Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It was released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on September 2, 2008, and as a stable public release on December 11, 2008. Google Chrome 38 is latest stable version available to download.
Google Chrome 38 Released: This article will help you to install Google chrome on CentOS & RHEL 6 and Fedora 19/18.
Changes and Improvements in This Release
- Rich Notifications Improvements
- An Updated Incognito / Guest NTP design
- The addition of a Browser crash recovery bubble
- Chrome App Launcher for Linux
- Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance
Step 1: Install/Update Google Chrome
Richard Lloid provided an shell script to grab libraries from a more recent Linux distro, put them in a tree (/opt/google/chrome/lib) exclusively picked up by Google Chrome and then you can indeed run Google Chrome on CentOS 6.5 or later. Read More
# wget # chmod +x # sh
If you are using older version of Linux distribution, This script will prompt you for confirmation to upgrade system. As per Richard Lloid we need to upgrade system by typing yes to work properly.
Step 2: Launch Google Chrome
Use following command to start Google Chrome from non root account.
$ google-chrome
or start process in background
$ google-chrome &
Step 3: Uninstall Google Chrome
If you have used above shell script to install Google chrome. Then you can use use following command to uninstall Google Chrome and its dependencies added by this script.
# sh -u
Know Error
Error 1: Facing below error while starting Google chrome.
# google-chrome
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /usr/lib/ version `NSS_3.14.3′ not found (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
Solution - Update nss package to latest version
# yum update nss
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