可通过Maven命令或绑定在Maven的生命周期之中执行,从而更加便捷的方式集成了 。 GitHub: : 什么是XJar XJar是基于对JAR包内部资源的加密以及...
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) on project
apt-maven-plugin提供Java 6 APT功能的Maven集成。 支持的目标是 process - to process main sources test-process - to process test sources 这是配置示例 <plugin> <groupId>com.mysema.maven</groupId> ...
在<plugins></plugins>中添加<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin <version>3.8.1 <source>1.8 <target>1.8 </plugin>
Echo Maven插件总览如果您使用的是Maven,有时可能会遇到这样的情况,即感觉到在构建期间会打印出某种消息。 但是你该怎么做呢? 有些人第二次考虑,来到Maven-AntRun-Plugin并使用一些ant任务。 但是,为什么不存在...
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MojoHaus Flatten Maven插件 这是 。 1.0.x分支: 快速开始 这个插件会生成您pom.xml的扁平版本,并使maven可以安装和部署该版本,而不是原始pom.xml。 <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo <artifactId>...
ImpSort Maven插件在以下位置查看此插件的文档: : 整理您的展示次数! 一个Maven插件,用于对Java源文件中的import语句进行排序。 该插件将用于其自己的版本。 它的公共API是目标和配置选项的名称。