




PHPExcel1.7.6官方文档 写道

PHPExcel uses an average of about 1k/cell in your worksheets, so large workbooks can quickly use up available memory. Cell caching provides a mechanism that allows PHPExcel to maintain the cell objects in a smaller size of memory, on disk, or in APC, memcache or Wincache, rather than in PHP memory. This allows you to reduce the memory usage for large workbooks, although at a cost of speed to access cell data.



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By default, PHPExcel still holds all cell objects in memory, but you can specify alternatives. To enable cell caching, you must call the PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod() method, passing in the caching method that you wish to use.




$cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_in_memory;
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setCacheStorageMethod() will return a boolean true on success, false on failure (for example if trying to cache to APC when APC is not enabled).



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A separate cache is maintained for each individual worksheet, and is automatically created when the worksheet is instantiated based on the caching method and settings that you have configured. You cannot change the configuration settings once you have started to read a workbook, or have created your first worksheet.




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Currently, the following caching methods are available.



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The default. If you don’t initialise any caching method, then this is the method that PHPExcel will use. Cell objects are maintained in PHP memory as at present.




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Using this caching method, cells are held in PHP memory as an array of serialized objects, which reduces the memory footprint with minimal performance overhead.




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Like cache_in_memory_serialized, this method holds cells in PHP memory as an array of serialized objects, but gzipped to reduce the memory usage still further, although access to read or write a cell is slightly slower.





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When using cache_to_discISAM all cells are held in a temporary disk file, with only an index to their location in that file maintained in PHP memory. This is slower than any of the cache_in_memory methods, but significantly reduces the memory footprint.
The temporary disk file is automatically deleted when your script terminates.





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Like cache_to_discISAM, when using cache_to_phpTemp all cells are held in the php://temp I/O stream, with only an index to their location maintained in PHP memory. In PHP, the php://memory wrapper stores data in the memory: php://temp behaves similarly, but uses a temporary file for storing the data when a certain memory limit is reached. The default is 1 MB, but you can change this when initialising cache_to_phpTemp.

 类似cache_to_discISAM这种方式,使用cache_to_phpTemp时,所有的单元格会还存在php://temp I/O流中,只把他们的位置保存在PHP的内存中。PHP的php://memory包裹器将数据保存在内存中,php://temp的行为类似,但是当存储的数据大小超过内存限制时,会将数据保存在临时文件中,默认的大小是1MB,但是你可以在初始化时修改它:

$cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory:: cache_to_phpTemp;
$cacheSettings = array( ' memoryCacheSize '  => '8MB'
PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings);
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The php://temp file is automatically deleted when your script terminates.






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When using cache_to_apc, cell objects are maintained in APC with only an index maintained in PHP memory to identify that the cell exists. By default, an APC cache timeout of 600 seconds is used, which should be enough for most applications: although it is possible to change this when initialising cache_to_APC.


$cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_APC;
$cacheSettings = array( 'cacheTime'        => 600
PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings);
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When your script terminates all entries will be cleared from APC, regardless of the cacheTime value, so it cannot be used for persistent storage using this mechanism.





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When using cache_to_memcache, cell objects are maintained in memcache with only an index maintained in PHP memory to identify that the cell exists.
By default, PHPExcel looks for a memcache server on localhost at port 11211. It also sets a memcache timeout limit of 600 seconds. If you are running memcache on a different server or port, then you can change these defaults when you initialise cache_to_memcache:


$cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_memcache;
$cacheSettings = array( 'memcacheServer'  => 'localhost',
                        'memcachePort'    => 11211,
                        'cacheTime'       => 600
PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings);


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When your script terminates all entries will be cleared from memcache, regardless of the cacheTime value, so it cannot be used for persistent storage using this mechanism.





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When using cache_to_wincache, cell objects are maintained in Wincache with only an index maintained in PHP memory to identify that the cell exists. By default, a Wincache cache timeout of 600 seconds is used, which should be enough for most applications: although it is possible to change this when initialising cache_to_wincache.


$cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_wincache;
$cacheSettings = array( 'cacheTime'        => 600
PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings);
PHPExcel官方文档1.7.6 写道
When your script terminates all entries will be cleared from Wincache, regardless of the cacheTime value, so it cannot be used for persistent storage using this mechanism.





6 楼 ashmodeus 2012-04-25  
5 楼 silentime 2011-10-30  
yhg7752 写道
不知道为什么,您能帮忙解决下吗? 谢谢了

4 楼 yhg7752 2011-10-26  
不知道为什么,您能帮忙解决下吗? 谢谢了
3 楼 yhg7752 2011-10-26  
$cacheMethod = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory:: cache_to_phpTemp;  
$cacheSettings = array( ' memoryCacheSize '  => '8MB' 
PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cacheMethod, $cacheSettings); 
我用的是这中设置的,却只导出了10000条数据就不行了,我是想导出多个excel 一共160000条数据呢 每个excel中含有10000条数据  结果只导出了一个
2 楼 silentime 2011-07-01  
1 楼 loserwn 2011-07-01  
1.  修改一下错别字:当脚本运行结束时,所有的数据都会从APC中清楚(忽略缓存时间),不能使用此机制作为持久缓存。

2. 我嚼着,Excel 作为M$的自有的文件格式,内部隐藏了太多的咚咚。PHPExcel能做到如此的兼容性已经实属不易了。尤其是在不依靠.NET或者各种COM+库的前提下。 200MB- 的memory花费还是值得的。



    Memcached是一个高性能的分布式内存对象缓存系统,可以用来缓存PHPExcel生成的单元格数据。这种方法适合于多个PHP脚本实例之间共享缓存数据的场景。 通过改变缓存方式,开发者可以有效降低内存消耗,从而解决内存...


    5. **缓存策略**:利用`PHPExcel_Shared_CachedObjectStorage`类实现对象缓存,减少内存消耗。 总之,PHPExcel-1.8是PHP环境中处理Excel文件的强大工具,尤其适用于Web应用程序中的数据导入导出。通过掌握其基本...


    9. **性能优化**:由于处理大型Excel文件可能导致内存占用过高,可以使用`disconnectWorksheets()`释放不再使用的资源,或者在写入时使用`setUseDiskCaching()`启用磁盘缓存。 10. **版本与替代品**:需要注意的是...


    - **单元格缓存**: 控制单元格数据在内存中的存储方式。 - **默认模式**: `PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_phpTemp()` - **自定义模式**: 如`PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_...

    PHPExcel developer documentation.doc

    PHPExcel在内存中存储整个电子表格,允许快速访问和修改,但这也意味着对于大型工作簿,可能会占用大量内存。 3.4. 读取与写入 PHPExcel支持多种读取和写入电子表格的格式,如CSV、Excel BIFF (xls)、...


    - **FAQ**: 常见问题解答可以帮助解决大部分使用过程中遇到的问题。 - **教程**: 官方网站提供了丰富的教程资源,帮助快速上手。 #### 三、架构设计 **3.1 架构概览** PHPExcel 的核心组件包括工作簿、工作表、...

    PHPExcel 1.8.1

    - **性能优化**:合理利用缓存机制,减少不必要的计算和内存占用。 5. **扩展应用**: - **数据导出**:在Web应用中,常用于将数据库查询结果导出为Excel,方便用户下载和分析。 - **报表生成**:自定义模板,...


    2. 利用缓存机制,减少对内存的占用。 3. 错误处理和日志记录,确保在出现问题时能及时定位和解决。 总的来说,PHPExcel是PHP开发人员处理Excel文件的利器,无论是简单的数据导出还是复杂的报表生成,都能轻松应对...


    - 大量数据处理可能导致内存占用过高,需要合理设置内存限制和分页导出。 - 对于复杂格式,如图表、公式等,PHPExcel可能无法完美支持。 - PHPExcel已被弃用,推荐使用其后继项目`phpspreadsheet`,它修复了部分...


    - **内存管理**: 处理大量数据时注意内存占用,可以分批读写或使用内存优化策略。 - **错误处理**: 捕获并处理可能出现的异常,如文件不存在、格式不正确等。 - **性能优化**: 避免不必要的计算,减少循环次数,...

    PHPExcel 1.8 Excel导入导出

    此外,为了优化性能,可能需要使用内存和CPU的控制策略,例如分块读取大文件,或设置缓存机制。 在使用PHPExcel时,注意处理异常和错误,确保文件读写的安全性。同时,由于PHPExcel的资源消耗较大,对于大数据量的...


    3. **数据导出**:通过创建PHPExcel对象,开发者可以添加工作表、设置单元格值、格式化样式、应用公式,然后使用Writer接口将这些内容导出为Excel文件。例如,可以使用`PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter()`创建一个...


    - **内存管理**:由于PHPExcel可能会占用大量内存,因此在处理大文件时,可以使用内存优化模式或分批读写来避免内存溢出。 - **缓存策略**:通过设置不同的缓存策略,如内存映射、XML文件存储,可以平衡性能和资源...


    为了提高处理大量数据的效率,这个类库可能实现了缓存策略,如只读取需要的行或列,或者使用内存映射技术减少内存占用。 7. **安全措施** 类库可能会包含安全相关的功能,比如防止XSS攻击,过滤非法字符,以及...


    2. **内存管理**:由于PHPExcel在内存中处理整个工作簿,处理大文件时可能导致内存占用过高。为此,可以利用其提供的chunk读写功能来分批处理数据。 3. **性能优化**:在处理大量数据时,可以开启缓存机制,如使用...


    PHPExcel支持Excel的大部分内置公式,可以直接在单元格中设置。例如,计算两单元格之和: ```php $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C1', '=A1+B1'); ``` 6. **处理大量数据**: 对于大数据操作...


    - 写入Excel:创建Writer对象,逐行写入数据,同样不占用大量内存。 - 支持流式处理:Spout支持在文件很大时进行流式读写,非常适合大数据处理。 4. 自定义实现: 如果是自定义的PHP Excel类,可能会利用PHP的...

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