你知道windows 98的环境变量设置吗,我工作的时候就碰到过,到网上找了找,老外写的还真详细细致,感激!
For Windows 95
It is necessary to manually edit the file AUTOEXEC.BAT with a text editor (NOT a word processor like Word). The file is in your top directory (normally c:\AUTOEXEC.BAT). You will need to add a line to set each variable at the bottom of this file. The syntax for this is :
set "environment variable"="value"
where appropriate values for the strings "environment variable" and "value" are given. "environment variable" is the name of the variable and "value" is normally a FULL pathname which will depend on your installation (i.e. where you chose to put the program). For example, to set the environment variable WINGXDIR when you have installed the program in the default location "c:\wingx" then
set WINGXDIR=c:\wingx
You must then reboot your computer to effect these changes in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
For Windows 98/ME
While it is possible to set environment variables in the same way as for Windows 95 by editing the file AUTOEXEC.BAT, it is easier to use the Microsoft facility MSCONFIG (which does this for you).
For Windows 98, first run MSCONFIG from the task bar:
Select the "Autoexec.bat" pane, then go to the bottom of the window, select the last entry and click the "New" button. A small input window appears below the last entry, and in this you should type a new entry with the exact syntax as shown in the example below. This example shows how to set the environment variable WINGXDIR when you have installed the program in the default location "c:\wingx", but obviously is you are setting a different environment variable, then different values are typed in.
Then click "OK" and a small pen appears against the entry, indicating that the AUTOEXEC.BAT file will be modified.
The following window then appears, indicating that you need to reboot your computer to make these changes effective.
For Windows ME, the process is identical, except that the last Window does not appear and it is not necessary to reboot the computer.

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- 文档的目录结构包含以下部分:概述(Overview),附加文档(Additional Documentation),设置环境变量(Setting Environment Variables)和编译源代码(Compiling Source Code)。 - 在概述部分,文档提到对...
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