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Oracle BPM with LDAP

Here are the steps to install Enterprise Standalone using Sun One Directory Server on ALBPM 6.0 or Oracle BPM:

1. First install Sun ONE Directory Server LDAP - go to the website: http://www.sun.com/download/products.xml?id=3ee79e69

The settings to take note of during the installation are shown below. These will be needed to set Sun One Directory Server as the ALBPM Enterprise directory service:

- Server identifier (your machine's name)
- Server port (typically 12323)
- Suffix (this is the LDAP Base DN - something like "dc=amer,dc=mycompany,dc=com"

Click "Next"

- Administrator ID (e.g. "admin") - this is the user id that you will use to log into Sun ONE LDAP to create participants later
- Password - remember this - you will need it to start the Sun ONE Server Console in step 2.

Click "Next"

- Administrator Domain (this is the Organization Logical Name) - if you entered "dc=amer,dc=mycompany,dc=com" in the Suffix field, enter "amer.mycompany.com" now.

Click "Next"

- Directory Manager DN (this is the Root DN - e.g. "cn=root")
- Password - enter the Root password you want to use later

quote from "http://kr.forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=3538866"

Click "Next"

- Administration Port (this is typically "12324)

Click "Next"

2. Here's how to create a new participant in Sun One LDAP. You need to do this before starting the ALBPM / Oracle BPM Enterprise installation.

Start the Sun ONE Server Console (Start -> Programs -> Sun ONE Server Products -> Sun ONE Server Console).

- User ID - this is the Administrator id you entered during the installation ("admin" in this example)
- Administration URL - if you've followed the settings entered above, then this would be "http://<your machine's name>.amer.mycompany.com:1234"

Click "OK"

Expand the tree and double click "Directory Server (<your machine name>)

Click the "Directory" tab.

Right mouse click "dc=amer,dc=mycompany,dc=com" -> "New" -> "User"

Enter the fields for a new user. In this example, enter "jsmith". This will be used in the 3rd step below as the ALBPM / Oracle BPM "BPM Administrator User"

Click "OK".

3. Install ALBPM / Oracle BPM Enterprise using Sun ONE Directory Server

In the ALBPM / Oracle BPM Enterprise Admin Console Configuration select:

- "Create Directory Service"
- "Create Process Engine"
- "Publish and Deploy Sample Project"

Click "Next"

- select "Use an external directory service ...."

Click "Next"

In the "Directory Provider Selection" panel enter:

- a name for your configuration
- "Directory Provider" - select a database to store your projects as they are published
- "Organization Provider" - select "Sun ONE LDAP"
- "BPM Administration User" - enter the same user name you created in the second step (e.g. "jsmith")

Click "Next"

In the "Configure Directory Provider" panel enter the database information as you would with any Enterprise installation. Make sure that the "User" entered in this panel is a new one that has never been entered before. Leave the "Schema" blank.

Click "Next"

In the "Configure Organization Provider" panel enter:

- "Initial Context Factory" - com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
- "URL" - ldap//<your machine name>:12323/dc=amer,dc=mycompany,dc=com
- "Principal" - enter "cn=root"
- "Credentials" - leave this blank
- "External Processes - "follow"

Click "Next"

Enter the Directory Creation Information as you normally would for the database for an Enterprise installation

Click "Next"

Select the "Process Engine Provider..." database provider as you normally would for an Enterprise Engine's database installation.

Click "Next"

Enter the "Process Engine Provider..." database configuration as you normally would for an Enterprise Engine's database installation.

Click "Next"

Enter the "Process Engine Creation Information" database information as you normally would for an Enterprise Engine's database installation.

Click "Next" to start the installation.

Once this is done, click the "BPM Web Applications" tab in the "Configuration" panel. Check all the BPM Web Applications you need (e.g. "WorkSpace", "Feeds Service", "Workspace Administrator", "PAPI Web Services").

Return to the Admin Console's main panel and click “Start BPM Web Applications”

Click “Launch Process Administrator”

Login using the same user (“jsmith”) you previously created in Sun ONE

Add more users in Sun One as described previously and they should show up in the ALBPM / Oracle BPM Enterprise’s Process Administrator’s Participant list. Although you cannot add participants in ALBPM’s Process Administrator, you can assign them roles.



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