1. function arguments: arguments 表示函数的参数列表数组。
2. argument.callee property: 表示函数本身:
function(x) { if (x <= 1) return 1; return x * arguments.callee(x-1); }
3. Defining Your Own Function Properties:
// Create and initialize the "static" variable.
// Function declarations are processed before code is executed, so
// we really can do this assignment before the function declaration.
uniqueInteger.counter = 0;
// Here's the function. It returns a different value each time
// it is called and uses a "static" property of itself to keep track
// of the last value it returned.
function uniqueInteger() {
// Increment and return our "static" variable
return uniqueInteger.counter++;
4.Utility Function Examples
// Return an array that holds the names of the enumerable properties of o function getPropertyNames(/* object */o) { var r = []; for(name in o) r.push(name); return r; } // Copy the enumerable properties of the object from to the object to. // If to is null, a new object is created. The function returns to or the // newly created object. function copyProperties(/* object */ from, /* optional object */ to) { if (!to) to = {}; for(p in from) to[p] = from[p]; return to; } // Copy the enumerable properties of the object from to the object to, // but only the ones that are not already defined by to. // This is useful, for example, when from contains default values that // we want to use if they are not already defined in to. function copyUndefinedProperties(/* object */ from, /* object */ to) { for(p in from) { if (!p in to) to[p] = from[p]; } }
5. a class example:
// We begin with the constructor function Circle(radius) { // r is an instance property, defined and initialized in the constructor. this.r = radius; } // Circle.PI is a class propertyit is a property of the constructor function. Circle.PI = 3.14159; // Here is an instance method that computes a circle's area. Circle.prototype.area = function( ) { return Circle.PI * this.r * this.r; } // This class method takes two Circle objects and returns the // one that has the larger radius. Circle.max = function(a,b) { if (a.r > b.r) return a; else return b; } // Here is some code that uses each of these fields: var c = new Circle(1.0); // Create an instance of the Circle class c.r = 2.2; // Set the r instance property var a = c.area( ); // Invoke the area( ) instance method var x = Math.exp(Circle.PI); // Use the PI class property in our own computation var d = new Circle(1.2); // Create another Circle instance var bigger = Circle.max(c,d); // Use the max( ) class method
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