Process Memory Parameters |
Description |
Eden Space (Heap Memory) |
Pool from which memory is initially allocated for most objects |
Survivor Space (Heap Memory) |
Pool containing objects that have survived GC of eden space. |
Tenured Generation (Heap Memory) |
Pool containing objects that have existed for some time in the survivor space. |
Permanent Generation (Non-Heap) |
Holds all the reflective data of the virtual machine itself, such as class and method objects. With JVMs that use class data sharing, this generation is divided into read-only and read-write areas |
Code Cache (Non-Heap) |
Memory used for compilation and storage of native code. |
Thread Parameters
Live Threads |
Number of live threads currently running |
Daemon Threads |
Number of daemon threads currently running |
Runnable Threads |
A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state |
Blocked Threads |
A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state |
Waiting Threads |
A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state. |
Timed waiting Threads |
A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action for up to a specified waiting time is in this state |
Total threads started |
Total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started |
Peak Threads |
Peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset |
Deadlocked |
Number of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors |
Virtual Memory Parameters
Classes loaded |
Number of classes loaded |
Classes Unloaded |
Number of classes unloaded |
GC time |
Time taken to perform garbage collection |
Compile time |
Time spent in just-in-time (JIT) compilation |
Max file descriptor |
Maximum permissible open file descriptor. Available only for UNIX. |
Open file descriptor |
Current count of open file descriptors. Available only for UNIX. |
Host Memory Parameters
Total Physical Memory |
Total amount of physical memory in Megabytes |
Free Physical Memory |
The amount of free physical memory in Megabytes |
Total Swap Space |
Total amount of swap space in Megabytes |
Committed Virtual Memory |
The amount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process in Megabytes |
Garbage Collector
Time Spent/Min |
Total number of collections that have occurred |
Collections/Min |
Approximate collection elapsed time in milliseconds |
Thread Count |
Number of threads used for Garbage Collector |
Last Start Time |
Start time of this GC |
Last End Time |
End time of this GC |
Memory usage before GC |
Memory usage of all memory pools at the beginning of this GC |
Memory usage after GC |
Memory usage of all memory pools at the end of this GC |
Uptime |
The uptime of the Java virtual machine |
Java Virtual Machine |
The Java virtual machine implementation name |
Vendor |
The Java virtual machine implementation vendor |
Process ID |
The process identifier is a number used by some operating system kernels to uniquely identify a process |
Name |
The name representing the running Java virtual machine |
VM arguments |
The input arguments passed to the Java virtual machine which does not include the arguments to the main method |
Class path |
The Java class path that is used by the system class loader to search for class files |
Library path |
The Java library path |
Library path |
The boot class path that is used by the bootstrap class loader to search for class files |
JIT compiler |
The name of the Just-in-time (JIT) compiler |
Objects Pending for finalization |
The approximate number of objects for which finalization is pending |
Operating System |
The name of the operating system |
Architecture |
The operating system architecture |
Processors |
The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine |
本文将详细介绍VisualVM的功能、使用方法以及它在性能优化中的重要作用。 1. **基本功能** VisualVM集成了多种Java诊断工具,包括JConsole、JMap、JStack等,提供了一站式的性能监控解决方案。它可以显示关于Java...
同时,通过IDEA(IntelliJ IDEA)的"visualvm-launcher"插件,我们可以更轻松地在IDE中启动和管理VisualVM,使得整个工作流程更为顺畅。这个插件简化了配置过程,使得开发者能快速地将VisualVM集成到他们的日常开发...
在使用""解压后的文件中,通常会包含VisualVM的可执行文件和必要的库文件。用户可以直接运行该程序来启动VisualVM,并连接到本地或远程的Java应用进行分析。 总的来说,VisualVM是一个强大且全面的...
版本1.3.9 (2016-10-4 发布) VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both development and production time use.
在1.42这个版本中,它为开发者提供了丰富的功能,帮助他们理解并优化Java应用的运行状况。下面我们将详细探讨VisualVM的核心特性、用途以及如何使用它。 首先,VisualVM集成了多种Java性能分析工具,包括JConsole、...
在VisualVM中,你可以详细查看JVM的运行情况,包括垃圾收集器的工作状态、内存池的使用情况、类的加载与卸载等。这对于理解和优化Java应用的内存管理至关重要。 3. **性能分析** 通过CPU和方法调用分析,VisualVM...
4. 性能分析结果的解释:了解性能分析结果的解释,例如 CPU 性能分析、内存性能分析、线程性能分析等。 VisualVM 是一个功能强大且免费的性能分析工具,对 Java 应用程序的性能优化非常有帮助。
它提供了堆内存视图,展示各个对象的数量和大小,以及它们在堆中的分布。此外,还可以分析垃圾收集器的工作状态,如GC频率、暂停时间和内存区域的变化。 二、线程诊断 在多线程应用中,线程问题往往难以追踪。...
JVM分析工具 visualvm-chinese-2.1.8
《VisualVM 143:全面解析Java性能分析利器》 VisualVM,是Java开发者们在进行性能调优时的一款强大工具,它包含了多种功能,如JVM监控、内存分析、线程诊断、CPU剖析等,是理解Java应用程序运行状态的必备神器。...
5. **远程连接**:除了本地应用,VisualVM还可以连接到远程的JVM,实现对分布式系统中各个节点的监控。 6. **采样和剖析**:采样模式能快速查看整体性能,而剖析模式则可以深入到代码级别,查看每个方法的执行时间...
VisualVM 是一个集成多个 JDK 命令行工具的可视化工具。可以作为 Java 应用程序性能分析和运行监控的工具。开发人员可以利用它来监控、分析线程信息,浏览内存堆数据。系统管理员可以利用它来监测、控制 Java 应用...
1. **CPU使用率监控**:VisualVM能够实时展示各个线程的CPU使用情况,帮助开发者发现高CPU消耗的根源。通过对长时间占用CPU的线程进行分析,可以找出可能的计算密集型问题。 2. **内存分析**:内存管理是Java开发中...
在VisualVM中,可以通过“文件”->“打开远程主机”来添加远程服务器。 总结来说,VisualVM是一个强大的Java性能分析工具,它通过丰富的视图和功能,帮助开发者深入理解应用的性能表现,进行有效的性能调优。无论是...
描述中提到,要在IDEA中安装VisualVM Launcher插件,首先需要进行一些配置工作。VisualVM Launcher插件使得IDEA可以直接启动VisualVM,并与正在运行的Java应用进行连接,方便进行性能监控。以下是详细的步骤: 1. *...
VisualVM将多个JDK命令行工具集成在一个统一的图形用户界面中,这些工具包括jstat、JConsole、jstack、jmap和jinfo等,从而为用户提供了一种更为直观高效的方式来管理Java应用程序。 #### 二、获取VisualVM ...
VisualVM 142 For Mac,亲测好用 VisualVM 是一个工具,它提供了一个可视界面,用于查看 Java 虚拟机 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM) 上运行的基于 Java 技术的应用程序(Java 应用程序)的详细信息。VisualVM 对 ...