1. What you need to be a good project manager?
a. Knowledge
All the tools and techniques in the PMBOK.
b. Performance
Keeping your nose to
the grindstone and doing good work to make a delivery.
c. Personal Skills(Skills to work with people)
personal connections with your team
and help keep everybody on the right
2. Manage your project under Enterprise Environmental Factors.
Enterprise Environmental Factors means how your organization and market area usually do things:
a. People
This skills and organizational culture where you work.
b. Risk Tolerance
Some compay are highly tolerant of risk and some are really risk averse.
c. Market
The way your compay is performing in the market can affect the way you manage your project.
d. Databases
Where your company
stores its data can make
a big difference in the
decisions you make on your project.
e. Standards
Some companies
depend on government
standards to run their
business and when they change, it can have a big
3. Understand the company's big picture.
a. Portfolio
A portfolio is a group of projects
or programs that are linked
together by a business goal.
b. Program
A program is a group of
projects that are closely
linked, to the point where
managing them together
provides some benefit.
c. Project
A project is any work that produces a specific result and is temporary. Projects always have a beginning and an end.
4. What a project is?
a. Temparary
b. Creating a unique result
c. Progressively elaborated
5. What's the difference between Projects and Operations/processes?
Operations are ongoing, but Projects must have a start and and a finish.
6. What does a project manager do in daily work?
a. Gather product requirements
b. Manage stakeholder expectations
c. Deal with project constraints
7. What is a project constraint?
A project constraint is any limitation that’s placed on your project before you start doing the work.
8. How to run greate projects?
There are 42 processes falls into five process groups and nine knowledge areas in the PMBOK guide help you sucess to run greate projects!
9. Five groups.
Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, closing.
10. Nine Knowledge areas.
Cost, Scope, Time, Human resources, Procument, Quality, Risk, Communication, Integration.
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