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1.      关于存在不可见属性的元素,对元素操作时,出现报如下异常的情况及处理办法:


Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with Command duration or timeout: 31 milliseconds



WebElement cf_button=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@class='ui-dialog-buttonset']"));


Xpath=//div[@class=ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix]/div/button



WebElement cf_button=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[4]/div[3]/div[1]/button"));


   if(!(cf_button.isDisplayed())){System.out.println("Element is not displayed!"); };


  • visibility!= hidden
  • display != none (is also checked against every parent element)
  • opacity != 0 (in rc2 this is no longer checked for clicking an element)
  • height and width are both > 0
  • for an input, the attribute type != hidden


Element is not currently visible

I am using Selenium 2.0b3 Java API with FirefoxDriver. When I fill a form, checkboxes are added to the page depending the forms inputs. I to simulate a click on those checkboxes using selenium. The element are visible and usable in a regular browser but, selenium asserts that the elements are not visible.

"Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with"

Can I force selenium to ignore the non-visible state of the elements? How can I force selenium to interact with the non visible element?


Selenium determines an element is visible or not by the following criteria (use a DOM inspector to determine what css applies to your element, make sure you look at computed style):

  • visibility != hidden
  • display != none (is also checked against every parent element)
  • opacity != 0 (in rc2 this is no longer checked for clicking an element)
  • height and width are both > 0
  • for an input, the attribute type != hidden

Your element is matching one of those criteria. If you do not have the ability to change the styling of the element, here is how you can forcefully do it with javascript. (going to assume WebDriver since you said Selenium2 API):

((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].checked = true;", inputElement);

But that won't fire a javascript. event, if you depend on the change event for that input you'll have to fire it too (many ways to do that, easiest to use whatever javascript. library is loaded on that page).


WebElement label = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//

label[text()='User Name:' and not(contains(@style,'display:



can think of two reasons the element you are attempting to interact

with is invisible. The first reason is that some fields might be

invisible until you fill in other fields. For example, many

registration forms have a submit button which is not visible until the

user has filled in all the required fields. WebDriver is designed to

simulate a human interacting with the web page. Are you filling out

the page exactly the same way a human would? Maybe you filled in all

the fields but your automation is faster than a human. So it tries to

click the submit button before the web page can change it to visible.

You can use things like http://darrellgrainger.blogspot.ca/2012/01/waitforelement.html

to help slow down the automation.


The second reason the element might be invisible is you have located

an invisible element rather than the element you thought you wanted.

For example, I worked on a web page which had a radio button for new

user versus sign in. If you clicked new user, the form. for registering

a new user appeared. If you clicked existing user, the form. for

signing in appeared. Both forms existed in the DOM but only one was

visible at a time. Both forms had:



   <label for="foo29_blah_nix17">User Name:</label>

<input id="foo29_blah_nix17" />



(the for/id values would be different). So if I used:



   String username = "darrell";

   WebElement label = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//

label[text()='User Name:']"));

   String inputID = label.getAttribute("for");

   WebElement input = driver.findElement(By.id(inputID));




it might find the invisible label. In these cases, I need to use an

xpath which finds the visible label element. If the element is

invisible because style='display: none' then I'd use:



   WebElement label = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//

label[text()='User Name:' and not(contains(@style,'display:




You'll have to figure out if you have problem #1 or #2. If you have

problem #2, you will have to figure out the exact solution. My

solution is just one of many possible examples and might not be

exactly your problem.







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