
Diary of 2008-01-26

Today, it's the first large and really snow day of 2008, but it was very pity that the most snowflakes were melting as they reached the ground. and we didn't enjoy the world was coverd by snow. it's a not good idea that go out. so I watched movies and study english in my room. the most time is to watch movies, after all, today is weekend. My first one is from indian, and name is Asoka, the landscape and people are so pleasant in the film. but the indian we usually meet in our city either is very fat, or very thin. it's a far cry with those who is in the film. another is homemade film named "Warm Spring", it's very touching. the last one is from Korea, its name is "Eraser  In The Brain", it's not worth talk about.

About the english, the most of time is that learning english grammar, there were lot of information from internet, At last I started from the very beginning.


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