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- 来自: 北京
大家知道IE 6,7,8不支持CSS3中新加属性,老外写了一个htc,可以让IE 6,7,8模拟部分的CSS3属性,包括:border-radius(圆角),box-shadow(阴影),text-shadow(文本阴影)
IE-CSS3 是个能令 Internet Explorer 不完整地支持几个常用的 CSS3 属性的小 script。它利用了 Internet Explorer 专有的 Vector Markup Language (VML) 来绘制所需效果。
使用方法很简单,如果你需要圆角效果,只需一如以往地用 border-radius,再加上 behavior: url(ie-css3.htc) 即可:
.box { -moz-border-radius: 15px; /* Firefox */ -webkit-border-radius: 15px; /* Safari and Chrome */ border-radius: 15px; /* Opera 10.5+, future browsers, and now also Internet Explorer 6+ using IE-CSS3 */ -moz-box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px #000; /* Firefox */ -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px #000; /* Safari and Chrome */ box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px #000; /* Opera 10.5+, future browsers and IE6+ using IE-CSS3 */ behavior: url(ie-css3.htc); /* 可以让IE 6,7,8模拟部分的CSS3属性 */ }
ie-css3.htc 代码:
--Do not remove this if you are using-- Original Author: Remiz Rahnas Original Author URL: http://www.htmlremix.com Published date: 2008/09/24 Changes by Nick Fetchak: - IE8 standards mode compatibility - VML elements now positioned behind original box rather than inside of it - should be less prone to breakage - Added partial support for 'box-shadow' style - Checks for VML support before doing anything - Updates VML element size and position via timer and also via window resize event - lots of other small things Published date : 2010/03/14 http://fetchak.com/ie-css3 Thanks to TheBrightLines.com (http://www.thebrightlines.com/2009/12/03/using-ies-filter-in-a-cross-browser-way) for enlightening me about the DropShadow filter <public:attach event="ondocumentready" onevent="ondocumentready('v08vnSVo78t4JfjH')" /> <script type="text/javascript"> timer_length = 200; // Milliseconds border_opacity = false; // Use opacity on borders of rounded-corner elements? Note: This causes antialiasing issues // supportsVml() borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/654112/how-do-you-detect-support-for-vml-or-svg-in-a-browser function supportsVml() { if (typeof supportsVml.supported == "undefined") { var a = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); a.innerHTML = '<v:shape id="vml_flag1" adj="1" />'; var b = a.firstChild; b.style.behavior = "url(#default#VML)"; supportsVml.supported = b ? typeof b.adj == "object": true; a.parentNode.removeChild(a); } return supportsVml.supported } // findPos() borrowed from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html function findPos(obj) { var curleft = curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } return({ 'x': curleft, 'y': curtop }); } function createBoxShadow(element, vml_parent) { var style = element.currentStyle['iecss3-box-shadow'] || element.currentStyle['-moz-box-shadow'] || element.currentStyle['-webkit-box-shadow'] || element.currentStyle['box-shadow'] || ''; var match = style.match(/^(\d+)px (\d+)px (\d+)px/); if (!match) { return(false); } var shadow = document.createElement('v:roundrect'); shadow.userAttrs = { 'x': parseInt(RegExp.$1 || 0), 'y': parseInt(RegExp.$2 || 0), 'radius': parseInt(RegExp.$3 || 0) / 2 }; shadow.position_offset = { 'y': (0 - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.y - shadow.userAttrs.radius + shadow.userAttrs.y), 'x': (0 - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.x - shadow.userAttrs.radius + shadow.userAttrs.x) }; shadow.size_offset = { 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }; shadow.arcsize = element.arcSize +'px'; shadow.style.display = 'block'; shadow.style.position = 'absolute'; shadow.style.top = (element.pos_ieCSS3.y + shadow.position_offset.y) +'px'; shadow.style.left = (element.pos_ieCSS3.x + shadow.position_offset.x) +'px'; shadow.style.width = element.offsetWidth +'px'; shadow.style.height = element.offsetHeight +'px'; shadow.style.antialias = true; shadow.className = 'vml_box_shadow'; shadow.style.zIndex = element.zIndex - 1; shadow.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelRadius='+ shadow.userAttrs.radius +',makeShadow=true,shadowOpacity='+ element.opacity +')'; element.parentNode.appendChild(shadow); //element.parentNode.insertBefore(shadow, element.element); // For window resizing element.vml.push(shadow); return(true); } function createBorderRect(element, vml_parent) { if (isNaN(element.borderRadius)) { return(false); } element.style.background = 'transparent'; element.style.borderColor = 'transparent'; var rect = document.createElement('v:roundrect'); rect.position_offset = { 'y': (0.5 * element.strokeWeight) - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.y, 'x': (0.5 * element.strokeWeight) - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.x }; rect.size_offset = { 'width': 0 - element.strokeWeight, 'height': 0 - element.strokeWeight }; rect.arcsize = element.arcSize +'px'; rect.strokeColor = element.strokeColor; rect.strokeWeight = element.strokeWeight +'px'; rect.stroked = element.stroked; rect.className = 'vml_border_radius'; rect.style.display = 'block'; rect.style.position = 'absolute'; rect.style.top = (element.pos_ieCSS3.y + rect.position_offset.y) +'px'; rect.style.left = (element.pos_ieCSS3.x + rect.position_offset.x) +'px'; rect.style.width = (element.offsetWidth + rect.size_offset.width) +'px'; rect.style.height = (element.offsetHeight + rect.size_offset.height) +'px'; rect.style.antialias = true; rect.style.zIndex = element.zIndex - 1; if (border_opacity && (element.opacity < 1)) { rect.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity='+ parseFloat(element.opacity * 100) +')'; } var fill = document.createElement('v:fill'); fill.color = element.fillColor; fill.src = element.fillSrc; fill.className = 'vml_border_radius_fill'; fill.type = 'tile'; fill.opacity = element.opacity; // Hack: IE6 doesn't support transparent borders, use padding to offset original element isIE6 = /msie|MSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent); if (isIE6 && (element.strokeWeight > 0)) { element.style.borderStyle = 'none'; element.style.paddingTop = parseInt(element.currentStyle.paddingTop || 0) + element.strokeWeight; element.style.paddingBottom = parseInt(element.currentStyle.paddingBottom || 0) + element.strokeWeight; } rect.appendChild(fill); element.parentNode.appendChild(rect); //element.parentNode.insertBefore(rect, element.element); // For window resizing element.vml.push(rect); return(true); } function createTextShadow(element, vml_parent) { if (!element.textShadow) { return(false); } var match = element.textShadow.match(/^(\d+)px (\d+)px (\d+)px (#?\w+)/); if (!match) { return(false); } //var shadow = document.createElement('span'); var shadow = element.cloneNode(true); var radius = parseInt(RegExp.$3 || 0); shadow.userAttrs = { 'x': parseInt(RegExp.$1 || 0) - (radius), 'y': parseInt(RegExp.$2 || 0) - (radius), 'radius': radius / 2, 'color': (RegExp.$4 || '#000') }; shadow.position_offset = { 'y': (0 - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.y + shadow.userAttrs.y), 'x': (0 - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.x + shadow.userAttrs.x) }; shadow.size_offset = { 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }; shadow.style.color = shadow.userAttrs.color; shadow.style.position = 'absolute'; shadow.style.top = (element.pos_ieCSS3.y + shadow.position_offset.y) +'px'; shadow.style.left = (element.pos_ieCSS3.x + shadow.position_offset.x) +'px'; shadow.style.antialias = true; shadow.style.behavior = null; shadow.className = 'ieCSS3_text_shadow'; shadow.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; // For some reason it only looks right with opacity at 75% shadow.style.filter = '\ progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75)\ progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelRadius='+ shadow.userAttrs.radius +',makeShadow=false,shadowOpacity=100)\ '; var clone = element.cloneNode(true); clone.position_offset = { 'y': (0 - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.y), 'x': (0 - vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3.x) }; clone.size_offset = { 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }; clone.style.behavior = null; clone.style.position = 'absolute'; clone.style.top = (element.pos_ieCSS3.y + clone.position_offset.y) +'px'; clone.style.left = (element.pos_ieCSS3.x + clone.position_offset.x) +'px'; clone.className = 'ieCSS3_text_shadow'; element.parentNode.appendChild(shadow); element.parentNode.appendChild(clone); element.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // For window resizing element.vml.push(clone); element.vml.push(shadow); return(true); } function ondocumentready(classID) { if (!supportsVml()) { return(false); } if (this.className.match(classID)) { return(false); } this.className = this.className.concat(' ', classID); // Add a namespace for VML (IE8 requires it) if (!document.namespaces.v) { document.namespaces.add("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); } // Check to see if we've run once before on this page if (typeof(window.ieCSS3) == 'undefined') { // Create global ieCSS3 object window.ieCSS3 = { 'vmlified_elements': new Array(), 'update_timer': setInterval(updatePositionAndSize, timer_length) }; if (typeof(window.onresize) == 'function') { window.ieCSS3.previous_onresize = window.onresize; } // Attach window resize event window.onresize = updatePositionAndSize; } // These attrs are for the script and have no meaning to the browser: this.borderRadius = parseInt(this.currentStyle['iecss3-border-radius'] || this.currentStyle['-moz-border-radius'] || this.currentStyle['-webkit-border-radius'] || this.currentStyle['border-radius'] || this.currentStyle['-khtml-border-radius']); this.arcSize = Math.min(this.borderRadius / Math.min(this.offsetWidth, this.offsetHeight), 1); this.fillColor = this.currentStyle.backgroundColor; this.fillSrc = this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.replace(/^url\("(.+)"\)$/, '$1'); this.strokeColor = this.currentStyle.borderColor; this.strokeWeight = parseInt(this.currentStyle.borderWidth); this.stroked = 'true'; if (isNaN(this.strokeWeight) || (this.strokeWeight == 0)) { this.strokeWeight = 0; this.strokeColor = fillColor; this.stroked = 'false'; } this.opacity = parseFloat(this.currentStyle.opacity || 1); this.textShadow = this.currentStyle['text-shadow']; this.element.vml = new Array(); this.zIndex = parseInt(this.currentStyle.zIndex); if (isNaN(this.zIndex)) { this.zIndex = 0; } // Find which element provides position:relative for the target element (default to BODY) vml_parent = this; var limit = 100, i = 0; do { vml_parent = vml_parent.parentElement; i++; if (i >= limit) { return(false); } } while ((typeof(vml_parent) != 'undefined') && (vml_parent.currentStyle.position != 'relative') && (vml_parent.tagName != 'BODY')); vml_parent.pos_ieCSS3 = findPos(vml_parent); this.pos_ieCSS3 = findPos(this); var rv1 = createBoxShadow(this, vml_parent); var rv2 = createBorderRect(this, vml_parent); var rv3 = createTextShadow(this, vml_parent); if (rv1 || rv2 || rv3) { window.ieCSS3.vmlified_elements.push(this.element); } if (typeof(vml_parent.document.ieCSS3_stylesheet) == 'undefined') { vml_parent.document.ieCSS3_stylesheet = vml_parent.document.createStyleSheet(); vml_parent.document.ieCSS3_stylesheet.addRule("v\\:roundrect", "behavior: url(#default#VML)"); vml_parent.document.ieCSS3_stylesheet.addRule("v\\:fill", "behavior: url(#default#VML)"); // Compatibility with IE7.js vml_parent.document.ieCSS3_stylesheet.ie7 = true; } } function updatePositionAndSize() { if (typeof(window.ieCSS3.vmlified_elements) != 'object') { return(false); } for (var i in window.ieCSS3.vmlified_elements) { var el = window.ieCSS3.vmlified_elements[i]; if (typeof(el.vml) != 'object') { continue; } for (var z in el.vml) { //var parent_pos = findPos(el.vml[z].parentNode); var new_pos = findPos(el); new_pos.x = (new_pos.x + el.vml[z].position_offset.x) + 'px'; new_pos.y = (new_pos.y + el.vml[z].position_offset.y) + 'px'; if (el.vml[z].style.left != new_pos.x) { el.vml[z].style.left = new_pos.x; } if (el.vml[z].style.top != new_pos.y) { el.vml[z].style.top = new_pos.y; } var new_size = { 'width': parseInt(el.offsetWidth + el.vml[z].size_offset.width), 'height': parseInt(el.offsetHeight + el.vml[z].size_offset.height) } if (el.vml[z].offsetWidth != new_size.width) { el.vml[z].style.width = new_size.width +'px'; } if (el.vml[z].offsetHeight != new_size.height) { el.vml[z].style.height = new_size.height +'px'; } } } if (event && (event.type == 'resize') && typeof(window.ieCSS3.previous_onresize) == 'function') { window.ieCSS3.previous_onresize(); } } </script>
border-top-left-radius:15px; /*左上角*/ border-top-right-radius:15px; /*右上角*/ border-bottom-left-radius:10px; /*左下角*/ border-bottom-right-radius:10px; /*右下角*/
border-radius:15px; /*四個角一起設定*/
FF的属性修饰可以写成 ( 依序是 : 左上角; 右上角; 右下角; 左下角;)
15px 0 15px 0;
但是,-webkit-border-radius 不支持这种写法 。
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1. **border-radius**:CSS3中的圆角属性,可以让元素的边角变得圆润,ie-css3.htc通过计算和绘制图像来模拟这一效果,使得在IE6到IE8中也能看到圆角的元素。 2. **box-shadow**:此属性用于添加阴影效果,ie-css3....
标题中的“ie-css3(让ie6 ie7 ue8支持css3).rar”指的是一个针对Internet Explorer(IE)浏览器的解决方案,尤其是版本6、7和8,这些版本不原生支持CSS3的新特性。这个压缩包包含了一个名为“ie-css3(让ie678支持css...
在早期的Internet Explorer浏览器,即IE6、IE7和IE8,它们并不支持CSS3的一些新特性,如圆角和阴影效果。这些特性在现代浏览器中已经非常常见,可以为网页设计提供更丰富的视觉体验。为了让这些老版本的IE浏览器也能...
在网页设计中,为了实现美观的效果,经常需要用到CSS3中的圆角边框(border-radius)属性,让元素的四个角落呈现出圆形或椭圆形的外观。然而,早期版本的Internet Explorer浏览器,尤其是IE8及以下版本,并不支持这...
在IE6、7、8中,"ie-css3.htc"通过类似的方式,利用VML技术来模拟这个效果,让元素在视觉上看起来具有阴影。 为了使用"ie-css3.htc",开发者需要在CSS中引入该文件,并将它绑定到需要应用CSS3特性的元素上。例如: ...
- **圆角边框**:在IE6-8中,无法直接使用CSS3的`border-radius`属性,ie-css3.htc可以模拟实现圆角效果。 - **阴影效果**:通过ie-css3.htc,开发者可以创建元素的阴影效果,虽然性能相比现代浏览器可能较差,但...
2. 使用CSS3 PIE:CSS3 PIE(Progressive Internet Explorer)是一个JavaScript库,它通过VML(Vector Markup Language)扩展了IE的CSS渲染能力,使IE6到IE9能够支持一些CSS3特性,包括圆角和阴影。只需在页面头部...
PIE通过使用VML(Vector Markup Language)技术,为IE6到IE9提供了对圆角、阴影等CSS3特性的支持。 PIE这个压缩包文件很可能包含了PIE的源代码、文档、示例和必要的配置文件,帮助开发者在项目中集成并使用这个兼容...
使得IE支持CSS3 圆角阴影 渐变
在IT行业中,CSS3是Web设计者不可或缺的一部分,它提供了丰富的样式和效果,如圆角、阴影和渐变。然而,这些先进的特性在早期版本的Internet Explorer(IE6到IE9)中并不完全支持,这为开发者带来了挑战。为了解决这...
标题中的“ie8兼容html5 css3圆角阴影渐变placeholder等属性”指的是在IE8浏览器上实现HTML5和CSS3的一些新特性,包括圆角、阴影、渐变以及placeholder属性的支持。这些特性在现代浏览器中是标准支持的,但在较旧的...
标题中的“让IE6、7、8支持CSS3新特性插件”指的是针对早期版本的Internet Explorer(IE6、IE7、IE8)的一种解决方案,这些浏览器不原生支持CSS3的新特性。CSS3是层叠样式表的第三个主要版本,引入了许多增强网页...
标题中的“让IE6, 7和8支持CSS3”指的是如何在老旧的Internet Explorer(IE)浏览器上实现对CSS3特性的兼容性支持。在IE6、7和8这些较旧版本中,它们并不完全支持现代的CSS3规范,这使得开发者在设计网页时面临诸多...
这个文件通常包含一些JavaScript代码,用于实现IE不支持的CSS3特性,如渐变、阴影、圆角等。 2. **定义CSS类名**:在CSS文件中定义一个公用的类,如`.css3-enabled`。 3. **编写行为规则**:为这个公用类添加`...
CSS3Pie是一个开源JavaScript库,通过VML(Vector Markup Language)技术,使IE6-IE8也能支持圆角效果。只需在HTML文件中引入PIE.js,然后在需要圆角的元素上添加`behavior: url(/path/to/PIE.htc)`,即可实现兼容。...
标题中的“ie 6 ie7 ie8 支持css3”指的是如何使老旧的Internet Explorer(IE)浏览器,包括版本6、7和8,能够支持CSS3的新特性。CSS3是层叠样式表的第三个主要版本,引入了大量增强网页设计的新功能,如圆角、阴影...