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Oracle 多行合并一行 方法 -
我尝试在windows中搭环境编译 curl-java-mas ...
有强大的cURL,忘掉httpclient的吧! -
同求http://www.gknw.de/mirror/cur ...
有强大的cURL,忘掉httpclient的吧! -
好早的文章,现在才看到,就是这个链接http://www.gk ...
有强大的cURL,忘掉httpclient的吧! -
LZ应该贴个例子出来, 网上这方面的东西太少了.
想把Nutch抓取的web page结果放入到Hypertable中去,目前思路主要有三个:
1. 修改Nutch源代码,让Nutch基于Hypertable工作,可以参考Hbase的实现. 由于该实现缺失Nutch好多特性,而且不易升级,考虑作罢.
2. 将Nutch抓取结果以命令导出为text的dump文件,然后用MapReduce解析该文件,哪相关信息到Hypertable.
3. 其实和第一一样,只不过是直接使用人家已经改好的基于Hbase的实现,然后导出一份tsv文件导入到Hypertable. 不仅融合了第一的缺点还增加了麻烦. 不考虑.
Ps:仅供参考,如果大家有什么更好的方法,欢迎讨论. 另外代码里也没有严格控制数据的一致性,若要在产品上运行还得进一步修改.
1. 修改Nutch源代码,让Nutch基于Hypertable工作,可以参考Hbase的实现. 由于该实现缺失Nutch好多特性,而且不易升级,考虑作罢.
2. 将Nutch抓取结果以命令导出为text的dump文件,然后用MapReduce解析该文件,哪相关信息到Hypertable.
3. 其实和第一一样,只不过是直接使用人家已经改好的基于Hbase的实现,然后导出一份tsv文件导入到Hypertable. 不仅融合了第一的缺点还增加了麻烦. 不考虑.
package nutchdump; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.NullWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.hypertable.thrift.ThriftClient; import org.hypertable.thriftgen.Cell; import org.hypertable.thriftgen.ClientException; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; /** * NutchDumpReader * *Reads the dump entries from nutch dump command output, get each line result to *write into hypertable database as special format *由于只保存抓取的网页内容,所以只关心Nutch导出的文件中,Content::这一块的相关信息 * * @author(lovejuan1314) */ public class NutchDumpReader extends Configured implements Tool{ // where to put the data in hdfs when we're done private static final String OUTPUT_PATH = "nutch_content_result"; // where to read the data from. private static final String INPUT_PATH = "/shared/nutch/segdump"; static class NutchReaderMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> { public NutchReaderMapper() { } public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String dumpline = value.toString(); NutchDumpRecord nutchDumpRecord = new NutchDumpRecord(dumpline); String version = nutchDumpRecord.getVersion(); if (version != null){ output.collect(new Text("version"), new Text(version)); } String base = nutchDumpRecord.getBase(); if (base != null){ output.collect(new Text("base"), new Text(base)); } String ContentType = nutchDumpRecord.getContentType(); if (ContentType != null){ output.collect(new Text("ContentType"), new Text(ContentType)); } String metadata = nutchDumpRecord.getMetadata(); if (metadata != null){ output.collect(new Text("metadata"), new Text(metadata)); } String url = nutchDumpRecord.getUrl(); if (url != null){ output.collect(new Text("url"), new Text(url)); } String content = nutchDumpRecord.getContent(); if (content != null){ output.collect(new Text("content"), new Text(content)); } } } static class NutchReaderReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, Text, Text, NullWritable> { public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<Text> values, OutputCollector<Text, NullWritable> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { String valKey = key.toString(); while(values.hasNext()){ Text val = values.next(); if (val.toString() != null){ //write into hypertable writeIntoTable(valKey,val.toString()); // output output.collect(key, NullWritable.get()); } } } } /** * * @param colName * @param colValue */ private static void writeIntoTable(String colName,String colValue){ try { ThriftClient client = ThriftClient.create("", 38080); // mutator examples long mutator = client.open_mutator("webDb", 0, 0); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { Cell cell = new Cell(); String sysDt = ts.toString(); //设置行关键字 我使用了系统时间+反转URL的格式 cell.row_key = sysDt+" "+"com.mytest.www"; //列名 cell.column_family = colName; //列值 cell.value = colValue.getBytes(); client.set_cell(mutator, cell); } finally { client.close_mutator(mutator, true); } } catch (TTransportException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch (ClientException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** Driver for the actual MapReduce process */ private void runJob() throws IOException{ JobConf conf = new JobConf(getConf(),NutchDumpReader.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path(INPUT_PATH)); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(OUTPUT_PATH)); conf.setMapperClass(NutchReaderMapper.class); conf.setReducerClass(NutchReaderReducer.class); conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(NullWritable.class); conf.setMapOutputValueClass(Text.class); JobClient.runJob(conf); } public int run(String[] arg0) throws Exception { runJob(); return 0; } public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception { int ret = ToolRunner.run(new NutchDumpReader(), args); System.exit(ret); } }
package nutchdump; public class NutchDumpRecord { // the actual line from dump file private String record; // the fileds on the line private String version; private String url; private String base; private String ContentType; private String metadata; private String content; //public NutchDumpFileRecord public NutchDumpRecord(final String record){ if (record == null){ this.record = ""; }else{ this.record = record; } this.parse(); } protected void parse(){ int versionIdx = this.record.indexOf("Version:"); int urlIdx = this.record.indexOf("url:"); int baseIdx = this.record.indexOf("base:"); int contentTypeIdx = this.record.indexOf("contentType:"); int metadataIdx = this.record.indexOf("metadata"); int contentIdx = this.record.indexOf("Content:"); if (versionIdx != -1){ this.version = this.record.substring(versionIdx).trim(); } if (urlIdx != -1){ this.url = this.record.substring(urlIdx).trim(); } if (baseIdx != -1){ this.base = this.record.substring(baseIdx).trim(); } if (contentTypeIdx != -1){ this.ContentType = this.record.substring(contentTypeIdx).trim(); } if (metadataIdx != -1){ this.metadata = this.record.substring(metadataIdx).trim(); } if (contentIdx != -1){ this.content = this.record.substring(contentIdx).trim(); } } // getters /** Return the record */ public String getRecord(){ return this.record; } public String getVersion(){ return this.version; } public String getUrl(){ return this.url; } public String getBase(){ return this.base; } public String getContentType(){ return this.ContentType; } public String getMetadata(){ return this.metadata; } public String getContent(){ return this.content; } }
//这个类是Hypertable源码中提供的. /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * Copyright (C) 2008 Luke Lu (Zvents, Inc.) * * This file is distributed under the Apache Software License * (http://www.apache.org/licenses/) */ package nutchdump; import org.hypertable.thriftgen.*; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; public class ThriftClient extends HqlService.Client { public ThriftClient(TProtocol protocol) { super(protocol); } // Java only allow super as the first statement of constructor. It doesn't // support multiple inheritance to use the base-from-member idiom either. So, // we're resorting to a static factory method here. public static ThriftClient create(String host, int port, int timeout_ms, boolean do_open) throws TTransportException, TException { TFramedTransport transport = new TFramedTransport( new TSocket(host, port, timeout_ms)); ThriftClient client = new ThriftClient(new TBinaryProtocol(transport)); client.transport = transport; if (do_open) client.open(); return client; } // Java doesn't support default argument values, which makes things // unnecessarily verbose here public static ThriftClient create(String host, int port) throws TTransportException, TException { return create(host, port, 30000, true); } public void open() throws TTransportException, TException { transport.open(); do_close = true; } public void close() { if (do_close) { transport.close(); do_close = false; } } private TFramedTransport transport; private boolean do_close = false; }
Ps:仅供参考,如果大家有什么更好的方法,欢迎讨论. 另外代码里也没有严格控制数据的一致性,若要在产品上运行还得进一步修改.
2009-10-28 11:00 1131//查看Hypertable 的所有属性 /opt/ ... -
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Nutch-0.9 研究 Whole-web Crawling<一>
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<value>http://localhost:8983/solr/nutch</value> </property> ``` - 上述配置指定了存储类型、HTTP 代理设置、插件包含列表等关键参数。 通过以上步骤,您可以在 CentOS 6.3 系统上成功搭建 Nutch 2.3.1 环境...
`bin/nutch readdb <crawldb> (-stats | -dump <out_dir> | -url <url>)` - `<crawldb>`: Crawl 数据库的路径。 - `[-stats]`: 输出数据库的统计信息。 - `[-dump <out_dir>]`: 将数据库信息导出到指定目录。 -...
4. **执行爬行命令**:使用`bin/nutch crawl urls -dir <output_dir> -depth <depth> -topN <num>`命令启动爬虫,其中`<output_dir>`指定爬行结果的存储目录,`<depth>`设定爬行深度,`<num>`控制每层深度的最大爬行...
- 打开 `nutch\conf\nutch-site.xml` 文件,在 `<configuration>` 标签内添加以下内容来配置目标站点: ```xml <property> <name>http.robots.agents</name> <value></value> ...
- [-dir<d>]:工作目录参数,用于指定Nutch保存爬取记录的路径,默认路径为当前日期的相对路径。 - [-threads<n>]:参数用于设定Fetcher线程数,覆盖默认配置文件中的fetcher.threads.fetch值,默认为10。 - [-depth...
本文将详细介绍如何在Nutch 10版本中配置代理,并解决在配置过程中可能遇到的问题。 #### 配置文件说明 Nutch 10配置文件主要分为几个部分: 1. **Crawling Configuration**:爬虫配置文件,包括`conf/crawl-...
<value>c:/nutch-1.0/crawled</value> </property> </nutch-conf> ``` **6. XSLT样式表** Nutch还支持使用XSLT进行数据转换。例如,在XML文件中引用XSL样式表: ```xml <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=...
- `<property><name>searcher.dir</name><value>e:/crawl_data</value></property>` 3. **执行爬虫任务**: - 右键点击 `src/java/org.apache.nutch.crawl.Crawl` 类,选择 “Run As” -> “Run Configuration”...
<value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/nutch?user=root&password=your_password</value> </property> <property> <name>storage.data.db.driver</name> <value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value> </property> ...
Nutch 是一个开源的 Web 搜索引擎框架,它主要用于爬取和索引互联网上的网页。在处理中文内容时,可能会遇到一些特定的问题,比如“nutch无法下载中文文件”。这个问题通常与字符编码、URL 处理和配置设置有关。下面...
尤其是针对你的抓取目录,将`<nutch-conf>`标签内的内容替换为: ``` <nutch-conf> <property> <name>searcher.dir</name> <value>Your_crawl_dir_path</value> </property> </nutch-conf> ``` 其中`Your_...
<value>D:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\nutch\\crawled</value> <description> Path to root of crawl. This directory is searched (in order) for either the file search-servers.txt, containing a list of ...
4. **编译与安装**:编译插件并将其放入Nutch的类路径中,以便在爬虫运行时使用。 四、Nutch配置 在Nutch的配置文件中,我们可以设置`http.agent.name`来定义爬虫的User-Agent字符串,这对于识别为移动设备至关...
**Nutch 网页爬取总结** **前言** Nutch 是一个开源的网络爬虫项目,由 Apache 基金会维护,主要用于构建大规模的搜索引擎。它提供了从互联网抓取网页、分析链接关系、生成倒排索引等一系列功能。Nutch 的设计目标...
<meta name="description" content="This is an example page for Nutch parser." /> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to Example Page</h1> <p>This is some text on the page.</p> <a href=...
以上命令会执行三个深度级别的抓取,并将结果输出到日志文件中。 Nutch会生成一系列的文件夹和文件来存储索引和相关数据,例如: - crawl:包含爬虫生成的数据; - segments:包含分段的索引数据; - crawl_db:...
- 打开`nutch/conf/nutch-site.xml`文件,在`<configuration>`标签内添加以下内容: ```xml <property> <name>http.agent.name</name> <value>CustomAgentName</value> <description>...
2. 指定HBase使用的Hadoop配置目录:`<property><name>hbase.rootdir</name><value>hdfs://localhost:9000/hbase</value></property>` 3. 配置Zookeeper地址:`<property><name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</name><value...