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englis interview


 1.introdue myself
ok, it's a great honor to have this oppourty for a interview,now i will introduce myself brfively,i'm 27 years old,grauted  from changsha university in 2009,
and i have worken in java for about 5 years ,during this time ,i did about 7 projects ,such as internet project and project of bank, i'm exprencied in some opensource
framework,for exzample, spring ,structs,hibernate,ibatis and so on ,i also used jquery,ajax,javascript,flex, and the database i used is Oracle,DB2,mysql ,that's all
thank you

2.introduce poject

 the recurrent projcet named MGRS (MoneyGrame Remmitenments System),The system is that Global remittance system between individuals,
 which is Bank of Communications in collaboration with MoneyGram,the project is based on jump framework that is developed by Bank of Communications,which is encapsulates the spring ,and integate with ibatis,logback and so on.
 The main features  include  Remittances Outward, Remittance,Fee Set, Agents inquiry and so on.
1.project analysis, wiring document,code for Remittances Outward
2.arrange task to others in our team

GPGS(Global payment gateway swift  subsystem)

The system is used for Centralized management swift packets and clearing platform,which is based on jump framework,we also use ibiats,Flex,DataBase is DB2,
 mcatch of Packet Processing, Queue Maintenance, Transceiver monitoring, Packet monitoring, Log monitoring and so on.

1.anlysis requiment, code for match of Packet Processing ,Packet monitoring,write document
2.arrange task to others in our team



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