代码统计工具:cloc(count lines of code)能够兼容windows和linux操作系统
- 下载cloc,并为cloc配置环境变量,使在windows命令行下所有目录可以执行cloc命令。我下载后cloc名称为cloc-1.62.exe,并且配置好了环境变量。
- 执行cloc-1.62可以查看到命令参数信息。
Input Options --extract-with=<cmd> This option is only needed if cloc is unable to figure out how to extract the contents of the input file(s) by itself. Use <cmd> to extract binary archive files (e.g.: .tar.gz, .zip, .Z). Use the literal '>FILE<' as a stand-in for the actual file(s) to be extracted. For example, to count lines of code in the input files gcc-4.2.tar.gz perl-5.8.8.tar.gz on Unix use --extract-with='gzip -dc >FILE< | tar xf -' or, if you have GNU tar, --extract-with='tar zxf >FILE<' and on Windows use, for example: --extract-with="\"c:\Program Files\WinZip\WinZip .exe\" -e -o >FILE< ." (if WinZip is installed there). --list-file=<file> Take the list of file and/or directory names to process from <file> which has one file/directory name per line. See also --exclude-list-file. --unicode Check binary files to see if they contain Unicode expanded ASCII text. This causes performance to drop noticably. Processing Options --autoconf Count .in files (as processed by GNU autoconf) of recognized languages. --by-file Report results for every source file encountered. --by-file-by-lang Report results for every source file encountered in addition to reporting by language. --diff <set1> <set2> Compute differences in code and comments between source file(s) of <set1> and <set2>. The inputs may be pairs of files, directories, or archives. Use --diff-alignment to generate a list showing which file pairs where compared. See also --ignore-case, --ignore-whitespace. --diff-timeout <N> Ignore files which take more than <N> seconds to process. Default is 10 seconds. (Large files with many repeated lines can cause Algorithm::Diff::sdiff() to take hours.) --follow-links [Unix only] Follow symbolic links to directories (sym links to files are always followed). --force-lang=<lang>[,<ext>] Process all files that have a <ext> extension with the counter for language <lang>. For example, to count all .f files with the Fortran 90 counter (which expects files to end with .f90) instead of the default Fortran 77 counter, use --force-lang="Fortran 90",f If <ext> is omitted, every file will be counted with the <lang> counter. This option can be specified multiple times (but that is only useful when <ext> is given each time). See also --script-lang, --lang-no-ext. --force-lang-def=<file> Load language processing filters from <file>, then use these filters instead of the built-in filters. Note: languages which map to the same file extension (for example: MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS; Pascal/PHP; Lisp/OpenCL) will be ignored as these require additional processing that is not expressed in language definition files. Use --read-lang-def to define new language filters without replacing built-in filters (see also --write-lang-def). --ignore-whitespace Ignore horizontal white space when comparing files with --diff. See also --ignore-case. --ignore-case Ignore changes in case; consider upper- and lower- case letters equivalent when comparing files with --diff. See also --ignore-whitespace. --lang-no-ext=<lang> Count files without extensions using the <lang> counter. This option overrides internal logic for files without extensions (where such files are checked against known scripting languages by examining the first line for #!). See also --force-lang, --script-lang. --max-file-size=<MB> Skip files larger than <MB> megabytes when traversing directories. By default, <MB>=100. cloc's memory requirement is roughly twenty times larger than the largest file so running with files larger than 100 MB on a computer with less than 2 GB of memory will cause problems. Note: this check does not apply to files explicitly passed as command line arguments. --read-binary-files Process binary files in addition to text files. This is usually a bad idea and should only be attempted with text files that have embedded binary data. --read-lang-def=<file> Load new language processing filters from <file> and merge them with those already known to cloc. If <file> defines a language cloc already knows about, cloc's definition will take precedence. Use --force-lang-def to over-ride cloc's definitions (see also --write-lang-def ). --script-lang=<lang>,<s> Process all files that invoke <s> as a #! scripting language with the counter for language <lang>. For example, files that begin with #!/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 will be counted with the Perl counter by using --script-lang=Perl,perl5.8.8 The language name is case insensitive but the name of the script language executable, <s>, must have the right case. This option can be specified multiple times. See also --force-lang, --lang-no-ext. --sdir=<dir> Use <dir> as the scratch directory instead of letting File::Temp chose the location. Files written to this location are not removed at the end of the run (as they are with File::Temp). --skip-uniqueness Skip the file uniqueness check. This will give a performance boost at the expense of counting files with identical contents multiple times (if such duplicates exist). --stdin-name=<file> Give a file name to use to determine the language for standard input. --strip-comments=<ext> For each file processed, write to the current directory a version of the file which has blank lines and comments removed. The name of each
按照代码类型统计文件夹:E:\MY-SVN\projects\system下的代码并生成统计表报告。命令:cloc-1.62 --by-file-by-lang --xml --out=cloc.xml "E:\MY-SVN\projects\system" - 为方便生成统计报告,写了一个批处理脚本。在项目根目录下新建一个bin文件夹,并将脚本cloc.bat放入,执行脚本后会在bin目录下生成一个文件名称为code_reports.xml的代码统计报告。报告部分内容如下:
<languages> <language name="Java" files_count="52" blank="336" comment="256" code="1093" /> <language name="JSP" files_count="6" blank="17" comment="23" code="367" /> <language name="XML" files_count="4" blank="7" comment="22" code="181" /> <language name="Maven" files_count="1" blank="9" comment="6" code="63" /> <language name="Javascript" files_count="4" blank="0" comment="4" code="51" /> <language name="DOS Batch" files_count="2" blank="1" comment="0" code="20" /> <language name="JSON" files_count="1" blank="0" comment="0" code="20" /> <language name="Visualforce Component" files_count="1" blank="0" comment="0" code="19" /> <language name="HTML" files_count="1" blank="0" comment="0" code="8" /> <total sum_files="72" blank="370" comment="311" code="1822" /> </languages>
- cloc.bat脚本见附件。
代码统计工具是软件开发过程中非常重要的辅助工具,它们主要用于分析和评估项目代码的质量、规模以及结构。本篇文章将深入探讨“ozG4 プログラムアナライザー”这款日语代码统计工具,以及它在代码统计领域的应用。 ...
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源代码统计工具。 简单的源代码统计工具,包括总行数,注释行数等
这就是“软件项目代码统计工具”发挥重要作用的地方。这款工具专为Windows平台设计,无需安装,提供简单易用的界面,使得代码统计工作变得快速而高效。 代码统计工具的核心功能是量化项目的源代码,这包括但不限于...