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[edit ] Introduction
If you've ever had some sort of programming project where you didn't want to turn your code into a disorganized soup of text files, you probably have had the idea of setting up a CVS server. While I will not explain what CVS "is" (you can read all about it here ), what I will try to do here is tell you how to set up a CVS server from start to finish. A more modern orientated program which does virtually the same is Subversion also known as svn. For the gentoo-wiki entry click here
Remark, that this HOWTO describes how to access a CVS using the pserver protocol. This protocol is insecure, as it transfers passwords in plain text. A more secure approach is to access CVS via SSH with public key authorization.
[edit ] Installation
# USE="server" emerge cvs # emerge cvsd
That took care of the installation part. You have a nice and operable CVS client ("cvs"), and the CVS daemon that will be running on your system in order to make it a functional CVS server. CVS must be built with the "server" USE flag or else CVSD will not work properly. Whenever someone attempts to connect, you will get this error:
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from <host> cvs: unrecognized option `--allow-root=/root'
[edit ] Create a CVS Jailroot
Now, you have to decide where you would like to place your CVS jailroot. This jailroot is a directory where the CVS repository will be held, and other things like configuration, (encrypted) CVS user passwords, etc. A good location to put your jailroot in is /var/lib/cvsd , which hereafter will be the meaning of "jailroot" in this document.
Let us set it up the CVS jailroot:
# mkdir /var/lib/cvsd # cvs -d /var/lib/cvsd/root init # cvsd-buildroot /var/lib/cvsd # cd /var/lib/cvsd # mkdir -p var/lock
Now our CVS jailroot is done. Our next task is to configure cvsd to run properly, and here is how it's done:
Fire up your favourite editor (I like nano, very Gentoo-ish. And yes, still as root!):
# nano -w /etc/cvsd/cvsd.conf
Here is what you have to look for in the config and modify accordingly so the lines you modify look like this (Note - just modify the lines that look like the ones in the box to say exactly what they say in the box; do not make your whole file look like that! Also, make sure that the whole file ends in a newline):
File: /etc/cvsd/cvsd.conf |
RootJail /var/lib/cvsd Uid cvsd Gid cvsd Listen * 2401 # or whatever port you'd like it to listen on, up to you Repos /root |
When you're done modifying, press CTRL+O, then <ENTER>, and finally CTRL+X to quit nano.
[edit ] Add Users
There is one more thing you need to set up - users. CVS obviously has to have users, otherwise you will never know who is responsible for the various source files! So here it is:
# cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/root YOUR_USER_HERE
You will be prompted for a password, where I'm sure you know what to do. If you are extra-clever, you might realize that making the user name "anonymous" and not entering a password (just pressing ENTER will do) will create an anonymous CVS user. Woohoo!
- NOTE: To create a user that has only read rights follow the next steps:
# touch /var/lib/cvsd/root/CVSROOT/readers # chown cvsd:cvsd /var/lib/cvsd/root/CVSROOT/readers # nano /var/lib/cvsd/root/CVSROOT/readers
Add the users you just created to this file, each user seperated by a new line. Do not forget to put a new line after the last user. This setting only allows readers to the repository, to allow writers, create a file writers on same path.
- If a user is in the readers file the user is only allowed to read, regardless of whether or not they are in the writers file. If the user is in the writers file and not the readers file they can both read and write.
File: /var/lib/cvsd/root/CVSROOT/readers |
guest anonymous john |
[edit ] Apply Correct Permissions
Once you're done setting up your various users, there are three more things to do:
- Change the permissions/ownership of your cvs directory
- Restart cvsd
- Add cvsd to your runlevel (if you want to)
1. Changing permissions and ownership. As root:
# cd /var/lib # chown -R cvsd:cvsd cvsd # chmod -R 775 /var/lib/cvsd/root
2. (Re)starting cvsd, your CVS daemon. As root:
# /etc/init.d/cvsd restart
3. If you'd like to, we can set it up so your CVS daemon starts up whenever your system does:
# rc-update add cvsd default
And now you are done. Read up on how to use the CVS client ("man cvs"), and keep your code organized.
- Kirill Zorin.
[edit ] Quick local test
[edit ] Common method
1. Set your CVSROOT environment var (:pserver:<username>@<host>:/cvsdirectory)
# CVSROOT=:pserver:YOUR_USER_HERE:PASSWORD@localhost:/root; export CVSROOT
2. Login
# cvs login
3. Import/Checkout something (See below)
4. Logout
# cvs logout
[edit ] Import/Checkout something
1 . (Optional) Import your first project into cvs
# cvs import -m 'Example01 project' example01 vendor start
Make sure your cvs user name is in /var/lib/cvsd/root/CVSROOT/writers and not in "CVSROOT/readers".
is the name of the project,vendor is the vendor tag (can be anything)
start is the release tag (can be anything which identifies the release)
all 3 fields must be included
Also note that this command will import everything in your current working directory, so if you wanted to import all the files in ~/example1/, you should cd into that directory, then execute the cvs import command. When you check out the files later, cvs will create a directory with the same name as the project to keep things neat.
2 . (Optional) Checkout your first project from cvs
# cvs -d myExmp01 co -A example01
[edit ] Tips and Tricks
Delete all CVS Folders:
# find ./* -type d | grep CVS | sed "s/^/rm -rf /" | sh
This variation will handle properly folders with spaces in their names and will handle hidden folders.
find -type d | grep CVS | sed "s/^/rm -rf \"/"|sed "s/$/\"/" | sh
[edit ] Finally
Don't forget to route the port 2401 into your firewall
[edit ] Potential Errors
The cvsd-1.0.2 build has a problem running the cvsd-buildroot command in which it does not copy all the libraries that are needed for the server to run correctly. If you are experiencing this error
cvs [login aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset by peer
Then use the following commands to fix this problem.
# cp /lib/ld-* /path/to/cvsdir/lib/ # cp /lib/libdl.so.2 /path/to/cvsdir/lib/ # cp /lib/ld.so.1 /path/to/cvsdir/lib/
(note: with the above setup /path/to/cvsdir/lib/ is /var/lib/cvs/lib/)
Related Bug Report: Bug 87124
Related Forum Discussion: CVSD help
[edit ] SSH Mode
[edit ] Access on a local server
You can very easily use cvsd in the more secure ssh mode if you already have sshd set up. You may want to skip the step where you create pserver users:
# cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/root YOUR_USER_HERE
If you already did that, you can reverse it by simply editing the file CVSROOT/passwd so that it is blank. This disables the pserver mode.
To give users on your server access to the cvs repository, issue the following commands:
# chmod -R 775 /var/lib/cvsd/root # gpasswd -a USERNAME cvsd
Repeat the second line for each user who needs access to cvs. Now any user that can access your server via ssh who also belongs to the cvsd group can access the cvs repository by setting CVSROOT as follows:
# CVSROOT=:ext:YOUR_USER_HERE@YOUR_HOST_NAME:/var/lib/cvsd/root; export CVSROOT
cvs login
because login command is enabled only for pserver protocol, you can try to list files in repository with command
cvs rls
(you have to have CVSROOT variable set)
If your client is not running a recent Gentoo version, you may also have to set CVS_RSH as follows:
# CVS_RSH=ssh;export CVS_RSH
[edit ] Access through a gateway
In theory you can define CVS_RSH to be any valid command which gives you a remote command interpreter. Namely as long as this scheme works, then CVS can use this particular CVS_RSH as a means to perform the neccesary tasks:
Now suppose your cvs server is on a machine called INTERNAL, and you have to login to an ssh gateway machine called GATEWAY first. Then you can define CVS_RSH:
# export CVS_RSH=gateway_ssh
Now fireup your favorite editor, put these lines in your gateway_ssh file:
# #!/bin/sh ssh -t user@gateway ssh "$@"
Now let's save it in a directory which is in your $PATH, and conduct a basic test:
# gateway_ssh YOUR_USER_HERE@INTERNAL ls
You should see a list of files on INTERNAL.
Now edit your CVSROOT variable:
# export CVSROOT=":ext:INTERNAL:/var/lib/cvsd/root"
And you should be able to use cvs from your home computer now!
[edit ] Combining pserver and SSH Mode
It is possible to use pserver mode and ssh mode at the same time. Just setup your server to use pserver. Create all pserver users with
# cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/root YOUR_USER_HERE
and setup ssh like above:
# chmod -R 775 /var/lib/cvsd/root # gpasswd -a USERNAME cvsd
Please note that the path to the repository is different for pserver and ssh.
# CVSROOT=:pserver:YOUR_USER_HERE@YOUR_HOST_NAME:/root; export CVSROOT #pserver
# CVSROOT=:ext:YOUR_USER_HERE@YOUR_HOST_NAME:/var/lib/cvsd/root; export CVSROOT #ssh
"import" requires write access to the repository
在CVSROOT目录下 将readers文件中用户名删除,建立或修改writers文件,将用户名添加至该文件即可
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1. **客户端连接**:在客户端机器上,安装CVS或Cvsnt客户端,然后通过`cvs -d :pserver:username@hostname:/cvsroot checkout module`命令连接到服务器并检出代码。 2. **版本控制操作**:Cvsnt支持CVS的所有基本...
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【cvs.zip_WinCVS_cvs】是一个包含有关CVS(Concurrent Versions System)技术文档的压缩包,特别强调了WinCVS的使用。这个压缩包中的资源可以帮助用户理解和掌握CVS的基本操作以及如何在Windows环境下通过WinCVS...
开发者通常使用Cvsnt的客户端工具,如TortoiseCVS,与Cvsnt Server进行交互。这些客户端工具提供了图形化的操作界面,简化了版本控制操作,如检出、提交、更新和合并。 4. **协同开发实践** 在Java项目中,团队...
【标题】"cvs.rar_cvs" 涉及的核心知识点是版本控制系统CVS(Concurrent Versions System),这是一个开源的版本控制系统,广泛用于软件开发项目,以管理代码的版本历史和协同开发。这个压缩包文件显然是为了帮助...
4. **创建CVS仓库**:使用`cvs -d <path_to_repository> init`命令初始化一个新的CVS仓库。 5. **导入项目**:使用`cvs import`命令将现有项目导入到CVS仓库中。 **CVS基本操作**: 1. **检出(Checkout)**:使用`...
- 修改`server_args`指定仓库路径,例如`--allow-root=/cvsroot`,并可以添加多个仓库路径。 - 可以通过`only_from`限制访问IP,不设置或设置为特定网络段允许访问。 - 保存文件后,使用`chmod 644 cvspserver`...
NAMD_CVS_Source.tar.gz 文件包含了NAMD的源代码,是深入理解其工作原理、进行二次开发或定制化配置的重要资源。这个压缩包的核心在于CUDA编程的应用,CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)是NVIDIA公司推出...
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4. **版本控制操作**:现在,你可以开始使用CVS的基本操作,如"Add to Version Control"(添加文件到版本库)、"Commit"(提交更改)、"Update"(更新到最新版本)等。 5. **协同工作**:当团队成员对同一文件进行...
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