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<table style="height: 1317px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="628"><colgroup><col style="width: 83pt;" width="111"><col style="width: 83pt;" width="110"><col style="width: 93pt;" width="124"><col style="width: 602pt;" width="803"></colgroup><tbody><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl67" style="height: 14.25pt; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">os.name</td><td class="xl67" style="border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">os.version</td><td class="xl67" style="border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">os.arch</td><td class="xl67" style="border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">comments</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">2.0.31</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">ibm java 1.3</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">i386</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">sun java 1.3.1, 1.4 or blackdown java; (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86_64</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">blackdown java; note x86_64 might change to amd64; (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">sparc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">blackdown java; (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">blackdown java; (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">armv41</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">blackdown java; (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">i686</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">gnu java compiler (gcj); (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">linux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">(*)</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc64</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">ibm java 1.3; (*) os.version depends on linux kernel version</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">mac os</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">7.5.1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">powerpc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">mac os</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">8.1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">powerpc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">mac os</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">9.0, 9.2.2</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">powerpc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">macos 9.0: java.version=1.1.8, mrj.version=2.2.5; macos 9.2.2: java.version=1.1.8 mrj.version=2.2.5</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">mac os x</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">10.1.3</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl71" style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; height: 28.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" rowspan="2" width="111" height="38">mac os x</td><td class="xl71" style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" rowspan="2" width="110">10.2.6</td><td class="xl71" style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; border-top: medium none; width: 93pt;" rowspan="2" width="124">ppc</td><td class="xl69" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">java(tm) 2 runtime environment, standard edition (build 1.4.1_01-39)</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl70" style="height: 14.25pt; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803" height="19">java hotspot(tm) client vm (build 1.4.1_01-14, mixed mode)</td></tr><tr style="height: 28.5pt;" height="38"><td class="xl65" style="height: 28.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="38">mac os x</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">10.2.8</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">using 1.3 jvm: java.vm.version=1.3.1_03-74, mrj.version=3.3.2; using 1.4 jvm: java.vm.version=1.4.1_01-24, mrj.version=69.1</td></tr><tr style="height: 57pt;" height="76"><td class="xl65" style="height: 57pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="76">mac os x</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">10.3.1, 10.3.2, 10.3.3, 10.3.4</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.4.x</td></tr><tr style="height: 28.5pt;" height="38"><td class="xl65" style="height: 28.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="38">mac os x</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">10.3.8</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">mac os x 10.3.8 server; using 1.3 jvm: java.vm.version=1.3.1_03-76, mrj.version=3.3.3; using 1.4 jvm: java.vm.version=1.4.2-38; mrj.version=141.3</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">windows 95</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">windows 98</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4.1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">note, that if you run sun jdk 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 windows 98 identifies itself as windows 95.</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">windows me</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4.9</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">windows nt</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">windows 2000</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">5</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">windows xp</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">5.1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">note, that if you run older java runtimes windows xp identifies itself as windows 2000.</td></tr><tr style="height: 28.5pt;" height="38"><td class="xl65" style="height: 28.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="38">windows 2003</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">5.2</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">java.vm.version=1.4.2_06-b03; note, that windows server 2003 identifies itself only as windows 2003.</td></tr><tr style="height: 28.5pt;" height="38"><td class="xl65" style="height: 28.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="38">windows ce</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">3.0 build 11171</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">arm</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">compaq ipaq 3950 (pocketpc 2002)</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">os/2</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">20.4</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">solaris</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">2.x</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">sparc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">sunos</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">5.7</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">sparc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">sun ultra 5 running solaris 2.7</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">sunos</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">5.8</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">sparc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">sun ultra 2 running solaris 8</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl71" style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; height: 28.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" rowspan="2" width="111" height="38">sunos</td><td class="xl71" style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" rowspan="2" width="110">5.9</td><td class="xl71" style="border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; border-top: medium none; width: 93pt;" rowspan="2" width="124">sparc</td><td class="xl69" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">java(tm) 2 runtime environment, standard edition (build 1.4.0_01-b03)</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl70" style="height: 14.25pt; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803" height="19">java hotspot(tm) client vm (build 1.4.0_01-b03, mixed mode)</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">mpe/ix</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">c.55.00</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa-risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.10.20</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa-risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.1.x</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.00</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa-risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.1.x</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa-risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.1.x</td></tr><tr style="height: 16.5pt;" height="22"><td class="xl65" style="height: 16.5pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="22">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa_risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.2.x/1.3.x; note java 2 returns <span class="font6">pa_risc</span><span class="font0"> and java 1 returns </span><span class="font6">pa-risc</span></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.00</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa_risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.2.x/1.3.x</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.23</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ia64n</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.4.x</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa_risc2.0</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.3.x or jdk 1.4.x, when run on a pa-risc 2.0 system</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa_risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.2.x, even when run on a pa-risc 2.0 system</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">hp-ux</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">b.11.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">pa-risc</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">jdk 1.1.x, even when run on a pa-risc 2.0 system</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">aix</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">5.2</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">ppc64</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">sun.arch.data.model=64</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">aix</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4.3</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">power</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">aix</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4.1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">power_rs</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19"><span style="color: #888888;">os/390</span></td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110"><span style="color: #888888;">390</span></td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124"><span style="color: #888888;">02.10.00</span></td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"><span style="color: #888888;">j2re 1.3.1 ibm os/390 persistent reusable vm</span></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">freebsd</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">2.2.2-release</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">irix</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">6.3</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">mips</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">digital unix</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">alpha</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">netware 4.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">4.11</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">x86</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803"></td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">osf1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">v5.1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">alpha</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">java 1.3.1 on compaq (now hp) tru64 unix v5.1</td></tr><tr style="height: 14.25pt;" height="19"><td class="xl65" style="height: 14.25pt; border-top: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="111" height="19">openvms</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 83pt;" width="110">v7.2-1</td><td class="xl65" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 93pt;" width="124">alpha</td><td class="xl68" style="border-top: medium none; border-left: medium none; width: 602pt;" width="803">java 1.3.1_1 on openvms 7.2</td></tr></tbody></table>
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在Python中,`os`模块是操作系统交互的核心接口。要使用目录切换功能,首先需要导入`os`模块: ```python import os ``` 2. **切换目录:os.chdir()** `os.chdir()`函数用于改变当前工作目录到指定的路径。...
系统,因此不需要先安装 DOS 或其他的操作系统(MS Windows, OS2, MINIX..)就可以进 行直接的安装。 Linux的最早起源是在1991年10月5日由一位芬兰的大学生Linux Torvalds (Torvalds@kruuna.helsinki.fi)写了 Linux...
- `os.name`和`os.version`:操作系统名称和版本。 - `user.name`:当前登录用户的用户名。 - `user.dir`:启动Java应用程序的当前工作目录。 - `file.encoding`:系统默认的文件编码。 - `java.class.path`:...
本手册是ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 S60 V3的用户手册,该手册旨在帮助用户熟悉和使用ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 S60 V3软件,特别是针对使用S60 V3操作系统的移动设备。以下是本手册中所涉及的知识点: 1、导航屏幕(Navigation ...
可以看出,返回的结果包含了许多与操作系统交互相关的常量和函数名称,如文件操作权限标志 (`F_OK`, `R_OK`, `W_OK`, `X_OK`) 和文件打开模式 (`O_RDONLY`, `O_WRONLY`, `O_RDWR`) 等。 - **`help()` 函数**:该...
### 操作系统实验——实现FAT12文件系统的关键知识点 #### 1. FAT12文件系统的概述 FAT12文件系统是一种较早的文件系统格式,主要用于较小的存储设备,如软盘等。其主要特点在于使用12位(即1.5字节)的簇号来表示...
print(f"操作系统名称:{os.Caption}") print(f"版本:{os.Version}") print(f"安装日期:{os.InstallDate}") # 其他属性... ``` 接着,我们要获取网卡信息。这通常涉及到查询网络接口控制器(NICs),包括其...
- **`os.name`**:显示操作系统名称,例如“Windows 10”、“Linux”等。 - **`os.arch`**:表示操作系统的架构,例如“amd64”或“x86”。 - **`os.version`**:给出操作系统的版本号,如“10.0.19041”等。 #### ...
Python 的 `os` 模块提供了很多与操作系统交互的功能。本文将详细介绍其中29种常用的方法,并通过实例代码帮助读者更好地理解和掌握这些方法。 #### 1. `os.getcwd()` - **功能**:获取当前工作目录的完整路径。 - ...
ConfigParser模块还提供了其他实用功能,如sections方法可以获取所有段的名称列表,options方法可以获取指定段下的所有键名列表。这些功能使操作cfg配置文件更加灵活和方便。 例如,获取所有段名的代码可以是: ``...
2. **操作系统命令执行示例:** - `WINDOWS-orakill SLP 17206 40` - `LINUX-kill SESSION-22 17206 40` 这些命令用于在Windows和Linux系统上杀死与特定会话相关联的进程。 ### 配置参数调整 1. **锁的数量配置...
1. **os模块**:提供了许多与操作系统交互的功能,例如获取当前工作目录、列出指定目录下的所有文件等。 2. **os.path模块**:提供了一些有用的文件路径处理函数,例如拆分路径、判断路径是否为文件或目录等。 3. ...
在教材中还提到了操作系统2200OS,这是Unisys公司的专有操作系统,用于支持其DCS的运行。该操作系统以其高可靠性、安全性和稳定性而著称,非常适合处理航空业务的高负载环境。 关于培训内容中的命令和功能,例如...
- `os.name`: 操作系统的名称。 - `os.arch`: 操作系统的架构。 - `user.name`: 用户的账户名称。 - `user.home`: 用户的主目录。 可以通过`System.getProperties()`获取所有系统属性,并遍历`Properties`对象...
这些分区可能包括操作系统、应用程序、用户数据、配置文件、日志记录等多个部分。理解并正确配置分区表对于确保系统的稳定运行和高效管理至关重要。 首先,我们需要解析压缩包内的" CW M301Hv300分区表.xml"文件。...
例如:“Format the hard drive before installing the OS”(在安装操作系统之前格式化硬盘)。 14. change: 改变。用于修改或替换事物。例如:“Change the user password”(更改用户密码)。 15. cursor: 光标...
值范围: 根据操作系统而定。 默认值 : 1 circuits: 说明 : 指定可用于入站和出站网络会话的虚拟电路总数。 该参数是构成某个例程的总 SGA 要求的若干参数之一。 默认值 : 派生: SESSIONS 参数的值 (如果正在使用...
PCS7OS_history文档详细介绍了在PCS7操作系统中显示历史趋势的方法,包括在不同的显示面板上显示归档的历史趋势。PCS7OS_history文档是技术人员在进行系统升级、调试和维护时的重要参考资料。 PCS7系统包含多种显示...