原文 PEP-318 网址:http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0318/
- @dec2
- @dec1
- def func(arg1, arg2, ...):
- pass
This is equivalent to(等价于):
- def func(arg1, arg2, ...):
- pass
- func = dec2(dec1(func))
Much of the discussion on comp.lang.python and the python-dev mailing list focuses on the use of decorators as a cleaner way to use the staticmethod() and classmethod() builtins. This capability is much more powerful than that. This section presents some examples of use.
在comp.lang.python 和 python-dev的大部分讨论集中在更简捷地使用内置修饰符staticmethod() 和 classmethod() 上。但修饰符的功能远比这强大。下面会对它的使用进行一些讲解:
1.Define a function to be executed at exit. Note that the function isn't actually "wrapped" in the usual sense.
- def onexit(f):
- import atexit
- atexit.register(f)
- return f
- @onexit
- def func():
- ...
Note that this example is probably not suitable for real usage, but is for example purposes only.
2. Define a class with a singleton instance. Note that once the class disappears enterprising programmers would have to be more creative to create more instances. (From Shane Hathaway onpython-dev.)
- def singleton(cls):
- instances = {}
- def getinstance():
- if cls not in instances:
- instances[cls] = cls()
- return instances[cls]
- return getinstance
- @singleton
- class MyClass:
- ...
- def attrs(**kwds):
- def decorate(f):
- for k in kwds:
- setattr(f, k, kwds[k])
- return f
- return decorate
- @attrs(versionadded="2.2",
- author="Guido van Rossum")
- def mymethod(f):
- ...
4.Enforce function argument and return types. Note that this copies the func_name attribute from the old to the new function. func_name was made writable in Python 2.4a3:
- def accepts(*types):
- def check_accepts(f):
- assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount
- def new_f(*args, **kwds):
- for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
- assert isinstance(a, t), \
- "arg %r does not match %s" % (a,t)
- return f(*args, **kwds)
- new_f.func_name = f.func_name
- return new_f
- return check_accepts
- def returns(rtype):
- def check_returns(f):
- def new_f(*args, **kwds):
- result = f(*args, **kwds)
- assert isinstance(result, rtype), \
- "return value %r does not match %s" % (result,rtype)
- return result
- new_f.func_name = f.func_name
- return new_f
- return check_returns
- @accepts(int, (int,float))
- @returns((int,float))
- def func(arg1, arg2):
- return arg1 * arg2
5.Declare that a class implements a particular (set of) interface(s). This is from a posting by Bob Ippolito on python-dev based on experience with PyProtocols [27].
- def provides(*interfaces):
- """
- An actual, working, implementation of provides for
- the current implementation of PyProtocols. Not
- particularly important for the PEP text.
- """
- def provides(typ):
- declareImplementation(typ, instancesProvide=interfaces)
- return typ
- return provides
- class IBar(Interface):
- """Declare something about IBar here"""
- @provides(IBar)
- class Foo(object):
- """Implement something here..."""
Python没有公有、私有访问修饰符,所以转换时需考虑访问控制的相应调整。 2. 方法和函数:Java的方法在Python中被映射为函数,包括构造函数、抽象方法和重载方法。Python不支持重载,所以转换可能需要合并相似功能...
在Python编程语言中,了解和熟练使用修饰符、`operator`模块、作用域以及动态编译是提升代码效率和质量的关键。这篇学习笔记将深入探讨这些主题,帮助你更好地掌握Python编程的核心概念。 首先,我们来看看修饰符。...
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正则修饰符示例:\w+$ 表示匹配以一个或者多个字母结尾re.M 可以进行多行匹配,每个换行都认为是一个结尾不实用re.M修饰符,只会匹配到最后的 man。
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2. **历史背景**:在JavaScript之前,Perl和Python等语言已经支持`s`修饰符,使得`.`可以跨行匹配。JavaScript的这一更新是为了保持与其他语言的兼容性。 3. **应用场景**:这个修饰符在处理多行文本,尤其是从用户...
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在Python中,可以通过访问修饰符来实现封装,如`public`(默认,无需修饰符)、`private`(前缀`_`)和`protected`(前缀`__`)。封装有助于保护数据,防止外部代码随意修改对象状态。 6. 多态: 多态允许不同类的...
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