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SQL*Loader-961: 对表 table1 调用一次/加载完成时出错
ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kddummy_blkchk], [8], [565129], [18021], [], [], [], []
SQL*Loader-2026: 加载因 SQL 加载程序无法继续而被终止
SQL*Loader-961: 对表 table1 调用一次/加载完成时出错
ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kddummy_blkchk], [8], [565129], [18021], [], [], [], []
SQL*Loader-2026: 加载因 SQL 加载程序无法继续而被终止
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. The first argument is the internal message number. This argument and the database version number are critical in identifying the root cause and the potential impact to your system.
Action: Visit My Oracle Support to access the ORA-00600 Lookup tool (reference Note 600.1) for more information regarding the specific ORA-00600 error encountered. An Incident has been created for this error in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). When logging a service request, use the Incident Packaging Service (IPS) from the Support Workbench or the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) to automatically package the relevant trace information (reference My Oracle Support Note 411.1). The following information should also be gathered to help determine the root cause:
- changes leading up to the error
- events or unusual circumstances leading up to the error
- operations attempted prior to the error
- conditions of the operating system and databases at the time of the error Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error.
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. The first argument is the internal message number. This argument and the database version number are critical in identifying the root cause and the potential impact to your system.
Action: Visit My Oracle Support to access the ORA-00600 Lookup tool (reference Note 600.1) for more information regarding the specific ORA-00600 error encountered. An Incident has been created for this error in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). When logging a service request, use the Incident Packaging Service (IPS) from the Support Workbench or the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) to automatically package the relevant trace information (reference My Oracle Support Note 411.1). The following information should also be gathered to help determine the root cause:
- changes leading up to the error
- events or unusual circumstances leading up to the error
- operations attempted prior to the error
- conditions of the operating system and databases at the time of the error Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error.
ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block
Cause: An internal error or memory exception occurred while Oracle was applying redo to a data block.
Action: call Oracle Support
Cause: An internal error or memory exception occurred while Oracle was applying redo to a data block.
Action: call Oracle Support
sqlplus /nolog conn / as sysdba; #查看undo的表空间管理方式应该是auto show parameter undo; #修改undo的表空间管理方式为manual alter system set undo_management=manual scope=spfile; shutdown immediate; startup; #创建undo临时表空间 create undo tablespace undo2 datafile '/opt/oradata/tgt/undo2.dbf' size 200M; #修改undo表空间为undo2 alter system set undo_tablespace=undo2 scope=spfile; #将undo表空间管理模式修改为auto alter system set undo_management=auto scope=spfile; shutdown immediate; startup; 执行完以上操作后为发现ORA-00600错误,说明重建表空间问题解决,接下来将undo表空间改回undotbs1 drop tablespace undotbs1 including contents and datafiles; create undo tablespace undotbs1 datafile '/opt/oradata/tgt/undotbs1.dbf' size 500M; alter system set undo_management=manual scope=spfile; shutdown immediate; startup; alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs1 scope=spfile; alter system set undo_management=auto scope=spfile; shutdown immediate; startup; #删除刚刚临时重建的undo2表空间 drop tablespace undo2 including contents and datafiles;
大致确定是由于块当中存在逻辑讹误导致的这个错误 {当Oracle进程在读取数据块时会做一系列逻辑检测,当发现块当中存在逻辑讹误就会触发该ORA-00600 [kddummy_blkchk]等内部错误;[kddummy_blkchk]内部函数 的功能大致与[kdBlkCheckError]相仿,它们都有3个参数argument: ORA-600 [kddummy_blkchk] [file#] [block#] [check code] ORA-600 [kdBlkCheckError] [file#] [block#] [check code] file#即问题块所在datafile的文件号,block#即问题块的块号,check code为发现逻辑讹误时的检测种类代码 } 我们也可以通过file#和block#查找到存在问题的对象:譬如这个case中的file#为121,block#为2275853,检查种类代码为18021: SELECT tablespace_name,segment_type,owner,segment_name FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = 8 AND 565129 between block_id AND block_id+blocks-1; 查询结果如: TABLESPACE_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE OWNER SEGMENT_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ DATA01 TABLE USER1 TABLE1 该查询结果中的表需要重建,问题解决。
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### Oracle 错误 ORA-00132 和 ORA-00214 解析及处理 #### 一、错误概述 在Oracle数据库管理过程中,遇到ORA-00132和ORA-00214这类错误时,往往意味着数据库配置或启动过程中出现了问题。下面将对这两个错误进行...
这篇文章主要讲述了在Oracle 11g R2客户端尝试连接Oracle 19c服务端时,遇到了两个特定的错误:ORA-28040和ORA-01017,以及如何解决这些问题。 ORA-28040错误是因为客户端和数据库服务器在版本兼容性上存在不匹配。...
Oracle 错误代码 ORA-00600 [16703] 分析和解决方案 Oracle 错误代码 ORA-00600 [16703] 是一种内部错误代码,通常是由于数据字典基表存在不一致或对象号不存在所致。在本文中,我们将对这个错误代码进行详细的分析...
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### Oracle ORA-03113 错误解析及解决方法 #### 一、ORA-03113 错误概述 ORA-03113 是一个较为常见的Oracle错误,通常出现在网络通信出现问题时,具体表现为“end-of-file on communication channel”(通信通道上...
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在使用Oracle Data Pump工具IMPDP(Import Data Pump)进行数据导入的过程中,可能会遇到ORA-39002和ORA-39070等错误。本文将针对这些错误的排查方法进行详细介绍,帮助用户理解问题的原因及解决策略。 ### 错误...
总之,"ORA-28040:没有匹配的验证协议"是一个常见的Oracle连接问题,需要结合Kettle的配置和Oracle数据库的设置来解决。通过以上分析和解决方案,你应该能够找到解决问题的方法,顺利连接到Oracle 12c数据库。
虽然这不是直接解决ORA-01460错误的方法,但通过合理配置工具和环境,可以更高效地进行数据库管理和数据转换工作,间接降低错误发生的概率。 总之,面对ORA-01460错误,关键在于理解错误背后的逻辑,采取合适的数据...
ORA-00904 是一个常见的错误信息,通常发生在 SQL 语句中引用了一个不存在的列名。这种错误通常是由于开发者在编写 SQL 语句时,忘记了某个列名或写错了列名,导致 Oracle 无法找到该列名。解决这个错误的方法是,...
摘要:本文主要解决ORACLE 8I数据库应用EXP工具时ORA-06553报错的问题,分析出现问题的原因,并提供了正确的解决方法和措施。 知识点1:Oracle 8I数据库EXP工具的应用 Oracle 8I数据库EXP工具是Oracle数据库提供...
错误描述:oracle远程连接服务器出现 ORA-12170 TNS:连接超时 错误检查:有很多是oracle自身安装的问题,但是我这里服务器配置正常,监听正常,服务正常,远程可以ping通服务器。 这里主要是防火墙问题,解决办法: ...
ORA-00600 [1403] 错误的解决方案 在 Oracle 数据库中,ORA-00600 是一个内部错误代码,表示数据库实例出现了严重的问题。该错误代码通常伴随着其他错误代码和参数,例如 ORA-00600 [1403],这就意味着数据库实例...
本文将深入探讨ORA-12737错误的原因、解决方案以及如何利用Oracle最新版本的客户端和工具如Navicat进行问题排查。 ORA-12737错误通常出现在以下场景: 1. 数据库实例未能正常启动或关闭。 2. TNS监听器出现问题,...