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3.2 Do not modify the standard schema definitions(不要修改标准schema定义)
The set of attributes and object classes described in the LDAP RFCs sometimes appear to be rather awkward. This is not surprising, as they were derived from many different postal and telecomms standards, and new ones were created whenever the early directory service developers found a new requirement. As a result, people are often tempted to “tidy up” or “correct” the standard schema. This is a Bad Idea, as knowledge of the standard attributes is embedded in many widely used products. To make matters worse, many product authors have created their own overlapping or conflicting attribute sets to enrich the “addressbook experience”.
Fortunately, the better LDAP clients can be configured to use whatever attributes you want so it is often best to ignore the more broken parts of the standard set and create your own replacements. Some clients cannot cope with this, so it is worth finding out what you have to support and how flexible it is.
在LDAP RFC中出现的属性和object class有时候会显得非常尴尬。这一点儿都不奇怪,因为这些属性和object class是从不同的邮政电信标准演化而来的。随着新需求的出现,新的属性和object class被建立起来,这导致人们总是去试图整理和修正标准schema。这无疑是一个坏主意:因为标准attribute是作为一种约定俗成而嵌入到很多产品中。更为糟糕的是:很多产品的作者创建了只属于他们自己的属性集来丰富“addressbook experience”,而这些属性集经常会与标准属性集重叠甚至冲突。
3.3 Beware the Structural Object Class(留意结构性的object class)
Every entry has a Structural object class. This defines its fundamental characteristics, and cannot be changed once the entry has been created. If you define new attributes, or want to combine existing ones in new ways, you will need to create new object classes that allow this to happen. Most of the examples in the standards show this being done by subclassing existing object classes, but this creates problems. The LDAP standard diverged from X.500 just before the development of X.500 (1993), and has adopted parts of the later versions piecemeal. One of the later innovations was to split object classes into three types and to tighten the rules on how they could be combined. LDAP servers have now started to enforce these rules, and as a result the over-use of structural object classes can seriously limit the flexibility of a directory service.
所有的实体都拥有一个结构性的object class。这个object class定义了其基础属性。一旦该实体被建立,其object class不能被修改。如果你要定义新的属性,或者想把已经存在的属性重新组合,你需要定义新的object class才能实现。很多标准示例显示可以通过subclassing来实现,但是这会带来问题:LDAP起源于X.500的初始阶段而且采用了了很多X.500后来版本的特性。其中的最新的变革是将object class分为三类,而且规定了他们是否可以组合。LDAP服务器现在开始强制实行这些规则,这会导致结构性object class过多使用会严重限制目录服务的可扩展性。
I recommend that you pick a well-understood structural class for each type of entry, and then add Auxiliary object classes where needed. The rules for combining these are much simpler, and they can be added to existing entries or removed if desired. Some reasonable structural classes are:
Object Structural class
Person inetOrgPerson
Role organizationalRole
Department organizationalUnit
Organisation organization
你最好为每个实体选择一个容易理解的结构性object class,然后在需要的情况下添加辅助性的object class。针对组合的规则应该尽量做到简单,这样他们可以被加到已经存在的实体上,或者在需要的时候被移除。一些容易理解的结构性class如下:
4 DIT Layout
4.1 Top levels
The standards place very few restrictions on the form of the DIT, though if it is to be used with common client software there are some conventions that should be observed. There are two common forms used for the higher levels in the tree: geographic and domain-based. The geographic form was used in all examples in the original X.500 standards, as it is most suitable for global-scale “white pages” searching. Domain-based trees were introduced later, partly so that installers could avoid dealing with country-level registration authorities and partly to provide a simple way to map Internet domain names into the DIT. The two forms are shown in Figure 1.
For an isolated directory system it makes little difference which form is chosen, though it is always wise to choose a base name that will not clash with any other directories that might get linked in future. The two forms can co-exist under the same virtual root if required. For most “internal” directory services, the Domain Component tree is the better choice. There is a direct mapping between DNS names and the upper levels of the tree, which allows the address of the LDAP server to be stored in the DNS and can make client configuration simpler. I generally recommend carrying the DC names down into the “local” part of the tree, as this makes it easier to divide the tree among several servers if required.
Our Example Organisation owns the domain name example.org so we will choose
ds.example.org as the base for the directory service. This translates to an LDAP suffix of dc=ds,dc=example,dc=org
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内容概要:本文详细介绍了LabVIEW控件的设计与实现,尤其是一些由经验丰富的老工程师精心打造的控件。LabVIEW是一款图形化编程语言,广泛应用于数据采集、仪器控制和工业自动化领域。文中通过具体实例展示了如何利用LabVIEW创建美观且功能强大的控件,如滑动条、波形图、金属质感旋钮、动态波形图表以及智能选项卡等。作者强调了LabVIEW控件在灵活性和美观度方面的优势,并分享了许多实用的技术细节和优化方法。 适合人群:具有一定编程基础并希望深入了解LabVIEW控件设计的开发者和技术爱好者。 使用场景及目标:适用于需要进行高效的数据展示和交互设计的应用场景,如工业控制系统、实验室设备操作界面等。目标是帮助用户掌握LabVIEW控件的高级特性,提高开发效率和用户体验。 其他说明:文章不仅提供了具体的代码示例,还探讨了控件美学背后的设计理念和技术实现,鼓励读者探索更多可能性。
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内容概要:本文详细介绍了QPSK(四相移键控)调制方法及其在瑞利信道和高斯白噪声信道下的误码率(BER)性能分析。首先展示了QPSK星座图的绘制方法,接着构建了一个简化的QPSK发射机模型,用于将二进制比特流映射到相应的星座点。随后,分别实现了两种信道模型:高斯白噪声信道(AWGN)和瑞利信道,并解释了它们的工作原理以及如何向传输信号添加噪声。文中还提供了详细的误码率测试脚本,通过大量随机比特进行仿真,最终得到了不同信噪比条件下的误码率曲线。此外,作者还讨论了QPSK与其他调制方式如BPSK、16QAM之间的性能差异,强调了频谱效率与抗噪能力之间的权衡关系。 适合人群:对无线通信系统感兴趣的科研人员、研究生以及从事通信工程领域的工程师。 使用场景及目标:①帮助读者理解QPSK的基本原理及其在不同信道环境中的行为特性;②提供实用的Python代码片段,便于快速搭建仿真环境并验证理论结果;③探讨各种调制方式的选择依据,指导实际应用中的优化决策。 其他说明:文中多次提到‘骚操作’,意指一些巧妙但非传统的编程技巧,有助于提高代码执行效率或简化复杂度。同时提醒读者注意仿真过程中可能出现的问题,如
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bitcount统计每个元素中设置的位数 B = bitcount(A) Counts the number '1' bits in each element B = bitcount(A, bitValue) "bitValue" = 1 = default = counts the occurance of '1' if bitValue = 0; counts the number '0' The total bits to verify is [8,16,32,or 64] based on the maximal value of A B = bitcount(A, bitValue, maxBits) the total # of bits to examine
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