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基于OSGi的声明式服务 -
ZK 5.0.8
* 新特性
ZK-214: 添加了一个数据绑定composer替代initiator 笔者: 笔者以前写的累死增强类
3316591: 允许用户指定error-box的位置
3326788: 提供一个给GenericAutowireComposer命名的方法
ZK-250: 支持使用<?style?> 指令直接生成css,而无需使用组件
2971889: 提供一个通知服务器客户端js错误的方法
3306718: Treeitem 允许拖拽拖放操作
3287044: decimalbox/intbox/longbox/doublebox/doublespiner/spinner 允许指定locale
3309539: Timebox and Datebox 支持不同语言的本地显示
3310927: ZK JasperReport 支持JasperReports 版本4
3315689: 优化了 HtmlMacroComponent
3323594: Grid支持按需显示, Listbox 支持 setInitSize
3327013: 提供一种方式记录客户端日志
3355806: Feature Update: custom-attributes shall be allowed to specify page's attrs (without specifying the scope attribute explicity)
3307322: 控制键支持 backspace
3326111: 可以在zk.xml里指定上传文件时文件临界大小,笔者:该特性主要针对上传文件创建的临时文件的
ZK-274: 提供一种禁止开发者使用zscript的方法
ZK-310: 支持 Clients.resize(wgt),强制客户端重新计算widget的大小,例如 hflex/vflex
ZK-230: org.zkoss.zkplus.embed.Renders provides an option to control whether to generate addtion DOM element for the page
ZK-240: 优化了 Cell/Listcell/Treecell内存占用
ZK-248: System-level initiator 也可以用到richlet上
ZK-219: 更新了 zk.Event 的文档
ZK-287: The event instance shall be passed to the callback event listener of EventQueue
ZK-295: Animation effect of Borderlayout can be configured
* Bugs
3301375: native component in vbox stretch align show javascript error
3303684: Panel sizable has incorrect moving constraint
3301517: Double spinner show 0.000000000001
3304408: Listbox[mold=select], onChange event not fired in IE6
2973303: listbox mold select and selectedIndex -1
3306079: Spinner/Doublespinner has unnecessary methods
3002530: glitches with autopaging and renderdefer
3306824: NullPointer when combobox's model has null
3304877: Upload fail when the component with autodisable
3308335: Fail to dynamically change the roundingMode for subclass...
3309174: Remove items from the model of a non-rod grid cause error
3309256: Datebox and Timebox with long format will display wrong
3306149: Cannot remove the latest element in grid model (grid in rod)
3309632: Upload may incorrectly terminate
3307255: Panel in Portallayout missing top and bottom in IE7
3310470: Columnlayout does not work with vflex
3310055: Timebox issue with daylight saving timezone
3309583: Auxheader HTML Error
3315594: Vflex fail with a window contain a listbox with rows
3317170: Datebox without rod render a incorrect dom (FF3.6 only)
3322903: onTimer may cancel onClick request
3322892: emptyMessage fail when Grid has height
3309557: Rod render the empty content with listbox
3322909: emptyMessage fail when Listbox has height
3322970: Listhead checkmark state is not synchronized
3310020: init(SCfg) of DhtmlLayoutS. breaks contract of GenericSrvlet
3307376: The datebox shall fire onError after the error is cleared.
3322795: double spinner weird action
3322816: Doublespinner cannot accept empty value
3306850: doublespinner has weird actions
3303770: WrongValueException in Grid with paging mold
3314014: Separator bar not showing in IE6
3315668: doModal Window sometimes can't close with a cluster weblogic
3340252: Set vflex to cell in Vbox cause js error
3336745: getBoundingClientRect cause error on IE/FF
3323593: Timebox with long format shows meanless "z"
3314513: Datebox validate fail with different locale
3317729: Textbox with hflex="1" shall occupied column's width (IE)
3312936: Panel vflex issue (IE6/7)
3309193: Chrome returns wrong margin value on InputElement
3310406: ztag selector throws error when mounting
3339315: Mesh Element with hflex min causes zero width
3316035: Grid with sizedByContent and hflex:min display wrong
3345636: Chrome, Set hflex="1" to Datebox do not align with Textbox
3309975: Textbox in a draggable component get selection while focus
3310017: The textbox's cursor position cannot be changed
3313028: Grid hflex fail while the label in a div with FF4
3330762: DoubleSpinner's ClassCastException on value get
3348943: ZK JPA cause Exception
3316030: Column with hflex:min, but it is not real displayed as min
3325041: doublespinner can't type in floating number
3316543: Only load the first property file
3304954: HoverImage doesn't show up in menus
3340841: Listitem doesn't show selection if disabled
3316665: setVflex to Window calculate a wrong height
3306729: vflex of listbox not work well on IE6
3310051: Listbox with hflex cannot shorten its width on IE6
3301498: Alignment of rows and header broken
3357475: Grid with hflex min should imply default header hflex
3303877: IE6 only, vflex fail with tabbox
3305038: Fileupload.get() cause javascript error
3353121: Grid in Tabbox vflex issue, IE7 only
3303872: IE8 only, tabpanel disappear after hide then show
3303874: IE7 only, the scroll bar do not appear in the tabpanel
3306835: can not drag image into listbox on IE9
3343388: Set hflex="min" to Groupbox fail
3353521: Window render Caption in a wrong place
3357573: child in the groupbox cannot resize correctly
3345912: IE6 only, use Cell in Grid,it appears a strange line
3356022: borderlayout and tabpanel bug
3355680: hflex fail in combobox while select options
3304968: IE9 only, tab will be hide after open then close
3362731: IE Rod, use mouse wheel scrol down to end cause js error
3309122: ROD issue when use oncreate
3317743: Listbox checkmarks don't work as expected in paging mold
3365535: Groupbox default mold hflex min may have wrong size
3300935: (ipad)Tooltip shall not appear while taps on a component
3314143: Treeitem in a close dot tree does not render correctly
3306281: onClick in Flash with IE not working
3343001: IE6 7 only, Tree will not increase height when open treeitem
3352909: Listbox ROD will not render item in a correct position
3354086: Model attribute will not accept a ListModel
3343077: IE only, column of Grid and Tree do not sync with scroll bar
3316103: InaccessibleWidgetBlockService wrongly blocks Combobox
3357641: listbox scroll bar position issue if ROD is true
3358505: ZK EE with native failed to invalidate (JS error)
3327522: Visible property for borderlayout panels (west, east, etc)
3337441: Firefox Listbox Multiselect
3363687: Window onCreate fired twice for Execution#sendRedirect()
ZK-210: Style Tag Ignored in IE6/7/8
ZK-223: Fine tune ZKThemes and sandbox
ZK-200: Outside Window border disappear when defer including
ZK-215: Combobox options width failed in IE
ZK-56: setSelectedIndex not scroll the selectedItem
ZK-232: Server push fail in cluster environment
ZK-159: Hflex fail with nest container
ZK-182: Header of grid scroll fail after remove the Frozen
ZK-163: The Flashchart didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x
ZK-195: Tree with vflex causes wrong wd in another tree w/ scrollbar
ZK-171: Listbox/Grid columns hflex="1" not correct with hflex="min"
ZK-206: Set Hflex="min" to listheader fail, FF5 IE6,7
ZK-198: Splitter issue with double Borderlayout
ZK-190: Change style of div in border layout cause error of style
ZK-236: Borderlayout North/South failed to concern caption height
ZK-238: Grid with frozen, scrolled then delete frozen, some columns is hidden
ZK-221: problem with events in firefox 4.x and up
ZK-241: Hflex fail with grid in grid case
ZK-244: window cannot maximize when caption changed
ZK-239: vlayout inner padding issue
ZK-261: Panelchildren fail to serialize in Panel
ZK-242: Set postion to window fail with Firefox
ZK-267: DelegatingVariableResolver cannot be serialize
ZK-266: Sort call to model not receiving the right parameters
ZK-269: If listbox with an empty content, the head's size in Opera is wrong
ZK-281: Hlayout.setSpacing with null or an empty string shall mean auto
ZK-259: Using custom paging component in grid when autopaging is used
ZK-275: Window render Caption in a wrong place
ZK-286: Vlayout shall not appear horizontal scroll bar (hflex)
ZK-294: < not shown up if it is enclosed in a ZHTML component
ZK-272: Place component in auxheader is not align with headers'
ZK-299: Detail component should not initial the width (18px) by default, if the theme is not in classic-blue
ZK-297: Combox's onSelect will keep to fire when invalidate the component
ZK-300: Paging mold with listbox cannot change its mold by configuration
ZK-282: Menuitem with popup is not always worked on IE6 only
ZK-298: vertical tabbox height is not correct
ZK-301: Invalidate Borderlayout while west opening cause javascript error
ZK-306: DefaultTreeModel does not properly synchronize deselection state
ZK-307: Center fires redudant onSize if borderlayout's isFlex() is true
* Upgrade Notes
+ Listbox in the select mold will show up an empty selection if none of listitems
are selected (in the prior version, the first item will be shown though it is not
selected - Bug 2973303)
+ To make API consistent, Hlayout and Vlayout's setSpacing() will consider
null and empty ("") as "auto" rather than the default spacing (i.e., "0.3em")
+ org.zkoss.zhtml.Text will encode the text by default. If it is not the case
you want, please specify encode="fasle" to disable it.
+ Listheader's selectAll checkmark will disable when Listbox in ROD mode. Here
is the feature tracker - http://tracker.zkoss.org/browse/ZK-220
+ If enable the autopaging function of Tree, Listbox, and Grid, the height of
each row will be applied the following CSS by default. If you want to change
the height, please overwrite the CSS rule as your preference.
.z-grid-autopaging .z-row-cnt {
height: 30px;
overflow: hidden;
.z-listbox-autopaging .z-listcell-cnt {
height: 30px;
overflow: hidden;
.z-tree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt,
.z-dottree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt,
.z-filetree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt,
.z-vfiletree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt {
height: 30px;
overflow: hidden;
+ iDOM is simplified and the concept of readonly and modification is removed.
+ Add org.zkoss.zkplus.cluster.ClusterSessionPatch listener to zk.xml
enforcing GAE to write session states for each Ajax request
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2012-02-23 08:18 967该版本是一个维护版本,主要于bug修复及引入几个新特性 ... -
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2. **新特性**: - **模块系统**:从5.0版本开始,Redis引入了模块系统,允许用户扩展Redis的功能,如添加新的数据类型或命令。 - **Stream数据类型**:Redis 5.0引入了Stream数据类型,这是一个强大的时间序列...
【自费购买分享】专业拍照ProShot v5.0.8新版/专业/已付费/
2. **Redis 5.0.8 版本特性**: - **模块系统**:Redis 5引入了模块系统,允许开发人员扩展Redis的功能,例如添加新的数据类型或命令。 - **Stream数据类型**:这是一个新的持久化数据结构,用于实现日志、时间...
首先,Redis 5.0.8是Redis的一个稳定版本,它包含了丰富的特性和性能优化。在这个版本中,Redis引入了多项改进,如更好的内存管理策略、更高效的命令执行和更低的延迟。对于Windows用户来说,这是一个重要的里程碑,...
6. **流(Streams)**:在Redis 5.0中引入的新特性,提供了一种先进先出(FIFO)的数据结构,用于日志和消息队列,支持XADD、XREAD等操作。 7. **Lua脚本**:Redis支持内嵌的Lua脚本执行,可以在服务器端运行复杂的逻辑...
JavaEE源代码 mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-binJavaEE源代码 mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-binJavaEE源代码 mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-binJavaEE源代码 mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-binJavaEE源代码 mysql-connector...
MySQL 5.0.8 是 MySQL 数据库管理系统的一个早期版本,发布于2005年。MySQL 是一个广泛使用的开源关系型数据库系统,以其高效、可靠和易用性而受到全球开发者的青睐。以下是关于 MySQL 5.0.8 版本的一些关键知识点:...
总的来说,Redis-5.0.8 是 Redis 的一个重要里程碑,它不仅引入了新的 Stream 数据类型,还对内存管理、持久化、集群和安全性进行了优化。对于需要高性能、低延迟存储和处理数据的应用来说,Redis 5.0.8 是一个值得...
6. **Spring Security**:5.0版本的Spring Security提供了新的安全特性和改进,如支持OAuth2.0、JWT(JSON Web Tokens)等,强化了认证和授权流程。 7. **Reactor升级**:Spring 5使用了Reactor 3.x作为其响应式...
这将在`/usr/src`目录下创建一个名为`mysql-5.0.18`的新目录。 **3. 创建MySQL用户组与用户** 为了确保MySQL服务能够正确运行,我们需要创建一个专用的用户组与用户。使用以下命令来创建: ```bash groupadd mysql ...
2. **tests**:这是一个测试目录,包含了用于单元测试和集成测试的脚本,确保Redis在新版本中的功能正确无误。 3. **doc**:包含Redis的官方文档,包括Markdown格式的README文件和其他技术文档,帮助用户了解如何...
ISP Tool 5.0.8是他们提供的一个较新的版本,它可能包含了性能优化、错误修复以及对新硬件的支持。 烧录工具的主要功能包括: 1. **固件上传**:将编译好的固件代码通过串口、USB或JTAG等接口传输到MStar芯片的...
例如,5.0.8版本可能不支持较新的MySQL特性,因此在新项目中,可能需要选择更现代的版本以利用最新特性并确保兼容性。 总之,`mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.zip`是Java开发者与MySQL数据库交互的核心工具,它...
Redis(Remote Dictionary Server ),即远程字典服务,是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的...,redis-5.0.8 Windows 版本编译,使用Cygwin编译
此外,Redis 5.0.8 可能还引入了 Stream 数据类型,这是一种新的复杂数据结构,用于存储时序数据。Stream 类似于日志,可以按时间戳索引并支持多消费者组,这在实时分析、消息传递和事件处理场景中非常有用。 Lua ...
《MySQL Connector/J 5.0.8:Java与MySQL数据库之间的桥梁》 MySQL Connector/J是MySQL官方提供的用于Java应用程序连接MySQL数据库的驱动程序,它的全称为"mysql-connector-java"。在版本5.0.8中,这个jar文件提供...
1. **Stream 数据类型**:这是Redis 5引入的新特性,它提供了一种灵活的方式来存储和操作时间序列数据,非常适合追踪用户活动、日志记录或实时分析。 2. **Cluster 管理工具的改进**:Redis Cluster 是 Redis 的...