
Diary of 2008-01-24

Today, we  continue to deloy our web application. Because our code didn't test strictly, I encontured some bugs during I created the initialize data. I was too ashamed to face the others. For fixed there bugs, we had to modify the programming code on  machine myself , then pack to war file and copy to the target machine. after we deal with this process over and over, the time is 5 o'clock. the employees of the customer begun to urge to end the work, beacuse they would go to attend a party, so we had to leave the remaining work till the tomorrow.

The experience of delopying web app gave me a very good lesson. and I realize the testing was very significant! so I want to study the agile development methodology. now there were some bugs be found in our program. It will be very terrible things when fix the bug in the code  after the app has been runing online.

Shirlery check my yesterday daily, she think my  grammar knowledge is poor, so I must begin to study from  the first volume of the New Concept English. but it is very happy that my listen ability has a little improved.


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