美国Software Business杂志最近评出了2007软件工业大奖,让我高兴的是,我们公司名列其中,获得了最佳SaaS公司的奖项。下面是2007软件工业大奖的获奖名单:
- HP Software -- Software Industry Leadership Excellence
- Parlano -- Best Partnering Initiative With a Large Company
- DreamFactory -- Best Partnering Program
- Concur -- Best SaaS Company (Large Company)
- Gomez -- Best SaaS Company (Mid-sized Company)
- Symantec -- Best SaaS Migration By a Traditional Software Product (Large Company)
- Maxager -- Best SaaS Migration By a Traditional Software Product (Mid-sized Company)
- GeoLearning -- Best Marketing Initiative
- Cognos 8 Go! Mobile -- Best Market Changing Product (Large Company)
- OpSource On-Demand -- Best Market Changing Product (Mid-sized Company)
Gomez -- Best SaaS Company (Mid-sized Company)
Gomez is the leading provider of web application experience management solutions. Used by more than 850 companies worldwide, including eight of the top 10 most visited sites, six of the top 10 retailers, nine of the top 10 financial services firms, and four of the top 10 industrial companies, Gomez's services, delivered in a software as a service (SaaS) subscription model, help companies ensure superior online experiences that satisfy customers, enhance brands and drive profits. Founded in 1997, Gomez provides the industry's only complete solution for managing web application experience throughout the entire application life cycle, featuring active monitoring, competitive benchmarking, and more than 15,000 data sources worldwide.
"Gomez' sequential growth in revenue and its customer base is further evidence that more customers are looking to us for services that enable them to ensure high-quality web experiences from application design testing all the way to 24x7 production," said Jaime Ellertson, Gomez chief executive officer. "During the quarter, we added major brands to our customer portfolio, including a global shipping firm, several major financial services firms, and one of the largest online travel services. And with major investments in our ExperienceFirst network, now comprising more than 15,000 locations, Gomez can easily meet the needs of the largest online brands in the world."
Contact www.gomez.com
- 2007-09-28 09:25
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### 安装Gomez Script Recorder (GSR) 实验指南 #### 一、实验简介 在本实验(Lab 1)中,我们将详细介绍如何下载并安装Gomez Script Recorder(GSR),这是一种用于录制Web应用程序测试脚本的强大工具。通过本...
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