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How to calculate currency according to reward points rate in Magento

$rate = Mage::getModel('enterprise_reward/reward_rate');
  			$rate->fetch(1, Mage::app()->getStore()->getId(),Enterprise_Reward_Model_Reward_Rate::RATE_EXCHANGE_DIRECTION_TO_CURRENCY);
  			echo $rate->calculateToCurrency(100);


    How to calculate the noise of Amplifier.pdf

    【如何计算运放噪声】 运算放大器(Op Amp)在信号处理系统中广泛使用,而其噪声性能对系统的整体性能至关重要。噪声可以来源于多个因素,包括输入电压噪声、电流噪声和电阻噪声等。理解并计算这些噪声对于优化设计...

    How to calculate the public psychological pressure in the social networks

    How to calculate the public psychological pressure in the social networks

    LTE peak rate

    How to calculate LTE peak data rate?

    A Simple Way to Calculate Risk and Reward_chemical177_forex_trac

    "A Simple Way to Calculate Risk and Reward_chemical177_forex_trac"的主题正聚焦于这一核心概念,旨在帮助交易者理解如何有效评估潜在交易的风险与回报比例。这个主题不仅适用于新手交易者,也对经验丰富的交易者...


    Sample10: How to calculate the histogram of an image. Sample11: How use k-means method of OpenCV. Sample12: How to use watershed transform. Sample13: How to use SURF. Sample14: How to use ...

    OpenCVSharp 最新4.0 的19个例子

    Sample10: How to calculate the histogram of an image. Sample11: How use k-means method of OpenCV. Sample12: How to use watershed transform. Sample13: How to use SURF. Sample14: How to use ...


    Sample10: How to calculate the histogram of an image. Sample11: How use k-means method of OpenCV. Sample12: How to use watershed transform. Sample13: How to use SURF. Sample14: How to use ...

    Intro to the Alfresco Web Script Framework.pdf

    Then, in the custom behavior article we wrote business logic associated with the rateable aspect that knew how to calculate the average user rating for a given piece of content. The calculation was ...



    Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers

    - **1.1–1 Volume of a Circular Cylinder**: This section introduces basic arithmetic operations and how to use MATLAB to calculate the volume of a circular cylinder. Understanding these fundamental ...

    How To Calculate My Age Online-crx插件

    语言:English (United States) 这是一个免费的生日年龄计算器,可以按年月日格式计算您的年龄。 这是生日免费的年龄计算器,可以根据给定日期的年,月,周,天来计算您的年龄。 如何从死亡日期算起年龄-您还可以计算...

    Teach Your Kids to Code: A Parent- Friendly Guide to Python Programming 2015

    Write programs to encode and decode messages, play Rock-Paper-Scissors, and calculate how tall someone is in Ping-Pong balls Create fun, playable games like War, Yahtzee, and Pong Add interactivity, ...

    Foundations for Analytics with Python O-Reilly-2016-Clinton W. Brownley

    After covering how to read and parse a single worksheet, the chapter moves on to discuss how to read and process all worksheets in a workbook and a subset of worksheets in a workbook. The exam‐ ples...

    MATLAB code to calculate the 3D skeleton of a binary volume

    标题中的“MATLAB code to calculate the 3D skeleton of a binary volume”指的是使用MATLAB编程实现的计算三维二值体积的骨架算法。在图像处理和计算机视觉领域,骨架化是提取物体主干结构的一种方法,它能将物体...

    Exercises for Programmers 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills

    Do some currency conversion and figure out how many months it takes to pay off a credit card. Calculate blood alcohol content and determine if it’s safe to drive. Replace words in files and filter ...

    Clojure for Finance(PACKT,2016)

    This function, along with others, will be used to calculate and manipulate data. You will then learn to implement slightly more complicated equations, how to traverse data, and deal with branching ...

    ecg_extraction.rar_Heart To Heart_detrended_ibi_x-means

    functions permit the analysis of phasic heart rate changes in response to specific visual or auditory stimuli, using either weighted averages or different interpolation methods (constant, linear, ...

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