3.1 包含EUnit头文件
3.2 写一个简单的生成函数
3.3 运行EUnit
3.4 写一个测试的生成函数
3.5 一个实例
3.6 关闭测试
3.7 避免编译时期对EUnit的信赖
3.1 包含EUnit头文件
2、所有匹配…_test()或者…_test_()的函数自动输出(除非你关闭测试,或者定义了 EUNIT_NOAUTO宏)
注意:要想让-include_lib(…)工作,你的“搜索路径”必须包括eunit/ebin目录。当然如果lib/eunit已经安装在你的系统目录下,它的ebin子目录也就会自动加入到“搜索路径”了,你就不用再做这方面的操作了。否则你就要用erl -pa命令把这个目录加上。当然如果你想在与erlang交互时始终能用EUnit,你只需要这样做:在你的 $HOME/.erlang文件中增加一行:code:add_path(“/path/to/eunit/ebin”).
3.2 写一个简单的测试函数
一个以…test()结尾的函数在EUnit中被认为是最简单的函数,它没有参数,它要么执行成功,要么执行失败。执行成功就会返回EUnit抛出的任意值; 执行失败就会抛出一种异常。
reverse_test() -> lists:reverse([1,2,3]).
reverse_nil_test() -> [] = lists:reverse([]).
reverse_one_test() -> [1] = lists:reverse([1]).
reverse_two_test() -> [2,1] = lists:reverse([1,2]).
用布尔操作来做你的测试,具体查看EUnit 宏
例: length_test() -> ?assert(length([1,2,3]) =:= 3).
在宏?assert(Expression) 中,它将会计算Expression的值,如果不是true它就会抛出一个异常,否则它就会返回一个ok。在上面的例子中如果 length([1,2,3]的值不是3的话,就会失败。
3.3 运行EUnit
首先要先按照上面的步骤把声明 -include_lib(“eunit/include/eunit.hrl”)加到你的模块里面, 你只需要编译这个模块,它就会自动输出这个模块的test()函数,而不需要再用-export进行声明,一切都已经自动做好了。
这儿你也可以用eunit:test/1函数来运行任意的测试。例如:你用eunit:test(Mod).和用Mod:test().执行的结果是一样的。但eunit:test/1方法可以进行更高级的测试,如:eunit:test({inparallel, Mod}).这个命令和Mod:test()运行的结果是一样的,只不过它是要让它们全部并行的运行。
如果你想测试标准的输出函数,你会惊奇的发现在控制台上不会显示出这些文本。因为EUnit捕捉到了所有的标准输出。为了在测试时挠开EUnit好把文本直接打印到控制台,你可以用io:format(user, “~w”, [Term]).把文本打印到输出流user上。这儿推荐的方式是用EUnit的调试宏,它会让这实现的更为简单。
3.4 写一个测试的生成函数
The most basic representation of a test is a single fun-expression that takes no arguments. For example, the following test generator:
basic_test_() ->
fun () -> ?assert(1 + 1 =:= 2) end.
will have the same effect as the following simple test:
simple_test() ->
?assert(1 + 1 =:= 2).
(in fact, EUnit will handle all simple tests just like it handles fun-expressions: it will put them in a list, and run them one by one).
To make tests more compact and readable, as well as automatically add information about the line number in the source code where a test occurred (and reduce the number of characters you have to type), you can use the _test macro (note the initial underscore character), like this:
basic_test_() ->
?_test(?assert(1 + 1 =:= 2)).
The _test macro takes any expression (the “body”) as argument, and places it within a fun-expression (along with some extra information). The body can be any kind of test expression, just like the body of a simple test function.
But this example can be made even shorter! Most test macros, such as the family of assert macros, have a corresponding form with an initial underscore character, which automatically adds a ?_test(…) wrapper. The above example can then simply be written:
basic_test_() ->
?_assert(1 + 1 =:= 2).
which has exactly the same meaning (note the _assert instead of assert). You can think of the initial underscore as signalling test object.
这儿 ?_test(?_assert(1+1 =:= 2)).的功能和?_assert(1+1 =:= 2).是一样的。
3.5 一个实例
Sometimes, an example says more than a thousand words. The following small Erlang module shows how EUnit can be used in practice.
fib(0) -> 1;
fib(1) -> 1;
fib(N) when N > 1 -> fib(N-1) + fib(N-2).
fib_test_() ->
[?_assert(fib(0) =:= 1),
?_assert(fib(1) =:= 1),
?_assert(fib(2) =:= 2),
?_assert(fib(3) =:= 3),
?_assert(fib(4) =:= 5),
?_assert(fib(5) =:= 8),
?_assertException(error, function_clause, fib(-1)),
?_assert(fib(31) =:= 2178309)
(Author’s note: When I first wrote this example, I happened to write a * instead of + in the fib function. Of course, this showed up immediately when I ran the tests.)
3.6 关闭测试
Testing can be turned off by defining the NOTEST macro when compiling, for example as an option to erlc, as in:
erlc -DNOTEST my_module.erl
or by adding a macro definition to the code, before the EUnit header file is included:
-define(NOTEST, 1).//这儿的值不重要,为1或true都没关系!
当你想关闭测试时有两种办法:一种是在编译时定义宏NOTEST, 或者在EUnit头文件被包含之前在源文件里增加对宏的声明。
(the value is not important, but should typically be 1 or true).
Note that unless the EUNIT_NOAUTO macro is defined, disabling testing will also automatically strip all test functions from the code, except for any that are explicitly declared as exported.
For instance, to use EUnit in your application, but with testing turned off by default, put the following lines in a header file:
-define(NOTEST, true).
and then make sure that every module of your application includes that header file. This means that you have a only a single place to modify in order to change the default setting for testing. To override the NOTEST setting without modifying the code, you can define TEST in a compiler option, like this:
erlc -DTEST my_module.erl
3.7 避免EUnit在编译时期的依赖性
If you are distributing the source code for your application for other people to compile and run, you probably want to ensure that the code compiles even if EUnit is not available. Like the example in the previous section, you can put the following lines in a common header file:
and, of course, also make sure that you place all test code that uses EUnit macros within -ifdef(TEST) or -ifdef(EUNIT) sections.
单元测试是指对软件中的最小可测试单元进行检查和验证,确保每个部分都能按预期工作。EUnit通过定义一组预设的测试函数和宏,允许开发者轻松地编写和运行测试用例,检查函数或模块的行为是否符合预期。 ### 版本与...
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学习Erlang,你需要熟悉其语法、进程通信机制、 OTP(Open Telephony Platform)框架以及相关的开发工具,如Rebar3用于构建和管理项目,Eclipse插件如ErlyDTL用于IDE支持,和EUnit测试框架等。了解这些知识点,你就...
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这里使用eunit进行简单的测试。 首先,在`src/myapp_app.erl`文件中加入测试相关的代码: ```erlang -ifdef(TEST). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -endif. -ifdef(TEST). simple_test() -> ok = ...
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**Rebar Exemplar 例子详解** 在软件开发领域,特别是使用Erlang语言的时候,Rebar是一个不可或缺的工具。Rebar是Erlang的构建工具,它类似于其他语言中的Make或...掌握Rebar,对于深入理解和实践Erlang开发至关重要。