OpenKinect是一个开源的xbox kinect 项目。
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Welcome to the OpenKinect project
AboutOpenKinectis an open community of people interested in making use of the amazing Xbox Kinect hardware with our PCs and other devices. We are working on free, open source libraries that will enable
the Kinect to be used with Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Currently, our primary focus is thelibfreenectsoftware.
OpenKinect是致力与把令人惊奇的Xbox Kinect 体感硬件用于PC和其它设备的开放社区。社区成员开发免费,开源的基础库,让kinect可以运行在Windows, Linux, 和 Mac上。
Get started right away byinstallingthe software
to your platform.
Communications If you want to participate or just watch the progress of the OpenKinect effort, subscribe to theOpenKinect
mailing list. In the application form, please tell us something about yourself and you'll be approved automatically. You could also subscribe to a low-trafficannouncement-only
mailing list.
You can follow us onTwitter@openkinect.Please
use the #tag #openkinect when tweeting your work.
You can meet people in your area working on OpenKinect throughMeetup Groups:
You can also chat with people developing on OpenKinect software onIRC:#OpenKinecton or using this web basedchat. Channel logs (daily
rotation) can be foundhere.
Project informationProject Roadmap
The current roadmap for the project (libfreenect, OpenKinect Processing library, and Openkinect apps)...
Project Policies
The official name of the project, license, contribution policy, coordination between developers, and decision making...
Project History
A few key dates and milestones...
Contributing Code- How to contribute code
Official repositories, use of a fork and Openkinect source header, signing off, submissions and evaluation...
Contributing- There many ways to contribute besides
Testing, administrative tasks, support related tasks, documentation, collaboration etc.
Code Integration- How to deal with how we use
Repository policy, git usage, workflows, how to start development and keep up to date, and the integration process...
Installation- How to download, build and install
Requirements and steps to install on Linux, OS X and Windows, user contributed guides...
People- Who is doing what
Project leader, maintainers, and who is doing what in the OpenKinect project...
Gallery- Videos and links to things people are doing with
Demos and solutions using OpenKinect...
Frequently asked questions...
Project Logo
Project Ideas
Ideas and concepts to explore using OpenKinect...
API Documentation
Record- Dumps Kinect data to PPM, PGM, and a bin
dump for RGB, Depth, and Accel respectively.
Fakenect- libfreenect simulator/mock interface that lets
you use the kinect demos without having a kinect (plays back data fromRecord)
Knowledge base
- Open Natural Interaction, an industry-led, not-for-profit
organization formed to certify and promote the compatibility and interoperability of Natural Interaction (NI) devices, applications and middleware.
- Open source framework for natural interaction
- Open source driver
for the PrimeSensor Development Kit
Comment Threads
Kinect Themed sites
KINECT开源项目:Open KINECT介绍 与 Open KINECT源码下载
开源开源 本项目用来分享我所收集的优秀的开源代码。 此文件夹将用于共享我的开源项目集合 ...精心整理收集开源项目,逐步帮助像我一样希望学习计算机精华与灵魂的东西,阅读这些伟大的作品的早期原型
这个项目不仅提供了源码示例,还涵盖了关键的技术点,对于学习和理解Kinect与OpenNI的结合使用非常有帮助。 总的来说,KinectSDKDemo展示了如何利用现代技术来打造创新的交互体验。通过对Kinect SDK、OpenNI和WPF的...
在本案例中,"debian-openni" 是一个针对 Debian 发行版的开源项目,它与多媒体处理和计算机视觉技术有关,特别是 OpenNI(Open Natural Interaction)框架。 OpenNI 是一个开源的中间件,主要目的是促进自然人机...
4. **Open3D**: 一个用于3D数据可视化的开源库,支持3D点云的读取、写入、可视化、变换和几何处理。在3D扫描中,可以用来展示和处理扫描得到的点云数据。 5. **结构光扫描**: 这是一种常见的3D扫描技术,通过投射...
OpenNI(Open Natural Interaction)是一个开源框架,主要设计用于自然人机交互,特别是与3D摄像头,如微软的Kinect,进行交互。OpenNI是该框架的一个版本,提供了对多种传感器的支持,使得开发者能够轻松...
OpenNI,全称为Open Natural Interaction,是一个开源框架,专注于提供与传感器设备交互的能力,以实现自然的人机交互。在这个框架下,我们可以探索Java如何与硬件设备协同工作,构建更智能、更直观的应用。 首先,...
OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一个开源的计算机视觉和机器学习软件库,它包含了众多图像和视频处理的功能。在手势识别中,OpenCV可以用来捕获视频流,预处理图像,如灰度化、高斯模糊等,以便于...
OpenNI(Open Natural Interaction)是一个开源框架,旨在支持自然人机交互,尤其是通过传感器如Kinect进行3D图像捕捉和处理。 **OpenNI框架详解** OpenNI框架提供了一个统一的接口,使得开发者能够轻松地访问各种...
OpenNI是一个开源框架,主要用于与3D传感器(如Kinect)交互,提供自然人机交互的能力,包括捕捉和处理颜色、深度图像等。 描述中提到,PCL语言用于在Xpro live下获取深度图像的源程序,这表明这个项目是用PCL库...