看成是N(N= String.length *String.length)个点无向图;每个顶点有与其相邻的cell的边
即变成寻找图中所有点对的最短路径,(没有负权回路的最短路径是可以动态规划的,Wall-shell算法(希望没写错)复杂度O(N^3),也可以进行N次Dijkstra计算,使用Dijkstra算法可以用双向Dijkstra )
在实际搜索过程中,可以增加 分支限界的过程,如Cost(p1,p2)>MIN_VALUE,即可终止,这样应该对算法实际效率提高很多。
2013-06-20:今天具体实现 如下,明天继续修改,采用图论中的dijkstra过程试一试
O(N^3),N = m*n,m为行数,n为列数,即N = 使用的算法,基本是Floyd-Warshell算法,但是这里有个小区别
int dist = opt[i][k] + opt[k][j] - opt[k][k];
int dist = opt[i][k] + opt[k][j];
cell(x,y) = 1 --->opt(x*n+y,x*n+y) =1;
Edge of cell(x,y) cell(x-1,y) = 1 --->opt[x*n+y,(x-1)*n]=1;
public class GameOnBoard { public static void main(String args[]) { String cost[][] = { {"11", "10" }, { "01", "10" }, { "111001", "001000", "111111", "001111", "001100", "001011", "111001", "010011" }, { "001001101011", "110011001101", "111111000001", "111101010001", "011100101111", "110010111000", "111111110101", "111011110111", "111100100011", "000000000110", "101011011110", "011111000111", "101111001011" }, { "110010100101010110100010001100111011", "001000000110100011010100000001001000", "011000110111101001011101110111000100", "111001011000100101111010100110110011", "111000011101001010000100001010000010", "111001110010100101000001001100011011", "111110100111010101100000100111000111", "011111111100100111111110000001110111", "110000010101001111100011110000001000", "010010110111111100011101100000011010", "110001100001111001101000101110110001", "110010000111011110000010110111010101", "100100110101001001101000001101101101", "001011101101001100111110101111001110", "111010111111111100110100000011111100", "110101101000001001000100101011100000", "011011001011010001001000100000110101", "011111111100000011010111010011010100", "111001111110001110001110010100111010", "000001111000001100101010000001101110", "010000110000010010111110111000010101", "100010010100110011000111101001101011", "111010110001101011010001111101111100", "000111110000110000000101100101000110", "110000010111001001110001101010111100", "011111101101001011011010011111100010", "110101111101010100110010000011001101", "101101111001010100101111100001110001", "000110010100101111011011110010010010", "110101010011101000111011100000010011", "110001010001110011010100110000010001", "111010101100111100100011001101010100", "011000000000100001011010000100010001", "100000110110000001010001001111010000", "100011111110010011011011001110011111", "101100001111100101001101100000100001", "010000111011010110011001110011111000", "100010100111110111001010100101111010", "000110011110111011111000101000001000" } }; GameOnBoard game = new GameOnBoard(); for(int i=0;i<cost.length;i++) System.out.println(game.optimalChoice(cost[i])); } int optimalChoice(String cost[]) { int M = cost.length; int N = cost[0].length(); byte matrix[][] = new byte[M ][ N ]; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { if (cost[i].charAt(k) == '1') { matrix[i ][k] = 1; } else matrix[i ][k] = 0; } } return game2(matrix,M,N); } int game2(byte[][] matrix,int m,int n) { byte minChooseCost = Byte.MAX_VALUE; int N = m * n; byte opt[][] = new byte[N][N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { opt[i][j] = Byte.MAX_VALUE; } } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { opt[i][i] = matrix[i / n][i - i / n * n]; } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // opt[i][k] 和opt[k][j];是否相邻 int x1 = i / n; int y1 = i - x1 * n; int x2; int y2; x2 = x1; y2 = y1 - 1; if (y2 >= 0) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } y2 = y1 + 1; if (y2 < n) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } y2 = y1; x2 = x1 - 1; if (x2 >= 0) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } x2 = x1 + 1; if (x2 < m) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } } for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { { int dist = opt[i][k] + opt[k][j] - opt[k][k]; if (dist < opt[i][j]) opt[i][j] = (byte) dist; } } } } minChooseCost = Byte.MAX_VALUE; //byte max[] = new byte[N]; byte max; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { max=0; for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (max < opt[i][j]) { max = opt[i][j]; } } if (minChooseCost > max) minChooseCost = max; } return minChooseCost; } }
2013-06-21 终于有所提高了(还将继续提升下):采用了Dijkstra过程,(说起来真丢人,我还算是做A*,Dijkstra的专业人士)
import java.util.Comparator; public class GameOnBoard { public static void main(String args[]) { String cost[][] = { { "11", "10" }, { "01", "10" }, { "111001", "001000", "111111", "001111", "001100", "001011", "111001", "010011" }, { "001001101011", "110011001101", "111111000001", "111101010001", "011100101111", "110010111000", "111111110101", "111011110111", "111100100011", "000000000110", "101011011110", "011111000111", "101111001011" }, { "110010100101010110100010001100111011", "001000000110100011010100000001001000", "011000110111101001011101110111000100", "111001011000100101111010100110110011", "111000011101001010000100001010000010", "111001110010100101000001001100011011", "111110100111010101100000100111000111", "011111111100100111111110000001110111", "110000010101001111100011110000001000", "010010110111111100011101100000011010", "110001100001111001101000101110110001", "110010000111011110000010110111010101", "100100110101001001101000001101101101", "001011101101001100111110101111001110", "111010111111111100110100000011111100", "110101101000001001000100101011100000", "011011001011010001001000100000110101", "011111111100000011010111010011010100", "111001111110001110001110010100111010", "000001111000001100101010000001101110", "010000110000010010111110111000010101", "100010010100110011000111101001101011", "111010110001101011010001111101111100", "000111110000110000000101100101000110", "110000010111001001110001101010111100", "011111101101001011011010011111100010", "110101111101010100110010000011001101", "101101111001010100101111100001110001", "000110010100101111011011110010010010", "110101010011101000111011100000010011", "110001010001110011010100110000010001", "111010101100111100100011001101010100", "011000000000100001011010000100010001", "100000110110000001010001001111010000", "100011111110010011011011001110011111", "101100001111100101001101100000100001", "010000111011010110011001110011111000", "100010100111110111001010100101111010", "000110011110111011111000101000001000" } }; GameOnBoard game = new GameOnBoard(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0;i<cost.length;i++) System.out.println(game.optimalChoice(cost[i])); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print("cost time"+(end-start)); } int optimalChoice(String cost[]) { int M = cost.length; int N = cost[0].length(); byte matrix[][] = new byte[M ][ N ]; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { if (cost[i].charAt(k) == '1') { matrix[i ][k] = 1; } else matrix[i ][k] = 0; } } return game(matrix,M,N); } int game(byte[][] matrix, int M, int N) { int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int minChooseCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Dijkstra process(); MyPriorityQueue pq = new MyPriorityQueue(1023); PriorityQueueItem[] pool = new PriorityQueueItem[M * N]; for (int i = 0; i < pool.length; i++) { pool[i] = new PriorityQueueItem(); pool[i].index = i; } for (int i = 0; i < M * N; i++) { pq.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < pool.length; j++) { pool[j].clearFlag(); } PriorityQueueItem item = pool[i]; item.parentIndex = -1; int x = i / N; int y = i - x * N; item.cost = matrix[x][y]; item.index = i; item.setInOpen(); pq.add(item); max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; while (!pq.empty()) { item = pq.top(); pq.popheap(); item.setNotInOpen(); item.setInClose(); // find the 4 adjacent cell if available,add them to priority // queue; //System.out.print(item.cost); max = item.cost; // for each adjacent cell, push into priority queue, if possible. int cell_i = item.index / N; int cell_j = item.index - cell_i * N; int cell_2_i = -1; int cell_2_j = -1; // cell 1 cell_2_i = cell_i; cell_2_j = cell_j - 1; if (cell_2_j >= 0) { int newNodeCost = matrix[cell_2_i][cell_2_j]; PriorityQueueItem newItem = pool[cell_2_i * N + cell_2_j]; int newCost = item.cost + newNodeCost; if (!newItem.isInClose()) { if (newItem.isInOpen()) { if (newItem.cost > newCost) { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.EditItem(newItem); } } else { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.add(newItem); newItem.setInOpen(); } } } // cell 2 cell_2_i = cell_i; cell_2_j = cell_j + 1; if (cell_2_j < N) { int newNodeCost = matrix[cell_2_i][cell_2_j]; PriorityQueueItem newItem = pool[cell_2_i * N + cell_2_j]; int newCost = item.cost + newNodeCost; if (!newItem.isInClose()) { if (newItem.isInOpen()) { if (newItem.cost > newCost) { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.EditItem(newItem); } } else { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.add(newItem); newItem.setInOpen(); } } } // cell 3 cell_2_i = cell_i - 1; cell_2_j = cell_j; if (cell_2_i >= 0) { int newNodeCost = matrix[cell_2_i][cell_2_j]; PriorityQueueItem newItem = pool[cell_2_i * N + cell_2_j]; int newCost = item.cost + newNodeCost; if (!newItem.isInClose()) { if (newItem.isInOpen()) { if (newItem.cost > newCost) { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.EditItem(newItem); } } else { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.add(newItem); newItem.setInOpen(); } } } // cell 4 cell_2_i = cell_i + 1; cell_2_j = cell_j; if (cell_2_i < M) { int newNodeCost = matrix[cell_2_i][cell_2_j]; PriorityQueueItem newItem = pool[cell_2_i * N + cell_2_j]; int newCost = item.cost + newNodeCost; if (!newItem.isInClose()) { if (newItem.isInOpen()) { if (newItem.cost > newCost) { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.EditItem(newItem); } } else { newItem.cost = newCost; pq.add(newItem); newItem.setInOpen(); } } } } //System.out.println("\n------------------"+i+"will be "+max); // the maximum value can found,minmize it if (minChooseCost > max) minChooseCost = max; } return minChooseCost; } int game2(byte[][] matrix,int m,int n) { byte minChooseCost = Byte.MAX_VALUE; int N = m * n; byte opt[][] = new byte[N][N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { opt[i][j] = Byte.MAX_VALUE; } } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { opt[i][i] = matrix[i / n][i - i / n * n]; } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // opt[i][k] 和opt[k][j];是否相邻 int x1 = i / n; int y1 = i - x1 * n; int x2; int y2; x2 = x1; y2 = y1 - 1; if (y2 >= 0) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } y2 = y1 + 1; if (y2 < n) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } y2 = y1; x2 = x1 - 1; if (x2 >= 0) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } x2 = x1 + 1; if (x2 < m) { int j = x2 * n + y2; opt[i][j] = (byte) (opt[i][i] + opt[j][j]); } } for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { { int dist = opt[i][k] + opt[k][j] - opt[k][k]; if (dist < opt[i][j]) opt[i][j] = (byte) dist; } } } } minChooseCost = Byte.MAX_VALUE; byte max; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { max=0; for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (max < opt[i][j]) { max = opt[i][j]; } } if (minChooseCost > max) minChooseCost = max; } return minChooseCost; } static class PriorityQueueItem implements Comparable<PriorityQueueItem>,Comparator<PriorityQueueItem>{ @Override public int hashCode(){ return index; } public boolean equals( PriorityQueueItem e){ return e!=null &&index==e.index; } int index; int parentIndex; int cost; byte flag; public void setInOpen(){ flag |=1; } public void setNotInOpen() { flag &=~1; } public void setInClose(){ flag |=2; } public boolean isInOpen(){ return (flag &1)!=0; } public boolean isInClose(){ return (flag &2)!=0; } public void clearFlag(){ flag =0; } @Override public int compareTo(PriorityQueueItem item) { if(cost == item.cost)return 0; if(cost<item.cost) return -1; return 1; } @Override public int compare(PriorityQueueItem o1, PriorityQueueItem o2) { if(o1==null ||o2==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot be null."); return o1.compareTo(o2); } } static class MyPriorityQueue{ public MyPriorityQueue(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; this.data = new PriorityQueueItem[maxSize+1]; cur = 0; }; void Clear() { cur=0; } boolean empty(){return cur==0;} PriorityQueueItem top(){ return data[1]; } PriorityQueueItem popheap() { data[1] = data[cur]; cur--; adjustify(1); return data[cur+1]; } void pushheap(PriorityQueueItem elem) { cur = cur+1; if(cur == maxSize) { maxSize <<=1; PriorityQueueItem []pTempData = new PriorityQueueItem [maxSize]; System.arraycopy(pTempData,0,this.data,1,cur); data = pTempData; } int key = cur; int i; data[key] = elem; i = parent(key); //adjustify(key); while(i>0) { if(elem.compareTo(data[i])<0) { //swap i,key data[0] = data[i]; data[i] = elem; data[key] = data[0]; key = i; i = parent(i); } else break; } } boolean EditItem(PriorityQueueItem pItem) { //对象必须存在 data[0] = pItem; int i = cur; for( ;!data[i].equals(data[0]) ;i--); if(i==0) { //没有找到这个元素那么就把这个元素当作新的元素加进来 this.pushheap(pItem); } else { //找到这个元素 修改它的值 //data[i]->m_dDisToStart = pItem->m_dDisToStart; //data[i]->m_dSpeed = pItem->m_dSpeed; //data[i]->m_lWeight = pItem->m_lWeight; //data[i]->m_pNext = pItem->m_pNext; //data[i]->m_pParentArcItem = pItem->m_pParentArcItem; Update(i); } return true; } void makeheap() { //建堆 for (int i = cur/ 2; i >= 1; i--) { adjustify(i); } } int getSize(){return cur;} void makeheap(PriorityQueueItem []data,int size) { System.arraycopy(data,0,this.data,1,size); cur = size; //建堆 for (int i = cur/ 2; i >= 1; i--) { adjustify(i); } } public int parent(int i) { return i / 2; } public int left(int i) { return i * 2; } public int right(int i) { return i * 2 + 1; } //这个是值变小了,向上调整 int Update(int i) { data[0] = data[i];//做一个哨兵 int par = parent(i); while(data[i].compareTo(data[par])<0) { //如果子更小,交换 data[i] = data[par]; data[par] = data[0]; i = par; par = parent(i); } return i; } //向下调整 void adjustify(int i) { int l = left(i); int r = right(i); int smallest = i; if (l <= cur && data[l].compareTo(data[smallest])<0) smallest = l; if (r <= cur && data[r].compareTo(data[smallest])<0) smallest = r; if (smallest != i) { //swap(data[smallest], data[i]); data[0] = data[smallest]; data[smallest] = data[i]; data[i] = data[0]; adjustify(smallest); } } PriorityQueueItem[] data; int maxSize; int cur; public void add(PriorityQueueItem item) { pushheap(item); } public PriorityQueueItem poll() { return popheap(); } } }
cost time955
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