actionscript api reference 总是 retrieve data from.....晕

Adobe 写道
Listed below are known issues for the ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform:
For the best results, Adobe recommends that you use a recent browser release, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or 8, Mozilla Firefox 3, Google Chrome 6, Apple Safari 4, or later versions of these browsers.
To view the downloadable version in Internet Explorer, you must make sure to set your security options correctly.
In Internet Explorer, set the security options by using the following procedure:
Use Tools > Internet Options to open the Internet Options dialog box.
Select the Security tab.
Select the Custom Level button.
Scroll to the “ActiveX controls and plug-ins” option.
Enable the “Initialize an script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting” option.
Note: This setting causes Internet Explorer to issue a warning about your security level. Alternatively, you can view the downloadable version in FireFox so that you do not have to make this change to Internet Explorer.
For the downloadable version, the packages and classes lists do not appear in Google Chrome. This is a known issue in Chrome:
Adobe recommends that you view the downloaded version in Internet Explorer or Firefox.
When using Google Chrome, selecting a link in the reference can open a new tab. This behavior is caused by the following issue in Chrome:
The Delicious 1.0.4 plug-in for Chrome can cause links in the platform reference to function incorrectly.
ActionScript Flex.3.Language.Reference.cnActionScript Flex.3.Language.Reference.cnActionScript
1、地图编辑器; 2、purMVC示例,有封装和重写,方便管理;...3、MornUI示例; 4、资源管理; 5、自定义事件,有优化处理,提高效率; 6、Adobe Air的本地资源处理; 7、JSON输入输出解码配置文件;
Adobe.Press.Advanced.ActionScript.3.with.Design.Patterns.Nov.2006.chm CHM版
Foundation.Actionscript.3.0.Animation.Apr.2007.eBook-BBL 有配套的源码。完全教程
在ActionScript 3中,命名空间(Namespace)是一种组织代码的方式,它可以帮助开发者避免类名冲突,尤其是在使用第三方库或大型项目中。本教程将深入探讨ActionScript 3中的命名空间概念及其应用。 命名空间是AS3中...
《高级ActionScript 3与设计模式》是Adobe Press出版的一本技术专著,发布于2006年11月,旨在深入探讨ActionScript 3编程中的设计模式应用。ActionScript 3是Flash和Flex开发中广泛使用的脚本语言,其在富互联网应用...
actionscript3动画 人物行走8视角
《Flash ActionScript 3殿堂之路》光盘
《Advanced ActionScript 3 with Design Patterns》是一本深入探讨ActionScript 3编程技术与设计模式的书籍,出版于2006年11月。这本书是面向已经掌握基础ActionScript的开发者,旨在提升他们的编程技能,使他们能够...
《Flash.ActionScript.3.0动画高级教程》是一本针对ActionScript 3.0编程语言在Flash动画制作中应用的专业教程。ActionScript是Adobe Flash Platform的核心脚本语言,它的3.0版本带来了许多显著的改进和优化,为...
《Peachpit.Press.Fundamentals.of.ActionScript.3.0.Jul.2011》这本书主要聚焦于ActionScript 3.0的基础知识,这是一种强大的编程语言,主要用于开发Adobe Flash平台上的交互式内容和应用程序。ActionScript 3.0在...
《Flash ActionScript 3殿堂之路》光盘
[ActionScript.3设计模式].(美)洛特,(美)派特森.扫描版 电子书教程