1. Always define field names. Do not use SELECT * or INSERT INTO table VALUES. However, if it's important enough to save in a text file (ie, it's seed data or a migration script) then it gets explicit field names.
2. Always use the database server's timestamp. Web servers may have disparate times. Reports may come from different servers than the inserted data.
3. When doing reports, the network traffic is usually the biggest bottleneck. If you're going to receive information, it's better to receive in chunks, which will likely be larger than a logical piece. For instance, state reporting -- instead of making 50 connections for states in the US, get them all at once. If the dataset is very large and folks do not want to stare at a blank page while the report is loading, use paging with LIMIT to grab, say, 1000 entries at a time and display them on the screen so people can start looking at the data while the rest is being grabbed.
4. Running a query in a loop is usually a bad idea. If you are executing the same query with different data, consider building a query string using UNION and executing it at the end of the loop, so you can execute multiple queries with only one trip across the network to the database.
5. Do not be afraid of JOINs. They are not necessarily resource intensive, given good indexing. Most of the time a denormalized schema without a join ends up being worse than a normalized one using a join. When there is redundant data, ensuring data integrity takes up more cycles than providing a framework for data integrity in the first place.
6. Limit the use of correlated subqueries; often they can be replaced with a JOIN.
7. Ensure repeated sql statements are written absolutely identical to facilitate efficient reuse: reparsing can often be avoided for each subsequent use.
8. Code the SQL as per exact requirement i.e. no unnecessary columns should be selected, and no unnecessary GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses used.
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9. Avoid using ‘select *’, when you could select by actual column name(s). It is the same or faster to SELECT by actual column name(s). The larger the table the more likely the savings. E.g. SELECT customer_id, last_name, first_name, street, city FROM customer; rather than: SELECT * FROM customer;
10. Do not perform operations on DB objects referenced in the WHERE clause. For e.g. use “SELECT client, date, amount FROM sales WHERE amount > 0” rather than “SELECT client, date, amount FROM sales WHERE amount!= 0”.
11. Use HAVING only when summary operations applied to columns will be restricted by the clause. Avoid a HAVING clause in SELECT statements when it is only required to filter selected rows after all the rows have been returned. A WHERE clause may be more efficient. For e.g. use “SELECT city FROM country WHERE city!= 'Vancouver' AND city!= 'Toronto' GROUP BY city” rather than “SELECT city FROM country GROUP BY city HAVING city!= 'Vancouver' AND city!= 'Toronto'”
12. Where possible use EXISTS rather than DISTINCT.
13. Where possible use a non-column expression (putting the column on one side of the operator and all the other values on the other). Non-column expressions are often processed earlier thereby speeding the query. For e.g. use WHERE SALES < 1000/(1 + n); rather than “WHERE SALES + (n * SALES) < 1000”. Never do a calculation on an indexed column (For e.g., WHERE salary*5 > :myvalue).
14. Whenever possible, use the UNION statement instead of OR conditions.
15. Avoid the use of NOT IN or HAVING in the WHERE clause. Instead, use the NOT EXISTS clause.
16. Use the Oracle “decode” function to minimize the number of times a table has to be selected.
17. Check whether your query could do without the DISTINCT clause you have in the code.
18. Check whether UNION be replaced with a UNION ALL which improves the response time.
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19. Avoid using negative logic (NOT, <>, !=).
20. When using OR’s in the where clause be sure to use enough parenthesis to ensure defaults for operator precedence are not used.
21. When we use ‘EXISTS’, we do not need to use any column name in the subsequent SQL and just return a constant value for better efficiency. For e.g. SELECT s.sname FROM student s
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM grade_report gr, section WHERE section.section_id = gr.section_id).
22. Ensure all Foreign Key columns are indexed
23. Use Bind Variables instead of static values
清华大学出版社出版的《Oracle database 11g SQL开发指南》,本书是由著名的Oracle大师Joson Price著。 学习通过编写SQL语句并构建PL/SQL程序来访问Oracle数据库。完全涵盖了最新版本Oracle数据库的功能和技术,指导...
《Oracle Database 10g SQL开发指南》是一本专注于Oracle 10g数据库系统中SQL语言使用的指导书籍。本指南涵盖了SQL的基础知识以及在Oracle环境中的一些高级特性。 首先,书中介绍的是关系数据库和SQL的基本概念。...
清华大学出版社出版的《Oracle database 11g SQL开发指南》,本书是由著名的Oracle大师Joson Price著。 学习通过编写SQL语句并构建PL/SQL程序来访问Oracle数据库。完全涵盖了最新版本Oracle数据库的功能和技术,指导...
清华大学出版社出版的《Oracle database 11g SQL开发指南》,本书是由著名的Oracle大师Joson Price著。 学习通过编写SQL语句并构建PL/SQL程序来访问Oracle数据库。完全涵盖了最新版本Oracle数据库的功能和技术,指导...
这些知识点是Oracle Database 10g SQL开发的核心内容,通过阅读本书源码,读者可以深入理解并掌握这些概念,提升数据库开发和管理技能。实践操作是学习的关键,因此,书中提供的源码对于学习者来说是极其宝贵的资源...
综上所述,Oracle Database SQL Fundamentals II是一本为Oracle数据库开发者和管理员准备的深入学习教材,覆盖了SQL语言在Oracle数据库中应用的各个方面,并且包含了实践操作的指导和高级概念的介绍。
清华大学出版社出版的《Oracle database 11g SQL开发指南》,本书是由著名的Oracle大师Joson Price著。 学习通过编写SQL语句并构建PL/SQL程序来访问Oracle数据库。完全涵盖了最新版本Oracle数据库的功能和技术,指导...
《Oracle Database 10g 开发指南》是一本深度探讨Oracle数据库系统开发的书籍,尤其适合于对数据库技术有热情的初学者以及寻求提升的高级用户。Oracle数据库系统是全球广泛应用的关系型数据库管理系统,尤其在企业级...
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