Overview of the TPC Benchmark C:
The Order-Entry Benchmark
By Francois Raab, Walt Kohler, Amitabh Shah
The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) is about to approve the
third in its series of benchmarks which measure the performance and
price/performance of transaction processing systems. Like TPC-A, the TPC's first
benchmark, the new TPC Benchmark C, or TPC-C, is an on-line transaction
processing (OLTP) benchmark. However, TPC-C is different and more complex than
TPC-A because of its multiple transaction types, more complex database, and
overall execution structure. TPC-C is based on a workload presented to the TPC
two years ago and refined by a subcommittee of 16 members representing a cross
section of the industry.
The goal of TPC benchmarks is to define a set of functional requirements that
can be run on any transaction processing system, regardless of hardware or
operating system. It is then up to the test sponsor to submit proof (in the form
of a full disclosure report) that they have met all the requirements. This
methodology allows any vendor, using "proprietary" or "open" systems, to
implement the TPC benchmark and guarantees to end-users that they will see an
apples-to-apples comparison. This is a dramatic departure from most other
benchmarks where test sponsors are limited to comparing machines that run on
just one operating system or benchmarks that execute the same set of software
TPC benchmarks also differ from other benchmarks in that TPC benchmarks are
modeled after actual production applications and environments rather than
stand-alone computer tests which may not evaluate key performance factors like
user interface, communications, disk I/Os, data storage, and backup and
recovery. The difficulty in designing TPC benchmarks lies in reducing the
diversity of operations found in a production application, while retaining its
essential performance characteristics, namely, the level of system utilization
and the complexity of its operations. A large number of functions have to be
performed to manage a production system. Since many of these functions are
proportionally small in terms of system resource utilization or in terms of
frequency of execution, they are not of primary interest for performance
analysis. Although these functions are vital for a production system, within the
context of a standard benchmark, they would merely create excessive diversity
and expense and are, therefore, omitted.
The Benchmark Model
As an OLTP system benchmark, TPC-C simulates a complete environment where a
population of terminal operators executes transactions against a database. The
benchmark is centered around the principal activities (transactions) of an
order-entry environment. These transactions include entering and delivering
orders, recording payments, checking the status of orders, and monitoring the
level of stock at the warehouses. However, it should be stressed that it is not
the intent of TPC-C to specify how to best implement an Order-Entry system.
While the benchmark portrays the activity of a wholesale supplier, TPC-C is not
limited to the activity of any particular business segment, but, rather,
represents any industry that must manage, sell, or distribute a product or
In the TPC-C business model, a wholesale parts supplier (called the Company
below) operates out of a number of warehouses and their associated sales
districts. The TPC benchmark is designed to scale just as the Company expands
and new warehouses are created. However, certain consistent requirements must be
maintained as the benchmark is scaled. Each warehouse in the TPC- C model must
supply ten sales districts, and each district serves three thousand customers.
An operator from a sales district can select, at any time, one of the five
operations or transactions offered by the Company's order-entry system. Like the
transactions themselves, the frequency of the individual transactions are
modeled after realistic scenarios.
The most frequent transaction consists of entering a new order which, on
average, is comprised of ten different items. Each warehouse tries to maintain
stock for the 100,000 items in the Company's catalog and fill orders from that
stock. However, in reality, one warehouse will probably not have all the parts
required to fill every order. Therefore, TPC-C requires that close to ten
percent of all orders must be supplied by another warehouse of the Company.
Another frequent transaction consists in recording a payment received from a
customer. Less frequently, operators will request the status of a previously
placed order, process a batch of ten orders for delivery, or query the system
for potential supply shortages by examining the level of stock at the local
warehouse. A total of five types of transactions, then, are used to model this
business activity. The performance metric reported by TPC-C measures the number
of orders that can be fully processed per minute and is expressed in tpm-C.
TPC-C was designed to carry over many of the characteristics of TPC-A, the
TPC's standard version of DebitCredit. Therefore, TPC-C includes all the
components of a basic OLTP benchmark. To make the benchmark applicable to
systems of varying computing powers, TPC-C implementations must scale both the
number of terminals and the size of the database proportionally to the computing
power of the measured system. To test whether the measured system is a fully
production-ready system with sufficient recovery capabilities, the database must
provide what are defined as the ACID properties: atomicity, consistency,
isolation, and durability. To facilitate independent verification of the
benchmark results, the test sponsor must release, in a full disclosure report,
all information necessary to reproduce the reported performance. This
performance, which measures the throughput of the system, must be reported along
with the total system cost. The total system cost is a close approximation of
the true cost of the vendor-supplied portion of the system to the end-user. It
includes the cost of all hardware and software components; maintenance costs
over 5 years; and sufficient storage capacity to hold the data generated over a
period of 180 eight-hour days of operation at the reported throughput.
More OLTP Features and Complexity
With the coming approval of TPC-C, the TPC will have two OLTP benchmarks,
TPC-A and TPC-C. The TPC will continue to support and publish results on TPC-A,
its first OLTP benchmark. TPC-A simulates all the major functions of a complete
OLTP system and has now been accepted by the industry as a valid means of
comparing systems.
With the introduction of TPC-C, the TPC is providing the industry with an
additional, more complex OLTP measurement tool. TPC-C involves a mix of five
concurrent transactions of different types and complexity either executed
on-line or queued for deferred execution. This is one of the most substantial
extensions of the basic OLTP benchmarking model as new components of the
measured system are being stressed by having multiple transactions of different
natures compete for system resources. Another substantial extension is the
increased complexity of its database structure. The new database is comprised of
nine types of records with a wide range of record and population sizes. As a
result, there is greater diversity in the data manipulated by each of the five
transactions. The data entered by operators in TPC-C include some of the basic
characteristics of real-life data input. For example, operators may enter an
invalid item number, forcing the transaction to be cancelled.
In moving toward modeling more realistic environments, TPC-C reduces the
number of artificial limitations commonly found in other benchmarks. For
example, to promote the use of fully-functional terminals or work-stations and
screen management software, TPC-C requires all terminal inputs and displays to
be usable by real-life operators. To that end, all screens must be formatted
using labeled input and output fields, as specified, and must provide all the
common screen manipulation features, including moving forward or backward
through the input fields and entering numbers in right justified fields. In
another area, any physical database design technique that can be used to improve
the performance of a real-life application, such as partitioning or replication
of data, is allowed in TPC-C. The use of database records by the transactions
has been carefully defined to preclude test sponsors from gaining unrealistic
advantages from any of these techniques.
A Measure of Business Throughput
The throughput of TPC-C is a direct result of the level of activity at the
terminals. Each warehouse has ten terminals and all five transactions are
available at each terminal. A remote terminal emulator (RTE) is used to maintain
the required mix of transactions over the performance measurement period. This
mix represents the complete business processing of an order as it is entered,
paid for, checked, and delivered. More specifically, the required mix is defined
to produce an equal number of New-Order and Payment transactions and to produce
one Delivery transaction, one Order-Status transaction, and one Stock-Level
transaction for every ten New-Order transactions.
The tpm-C metric is the number of New-Order transactions executed per minute.
Given the required mix and the wide range of complexity and types among the
transactions, this metric more closely simulates a complete business activity,
not just one or two transactions or computer operations. For this reason, the
tpm-C metric is considered to be a measure of business throughput.
The RTE is also used to measure the response time of each transaction and to
simulate keying times and think times. The keying time represents the time spent
entering data at the terminal and the think time represents the time spent, by
the operator, to read the result of the transaction at the terminal before
requesting another transaction. Each transaction has a minimum keying time and a
minimum think time. In addition, the response time of each transaction must be
below a required threshold. These thresholds have been defined to give
predominance to New-Order as the performance limiting transaction.
A New Yardstick
Users of benchmark information and results, whether they be members of the
press, market researchers, or commercial users, want to be assured that the
benchmark results they see are valid measures of performance. To meet that
demand, the TPC has designed its benchmarks to simulate and test systems with
all the necessary production-oriented features, including backup and recovery
features. In addition, the TPC requires complete documentation of the benchmark
run (the full disclosure report). These reports are available to any user and
pass through the TPC's own internal review process. All these requirements help
to ensure that users of TPC benchmark results will see valid, objective measures
of performance.
TPC-C follows the TPC's benchmarking philosophy and methodology in all the
above respects, but it also includes new elements and more complex requirements.
TPC-C's performance measurement metric, tpm-C, does not just measure a few basic
computer or database transactions, but measures how many complete business
operations can be processed per minute. This new benchmark should give users a
more extensive, more complex yardstick for measuring OLTP system
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